Summary: From a series on Nehemiah.

Title: We Worship God with Our… Type: Expos. – series

Script: Neh. 11 & 12 Where: GNBC 11-12-06

Intro: : Back in 1992 when the Dallas Cowboys were preparing to play the San Francisco 49rs for the NFC Championship in San Francisco, the Cowboys had a pep-rally at Texas Stadium. The audience cheered wildly for each player when he was introduced. The fans carried banners. They painted their faces and proudly wore blue- and white outfits. They tried to get autographs. Not one fan walked away saying, “That event was a dud. It did nothing for me.” The event was a success, not because the performance was great (they didn’t play any football at all) or the players’ speeches weren’t inspiring (most of them weren’t’ very good speakers), but because everyone understood why they were there. The purpose was not to please the fans but to honor the team. The people walked away saying, “That was great! I hope the team understands how much we appreciate and support them!” Why did you come to church today? Our primary reason for attending church should be to worship God to honor Him and show Him how much we appreciate Him (Ps 95:6-7). Come let us bow down before the Lord. Worship is more than just singing a few songs, performing a few rituals, and enduring a sermon. We come to experience the presence of God, to acknowledge His authority in our lives, and to worship him as our Creator. We come to experience the presence of God (Duet. 23:14).

Prop: In Neh. 11 & 12 we see 3 ways in which we can be personally involved in worshiping God.

BG: 1. Nearing the end of the book. I hope you have enjoyed Nehemiah. I feel as though learned much;

2. As I consider the book I am amazed at how God called this man to come and do His work, and the Persia govt. foot the bill. And yet we serve a sovereign and an amazing God.

3. I appreciate Nehemiah because although was a spiritual leader, he could also serve effectively in very practical matters. And yet, as in this section we see that he was a man of worship.

Prop: Looking at Neh. 11 & 12 we’ll notice 3 ways we can personalize our worship.

I. We Worship God by Our Presence. Neh. 11

A. Nehemiah Lists the Names who were going to Live w/in the newly completed walls of Jerusalem.

1. The Presence of these People was Needed and Felt in the Service Commemorating Israel’s success.

a. Who were the groups of people who came to worship – they were the leaders of the people (v.1) and they were those who had volunteered/conscripted to live there. It included the priests and Levites as well as the political elite of society.

b. Why did these people gather to worship? Because they were grateful to God for all He had done for them. At heart, a person who has no interest in worship is an ungrateful person. Whether in Nehemiah’s time period or today. Whether in the church community or outside.


a. Illust – Now, I hope you understand what is going on here. Nehemiah wants and needs people to move into the city of Jerusalem if it is to be the center of the nation. You can’t have a capital city that is uninhabited (unless its Carson City, NV, or…)! As the governor with carte blanche powers Nehemiah simply issued an edict that required one out of every ten men living outside of Jerusalem to move with their families into the city. (Neh. 11:1) Apparently Nehemiah sent official delegates throughout the land and rolled a die or cast the lot and if your number was on the lot you were “chosen” for the duty.

b. If you look closely at this passage, however, it was a “voluntary draft”. Now that is an oxymoron isn’t it? Now for those of you unfamiliar with that word it does not mean some sort of specialized idiot! Rather, it is a term that contains mutually contradictory elements. I.e.- It would be like saying someone was a “sad optimist”, or as some have suggested “congressional ethics” (just kidding!) Now, though, as I said, it was a voluntary draft in that apparently even if you were picked to move you could decline going. I believe there is a spiritual application in this unusual event. You see, God wanted volunteers for this job. It needed to be done, but He wanted willing people to populate Jerusalem. And when a man and his family said they would go, the people “blessed them” (v. 2) Illust – Some of you young people right now are considering what do with lives. Some considering missions or something else. God will not force you into serving Him in your life calling, He wants you to volunteer, not out of coercion but out of personal conviction. Because it is conviction that will keep you when service becomes difficult.

B. Nehemiah Knew the Importance of the ministry of “Presence”

1. Worship Requires our Presence in the Community

a. Illust – I recently was reading a book about the scandal surrounding Abu Ghraib prison camp. The commanding officer at the prison, Brig. General Janis Karpinski, (Who was later demoted to the rank of colonel – May 5th, 2005) had ordered the 372nd MP Co., female, foreign – born chaplain, who’s English was so poor that few could easily understand her, to sequester herself to her quarters and if soldiers had issues that needed her spiritual counsel, they could go to her instead of her looking for them. What was the result? Without that ministry of “presence” w/o that visual reference to Christian faith and ethics, ran amok. I also found it very interesting that when former Gen. Karpinski was replaced, the new CO called for 4x the original # of chaplains and that one had to be visible on site and among the soldiers at all times! (Value of ministry of presence!)

b. Nehemiah knew that it was important to have people living in the city. It is often in the city that focal point of economic and political power is found. Back in the late 1980s attended IV’s Urbana Missions Conference – Major theme was from book of Jonah – Jonah 4:11 – As the Lord is speaking to a sullen and sulking prophet He says: “And should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city…” The whole missiological push of that conference was to follow the population shifts from the country sides to the cities throughout the world and realign missions so as to bring the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to the majority of people who had never heard of Him. (Also, there is a mentality in much of conservative Christianity today to abandon the city, abandon the culture, even abandon the church so as to live and worship in isolation. Not Biblical. Too often based out of fear rather than faith! I am glad we soon to set up shop in an area of IC where not many churches wanting to go. People need ministry!)

