Summary: This sermon uses Ephesians 4:11-16 to give biblical teaching on the NEC core value of Equipping Disciples where we seek “To train believers through God’s Word, which is proclaimed from the pulpit, taught through small groups, and applied through training events.”


Ephesians 4:11-16

Equipping Disciples

You will find many great pictures on the internet which make fun at body builders who never attend “leg day”

This is what happens when you put too much emphasis on one, or a few, parts of your body which neglecting the other parts of your body. Your body still works, but it is obvious that there is not a balance and some parts are getting left behind.

So, thinking about that analogy, let’s read Ephesians 4:11-16

In reading these verses some of you who have been here more than 6 months may remember that I preached on some of these verses not so long ago.

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It was the Bonsai sermon.

We talked then about the call for the Pastor and Teacher to Equip.

It is a concept that comes out of fishing world.

In Matthew 4:21 James and John are repairing and preparing their nets for fishing.

They are making sure that their nets are properly equipped for the task ahead.

Such preparing and equipping involved cleaning the nets of seaweed, then fixing and torn or damaged sections, and then folding the nets so that they would not tangle next time they were used.

All this preparation was done so that the nets would be ready to catch more fish.

That is the equipping.

Being willing to learn and grow.

Being willing to have your life changed if necessary.

Continually maturing.

All for the purpose of being ready to work for God.

That is our calling. To mature. So we are not babies.

We saw that this comes through

We mature by fulfilling God’s purpose in our lives to transform our lives to have a life which is more and more like Jesus.

God wants the body of Christ to be built up. This will require us to be active in fellowship, and active in encouraging each other, and active in studying the Word, and active in sharing our faith.

God is looking for people who attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. That is not going to happen by sitting in front of the TV, or always being at work, or constantly being busy.

It comes through wrestling with God’s Word in your devotional life. It comes through prayer. It comes through changing your life-style and bringing into conformity with God’s will.

God is looking for believers who are not distracted by Satan and the craftiness of his schemes. Such maturity will not come if Christianity is nothing but a spectator sport. If we think all we need to do is turn up on Sunday morning and make a pew warm – and then that is the total of our Christian life.

We talked about the Bonsai Tree image.

Recognising that the Bonsai tree is a full tree which is being restricted.

Take the Bonsais out of the pot and it will grow into a full sized tree.

From this we saw two points.

Jesus Hasn’t Called Us To Be Bonsai Christians

It is possible for Pastors to create Bonsai Christians

Do you remember that message?

If you weren’t here you are now up to speed.

In relationship to the church values I want to push on from that point.

Particularly these verses.

14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Ephesians 4:14-16

When you look at this passage what stands out?

Actually the better question might be, what is obvious because it is absent?

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There is no “I” here:-

Identify and highlight 1, 2, 3.

4 is only singularity – but even then it is a singularity which is spoken of in the context of the whole.

14 Then (1)we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, (2)we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the (3)whole body, joined and held together by (3)every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as (4)EACH part does its work.

Ephesians 4:14-16

What we have here is a powerful reminder that all believers are equal in capacity before God.

You might see yourself as just a regular, every day, garden-variety Christian. But God doesn’t see you that way.

In God’s eyes there is no such thing as a good better and best Christians.

In God’s eyes there isn’t a score … A+, B-, D+

In God’s eyes we are spiritual equals in every way.

Now some of us are spiritual babies. And some of us are on our L-plates. Some of us have greater maturity and wisdom and some of us have less. But all of us are equal. That is why all of us need to be prepared for works of service – because all of us have something to offer.

1 Corinthians 12 describes the same truth in a slightly different way. There Paul uses the example of the body as a way to describe what the church is like. We are all part of the one body, and each of us has a different function. What is the function of the pastor? Probably the best body part to describe the role of the pastor is that of the stomach.

He takes in the Word, which is the spiritual food of believers.

He processes it and thinks about it and presents it in a way that can be digested and understood.

He then steps back and watches what happens as each part of the body uses the nutrients which they have been given.

But here is the reality, if there is no one to feed, or if the people are not being nourished what do you end up with.

Well you end up with a bloated stomach doesn’t you.

The kingdom is never about “I” … it is all about us.

That is God’s pattern – a body being prepared together, so that together, we are most effective.

It works something like this:-

(Use diagrams to show no matter how good the bucket it can be only filled to the top of the lowest plank)

You need to find pictures for powerpoint which demonstrate:-

- Antique bucket, vertical planks.

- If planks were different, it would look like this.

- If you filled bucket this would happen.

Now we could turn around and say, “I blame the smallest plank”.

We could, but that is not how Jesus sees it.

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

There is no distinction between the ligaments … the stronger and the weaker … it is a “together issue”.

Jesus brought us … together.

That is why, as a church, we have this Core Value.

Equipping Disciples

To train believers through God’s Word, which is proclaimed from the pulpit, taught through small groups, and applied through training events.

All the stuff we do has been designed to enable us all to be effective.

Relate to the testimony of Kris

• by going to the women’s camp she was lifted … her plank is higher.

• isn’t it also true that by hearing this testimony … our planks are a little higher?

• who wasn’t encouraged by what she said.

• and reminded again of all God is doing.

• and enthused to have another camp?

It happened last year when we had the sewing days.

It happens when our small groups gather.

When our worship on Sunday is such a blessing and we are all enthused and go home encouraged.

When we sit at home, being the families that God has called us to be.

Not just about “I”

But always about “us”.

Because of this core value we can say our church has a pretty full bucket.

And it is a core value that will just keep making us deeper.

Together not being infants tossed and blown.

Together identifying the deceitful schemes.

Together growing in maturity.

Together rejoicing at the kingdom impact of every supporting ligament.
