Mark Schaeufele
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Unusual Miracles
Contributed on Aug 22, 2024
We need to start living in the power we have as followers of Jesus.
UNUSUAL MIRACLES Text: Acts 19:8-20 Introduction 1. “A miracle is a divine intervention into, or interruption of, the regular course of the world that produces a purposeful but unusual event that would not have occurred otherwise.” (Norman Geisler and Ron Brooks, When Skeptics Ask: A Handbook on ...read more
We Haven't Even Heard
Contributed on Aug 22, 2024
Earnestly seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit and be willing to accept whatever God has for you.
WE HAVEN’T EVEN HEARD Text: Acts 19:1-7 Introduction 1. Illustration: There is NO COMPARISON between the power of Satan and the power of the HOLY SPRIT IN YOU. The power of Satan is like a little firecracker while the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you is like a NUCLEAR BOMB! 2. At the end of ...read more
Unusual Miracles
Contributed on Aug 22, 2024
Jesus has called us to, as we are going, make disciples for him and teach them to follow our mighty savior.
THE WAY OF GOD Text: Acts 18:24-28 Introduction 1. Illustration: A little girl called out, "Mommy, you know that vase in the China cabinet, the one that’s been handed down from generation to generation?" Yes, dear, I know which one you mean, what about it? "Well, Mommy, I’m sorry, ...read more
Living In A Diverse Culture Part 2
Contributed on Jul 19, 2024
It’s not necessary to quote chapter and verse to share the Gospel, but it is necessary to tell the whole story.
LIVING IN A DIVERSE CULTURE 2 Text: Acts 17:22-34 Introduction 1. Illustration: What is culture? It is the ways of thinking, living, and behaving that define a people and underlie its achievements. It is a nation’s collective mind, its sense of right and wrong, the way it perceives reality, and ...read more
Living In A Diverse Culture Part 1
Contributed on Jul 19, 2024
Be willing every day for God to use you to tell people what’s so good about the Good News.
LIVING IN A DIVERSE CULTURE – PART 1 Text: Acts 17:16-21 Introduction 1. A conversation I had recently with someone in the church struck me as very profound. He said, “I never knew that inviting people to church was so hard!” 2. The truth is, in the culture we are living in it has become harder ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Acts: A Blueprint For The New Testament Church
Contributed on May 4, 2022
Road To The Cross
Contributed on Mar 23, 2022
Ephesians: Who We Are In Christ
Contributed on Aug 19, 2021
Revitalize 2020
Contributed on Feb 4, 2020
Christmas Plan
Contributed on Dec 9, 2019
Newest Sermon Illustrations
The Cross Of Victory
Contributed on Mar 30, 2012
THE CROSS OF VICTORY John Stott is his book The Cross of Christ, wrote, "It is impossible to read the New Testament with being impressed by the atmosphere of joyful confidence which pervades it, and which stands out in relief against the rather jejune (superficial) religion that often passes for ...read more
Two Kinds Of People
Contributed on Nov 10, 2011
TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE One of my all-time favorite movies is "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." In the movie the father in the story tells his daughter, "Tula, there are two kinds of people ...read more
James: Slave Of God
Contributed on Jul 14, 2011
JAMES: SLAVE OF GOD James, the half brother of Jesus, who wrote the Letter of James, could have easily identified himself as "the younger brother of Jesus." But he ...read more
The True Follower
Contributed on May 27, 2011
THE TRUE FOLLOWER The true follower of Christ will not ask, "If I embrace this truth, what will it cost me?" Rather he will say, "This is truth. God ...read more
Wrath On The Messenger
Contributed on May 26, 2011
WRATH ON THE MESSENGER I don't know about you, but one of my all-time favorite TV shows is M*A*S*H. I especially loved it when the company clerk Radar would have to give bad news to the head nurse "Hot Lips" Hoolihan. He would tell her the news and expect to have to face her wrath even though he ...read more