Summary: The mission of the church is to bring the Good News about Jesus to as many as possible regardless of upbringing, social status or education.


Text: Romans 1.8-15


1. Illustration: "A church should not merely have a missions department, if should wholly exist to be a mission" (Timothy Keller).

2. As a church our mission is the Great Co-mission, to go and make disciples of all nations.

3. We are not called to be a church, but we are called to be The Church!

4. The mission of the church is...

A. Founded On Faith

B. Promoted By Prayer

C. Strengthened Through Sharing

D. Fueled By The Proclamation Of The Gospel

5. Let's all stand out of respect for the Word of God as we read Romans 1.8-15.

Proposition: The mission of the church is to bring the Good News about Jesus to as many as possible regardless of upbringing, social status or education.

Transition: First of all, the mission of the chruch...

I. It Is Founded On Faith (8).

A. Because Of Your Faith In Him

1. The typical Greek letter usual contained a thanksgiving and a prayer.

A. Paul, being Paul, always seemed to take this to the next level.

B. In fact, Paul's opening prayer often contained the thesis of his letter, and Romans was no exception.

C. However, again, Paul takes it a step further as Paul uses this section to establish a close relationship with the Roman Christians.

D. Paul was a man of deep love and concern for people and that is evidenced here.

2. So Paul opens his thanksgiving and prayer with, "Let me say first that I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith in him is being talked about all over the world."

A. Paul's primary reason to rejoice here is that the faith of the Roman church is being talked about all over the world.

B. Probably Paul is referencing the fact of their faith rather than the quality of it.

C. Since Rome was the center of the then known world it is no surprise that the faith of the Roman church was being talked about far and wide.

D. In fact one scholar put it this way, "it was a fountain of joy that the Gospel had been received with faith in the very capital of the world" (Nygren).

E. Paul is most likely using a bit of hyperbole here, because it is unlikely that every single person knew of their faith, but probably does mean that churches and unbelievers everywhere had heard about it.

F. The growth of the Gospel in Rome would have overwhelming repercussions (Osborne, 34-35).

G. Paul is generally putting them on notice that the whole world is watching them (Witherington, 42).

3. Faith has that kind of impact on people.

A. I don't know what it was like when you came to faith in Christ, but for me it caused quite a stir.

B. Christians who had been praying for me rejoiced to hear that I had come to faith in Jesus.

C. My partying friends freaked out because one their number had stopped doing what they were doing.

D. My Catholic family usually made comments like, "did you hear Mark became a Jesus freak!"

E. The point is this, when people come to faith in Christ it has an impact on the people around them.

B. Upon This Rock

1. Near the Tower of London there stands an ancient parish church called "All Hallows". Just inside the wall enclosing the graveyard at All Hallows there is a large sign, placed so that tourists leaving the Tower may read it. The sign at "All Hallows" cites a bit of history and then raises a pointed question: "Jesus Christ has been worshipped in this building for 600 years, on this site for 1100 years, and in Britain for 1300 years. Don't you think it's time you got started?"

That sign points to the amazing persistence of the church of Jesus Christ; and it also suggests the reason why, after storms and splits, war and famine, mistakes and malfeasance, misjudgments and maladjustment, there is still such a thing as the church. Some of the secret has to do with the commitments of countless believers, of course; but most of the secret lies in the intention of God for the church. The church has lasted simply because God has wanted it to last. That’s all. That's the bottom line. The church has lasted; and the church will continue because God has intended it to.

2. The mission of the church is founded on the rock foundation of faith.

A. Matthew 16:17-18 (NLT2)

17 Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being.

18 Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.

B. It was Peter's confession of Jesus as the Christ the Son of the living God that is the foundation of the church.

C. It is what we depend on from start to finish.

D. It is what strengthens us when things are difficult.

E. It is what encourages us when things look dark.

F. It was is what challenges us to share the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus!

G. It is a foundation that will not crumble.

H. It is a foundation that will erode or fade.

I. It is a foundation that has and will endure the test of time!

J. On the Christ the solid rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand!

Transition: Secondly, the mission of the church...

II. It Is Promoted By Prayer (9-10).

A. How Often I Pray For You

1. Have you ever wanted to visit some place so bad it hurts? For Tina and I that place is Ireland, and God willing, we'll get to realize that dream next year.

2. Well for Paul that place was Rome. He says in v. 9, "God knows how often I pray for you. Day and night I bring you and your needs in prayer to God, whom I serve with all my heart by spreading the Good News about his Son."

