Summary: There is no time like the present because they may be no time after the present.

Gen 7:15 And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.

16 And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the LORD shut him in.

2Thess 2: 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

I don't worry about naysayers who mock as Peter said they would that it has been two thousand years since Christ died and He is not back yet. Peter says that a day is as a thousand years to God. Indeed, He has eternity to accomplish His will and plan so we are not going to rush Him because we whine that it has been too long.

We need to love our enemies, set the captive free and prepare the way before it is too late. Each second brings us closer to the day when He takes out the Church. After that, it is too late for all who have heard the Gospel and rejected it. There are no second chances after that no matter what a popular novel series may say.

How do I know? God had Noah preach the whole time during the building of the ark and all the people mocked and carried on with their normal lives. When all was finished and Noah's family was in the ark the door closed. God shut him so he could not get out and no one could go in. I am sure that as the water rose people tried climbing the ark trying to get to the small window hoping to get in. Did Noah hear pounding and pleas on the sides of the ark? We are not told, but even if he did and wanted to let people in there was no way. Once the door was shut and the water was rising it was done. The Rapture will be the same way except no one will know they are doomed.

In this age of grace, we have many more proofs of the validity of the Bible than ever before. True science affirms the Word. We have seen the many prophecies already fulfilled and we see many more in the process of fulfillment. We have all of the media being sent all over the world so more have an opportunity to hear than ever before. A person who is a Berean or seeker has all he needs to see if these things are so. A scoffer or scorner has

that same information but refuses to seek it or rejects it. A person that hears it today has no excuse to not believe.

All this preaching will go on until the Rapture and then God will send a strong delusion into the minds of the those who rejected. They will believe a lie. When millions of people vanish the leaders of the world will have to try and explain. Whatever they come up with will be a lie and people will believe it, especially those who God gave over to believe it. I suspect the lie will be something like alien abduction. No matter what it is and no matter how crazy it would sound to believers it will be believed by the masses.

You may say that you read where many will be saved during the Tribulation. True, the 144,000 male, Jewish, virgin evangelists will win people to Christ. It will be mostly Jews as well as those who never heard the Gospel. The Word clearly says no chance for those who heard and decided it was

not what they wanted or needed.

Unbelieving friend, you may think that if Christ hasn't come in this long it may be a couple of more centuries so you aren't worried about the Rapture. For the sake of argument, let's say you are right. You will not be here to see it. The door on God's ark of grace, Jesus, may close for you any second when your heart stops. There will be no coming back here for a second chance and no way out of where you are for eternity. Open your eyes and ask God to reveal Himself, His Word and His Son to you. Many an unbeliever/skeptic has been converted by honestly investigating the facts because as they sought a way to debunk the “myth” the Holy Spirit has pulled them out of the mist of unbelief bringing them to salvation.

Christian, we need to be about our Father's business. Like our unbelieving friends, we also do not know if we be taken in death in the next second. Will our rewards be great when we stand before the Commander-in-Chief or will we be saved yet so as by fire? Will you answer the war cry? Love your enemies, set the captive free and prepare the way before it is too late. Maranatha!!!

To hear the song, War Cry, by Juda Myers that inspired this sermon/series go to

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