A. Paul was a man of prayer. Paul prayed for the Romans the same way that he prayed for the Ephesians (Ephesians 1:15-16), the Philippians (Philippians 1:3-4), the Colossians (Colossians 1:3-4), and the Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3).

B. We would expect Paul to pray for his own converts and the churches he helped establish, but these words show that he also prayed for those outside his immediate acquaintance and responsibility.

C. Paul had not personally visited these believers, so he had not yet been able to prove his love for them, but he appeals to God as his witness, confirming his constant prayers for the believers in Rome (Barton, 580).

3. Then in v. 10 Paul says, "One of the things I always pray for is the opportunity, God willing, to come at last to see you."

A. He had two reasons for wanting to do this: 1) the situation in Rome that needs his attention and his desire to also go to Spain in order to continue is pioneer missionary work there.

B. In fact, the beginning of this verse translated "God knows," would be more appropriately translated, "God is my witness!"

C. He is saying that God can verify the truth of his desire to see them. In addition, to his desire to visit them he also wants them to know that he regularly prays for them.

D. He tells them that day and night he brings them before God, the God he serves with all his heart. The verb "serve" is a particularly strong verb for worshipful service to God.

E. For Paul both prayer and preaching the Gospel were a part of his worship. He did it all for the glory of God (Osborne, 36).

F. In this verse the nature of Paul's prayer for them moves from the general to the specific.

G. He specifically states that he prays for the opportunity to come and visit them, but he recognizes that he can only do so if it's God's will.

H. This doesn't mean that he was hesitant or putting it off, but he trusts in the sovereignty of God and he is trusting God to open the doors for him (Osborne, 36).

I. That's what prayer does, it opens doors.

B. Preached The Word Of God With Boldness

1. Illustration: "Prayer is the open admission that without Christ we can do nothing. And prayer is the turning away from ourselves and to God with the confidence that He will provide the help we need. Prayer humbles us as needy and exalts God as wealthy" (John Piper).

2. Without prayer the mission of the church will not succeed, with it cannot fail!

A. Acts 4:31 (NLT2)

31 After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness.

B. A few weeks ago Kathryn shared with us the need for Holy boldness, and we do! But the question we need to answer is how do we get it?

C. The answer is prayer! It's how Jesus got it, it how the early church got it, and it's the only way we will get it!

D. You might say, "well we have advantages they didn't have!"

E. We have the Bible written down, but they were living the Bible.

F. We have technology, but they had the technology of the Holy Spirit.

G. We have cars, trucks, planes and other modes of transportation. They had Holy transportation, remember Phillip? The Holy Spirit transported him long before Star Trek!

H. The point is this, if the early church needed Holy boldness, and they got through prayer, who are we to think that we can do anything with prayer?

I. If we are going to fulfill the mission of the church it is going to take prayer!

Transition: In addition, the mission of the church...

III. It Is Strengthened Through Sharing (11-12).

A. Bring Some Spiritual Gift

1. Another reason that Paul was excited about seeing them was so that he could be a blessing to them.

2. He says in v. 11, "For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord."

A. His desire to visit them is so he can bring some spiritual gift to them.

B. The word being used here charisma is the same one used in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 where Paul talks about the gifts of the Spirit like tongues, prophecy and healing.

C. It should be also noted that when this wording is used it indicates, as it does here, that the gift is individualized for the one who receives it.

D. The word "some" shows that Paul does not have a specific gift in mind so we don't know for sure what that gift is, but we can assume that has to do with his special spiritual gift as an apostle (Johnson, Full Life Commentary To The NT, 705).

E. Paul goes on to say that the purpose of this spiritual gift is to help them grow strong in the Lord.

F. Elsewhere in Paul's writings he indicates that this is the purpose of all spiritual gifts.

G. 1 Corinthians 12:7 (NLT2)

7 A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.

3. Then in v. 12 Paul says, "When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours."

A. In this verse Paul shows he genuine concern for them as well as his own humility.

B. Here he is saying that there will be mutual benefit from his presence with them.

C. He wants to encourage them, but also says that they will be an encouragement to him as well.

D. As God's missionary, he could help them understand the meaning of the Good News about Jesus.

E. As God's devoted people, they could offer him fellowship and comfort.

F. Paul makes it clear that he will not come as simply the teacher and giver ”he will be open to be given to and encouraged as well.

G. When Christians gather, everyone should give and receive.

H. Our mutual faith gives us a common language and a common purpose for blessing one another (Barton, 580).

B. Partners In Spreading The Good News

1. Illustration: A missionary was seated on a plane next to a well-dressed young man and they soon began conversing. The missionary asked him what he did for a living. He answered, "I'm in big business." "So am I," replied the missionary. With that the young man remarked, "I cover the entire U.S. with my business." "Well," said the missionary, "I've traveled all over the world in connection with mine." The young man continued: "I'm in partnership with my father. He's a millionaire." The missionary smiled and said, "I, too, am in partnership with my Father. He's a multimillionaire." The young man said, "We have representatives in most states." The missionary replied, "We have representatives in almost every country in the world." By this time the young man looked at the missionary and said, "What sort of business are you in, anyway?" When the missionary explained, the young man said, "Sir, you're not just in big business. You're in the biggest!"

2. We are in the greatest partnership ever...the Gospel of Christ!

A. Philippians 1:5 (NLT2)

5 for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.

B. We are in this together! It's not just about me or just about you. It's about us!

C. Most of all it's about all Jesus in us giving us the power to fulfill His mission.

D. We are His church, this is His mission, and together we will see the glory of God!

Transition: Finally, the mission of the church...

IV. It Is Fueled By The Proclamation Of The Gospel (14-15).

A. Great Obligation

1. In v. 13 Paul says, "I want you to know, dear brothers and sisters, that I planned many times to visit you, but I was prevented until now. I want to work among you and see spiritual fruit, just as I have seen among other Gentiles."

A. Paul again reiterates his desire to come and see them.

B. He also tells them that he had tried to visit them in the past but that he had been blocked, probably by the Holy Spirit, from doing so.

C. Paul's original plan was to include Rome in his missionary efforts.

D. Although the church had been established there without his efforts, that fact did not discourage Paul from wanting to visit and work among the believers in order to see more Gentiles become believers and join the church.

E. He had done this in many other cities, and hoped to do so in Rome.

F. By the end of his third missionary journey, Paul had traveled through Syria, Galatia, Asia, Macedonia, and Achaia.

G. The churches that he had begun in these areas consisted mostly of Gentile believers.

H. Paul could make statements like these without a hint of pride.

I. He is making it clear that God directed him into ministry to the Gentiles and that the good results came from God (Barton, 580).

2. Then in v. 14 Paul explains his need to preach the Gospel. He says, "For I have a great sense of obligation to people in both the civilized world and the rest of the world, to the educated and uneducated alike."

A. Paul's obligation was to proclaim Christ's salvation to all types of people in different cultures, crossing cultural, social, racial, and economic lines.

B. The educated and uneducated referred to the classes in Rome versus the peoples of other "uncivilized" places.

C. No barrier would stop Paul from bringing the Good News (Barton, 581).

3. He then concludes in v. 15 with, "So I am eager to come to you in Rome, too, to preach the Good News."

A. Paul had already visited some of the most beautiful cities of the world ”Athens, Corinth, Ephesus ”yet he carried an unfulfilled desire to minister in one of the most populated, corrupt places on earth.

B. Neither the power nor the hostility of Rome intimidated Paul.

C. He was convinced that the Good News must be taken everywhere, specifically to the large and needy metropolitan areas of the world.

D. Paul knew that the gospel had already gained a foothold in Rome the believers to whom he was writing had heard and had responded.

E. But Paul wanted to preach God's Good News more fully (Barton, 581).

B. Compelled To Preach

1. Illustration: An elevator operator at a hospital in Nashville once said, "I'm just a nobody telling everybody about somebody who can save anybody."

2. Sharing the Gospel with as many people as possible is not an option it is an obligation!

A. 1 Corinthians 9:16 (NLT2)

16 Yet preaching the Good News is not something I can boast about. I am compelled by God to do it. How terrible for me if I didn’t preach the Good News!

B. How do you see sharing your faith with others?

C. Is it an option? Can you take it or leave it?

D. Or is it an obligation, or as Paul puts it a compulsion?

E. Do we have an excuse not to?

F. The answer to that it is an obligation, we have no choice but to share the Gospel.

G. It is the essence as of our mission both as a church and as followers of Christ.

H. How terrible for us if we do not preach the Good News!


1. The mission of the church is...

A. Founded On Faith

B. Promoted By Prayer

C. Strengthened Through Sharing

D. Fueled By The Proclamation Of The Gospel