2. Worship Requires Our Presence in the House of God.

a. Ps. 122:1 – “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” – Again, as we have seen, for nearly 100 yrs. Jerusalem had become a virtual ghost town. Temple destroyed, walls torn down, city depopulated. And then God raised up and used a Nehemiah and an Ezra, and hope was restored! You and I cannot imagine the hope and the joy that filled the people’s hearts as their walls were dedicated, as their freedom to worship was afforded again, as the law was read and as the twin choirs sang God’s praise.

b. Barna Research Group said 37 percent of Americans now report going to church on a given Sunday. Attendance peaked in 1991 at 49 percent and dropped to 47 percent in 1992, 45 percent in 1993 and 42 percent in 1994 and 1995, according to the Barna poll numbers. "Increasingly, we are seeing Christian churches lose entire segments of the population: men, singles, empty nesters ... and people who were raised in mainline Protestant churches," wrote pollster George Barna. Mainline Protestant churches have lost millions of members over the past three decades, and growth at evangelical Protestant churches has not been nearly large enough to offset those losses. Most pollsters believe the attendance figures given in interviews aren’t even true because for the last several decades about 40% of the population says they attend church frequently. If this were true the nation would be bursting at the seams with churches due to the population’s nearly doubling since WWII.

c. In Mt. 5:8 Jesus said: “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Now don’t be mistaken, Jesus wasn’t talking about purity in ritual terminology. He was talking about the fundamental def. of purity – “that which is undiluted by other substances”. Now join that with the place Jesus pointed to: ‘the heart” – that’s where Jesus seeks undiluted commitment. That’s why we must people of praise and worship.

C. Applic: How significant of a priority is being in a place of and participating in worship?

II. We Worship God with our Praise. Neh. 12:24-46

A. When the People Dedicated the Walls of Jerusalem they had a Powerful Praise Service.

1. Music and Praise Filled the Atmosphere of this Dedication Service.

a. I sometimes find people (often pastors!) who think worship services are merely built on tradition and personal preferences. And yet there is strong Biblical precedent for worship services. Even in this passage singing is mentioned 8x, thanksgiving 6x, rejoicing 7x, musical instruments 3x.

b. Notice this wasn’t some wild, out-of control, event. V. 24 – there was the giving of praise and thanksgiving in a prescribed fashion (as had been introduced under King David). Heb. – prescribed – mitzvah – meaning commanded. The worship of God is not an anything goes, whatever is popular in our culture free-for-all. We aren’t worshipping some rock or tree or animal. We are worshiping the God of the universe and He has definite ideas on how it is to be done.

2. Music and Singing are an integral part of praise and worship.

a. Can you imagine, in I Chron. 25:1 it outlines how worship was to be performed. There would have been 120 priests blowing trumpets while the choir was singing. You wouldn’t have wanted to miss church that day! We follow in that rich tradition of music in the Christian Church. We have congregational singing, we have hymns and worship songs and choirs, and ensembles and instrumentalists and soloists, etc. In some ways the music ministry is a teaching ministry. (Let me ask you, when was the last time you encouraged those in the music ministry? When is last time you thanked them? Last time you volunteered to sing?

b. Illust – Music in the church is not about entertainment. It is a means by which we are strengthened, fed, and helped. It’s not about the personality or the performance of the singer or musicians its about pointing people to the person of Jesus Christ.

B. The Praise of their Worship Was Characterized by 3 Factors

1. Their worship was thankful. (12:31)

a. Here we see Nehemiah appoints two great choirs to sing God’s praise. And yet, not done at the temple, but rather at the walls themselves. I think he did this for a couple of reasons: a. 1st was important for people to feel and touch the walls during dedication service. Visual/tangible reminder of God’s faithfulness. B. Second, people were bearing witness to the world of what God had done. Enemy had boasted back in 4:3 that walls so weak fox could jump on and break. Now there were people marching on the walls! 3. 3rd, I think it was a symbolic act by which Israel stepped out in faith to claim God’s blessing! This was their piece of property! It was another opportunity to claim Neh. 6:16 “this work had been done by the help of our God.”

b. Illust – As we begin our transition to new building, especially this winter in early stages before remodeling gets under way. We are going to give you opportunity do much the same! We are going to do a little prayer walk around the Stuff Building and lot! (Josh. 1:3 – Lord said to people: “I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.” We will hopefully have a choir of young people singing praises to God. We are going to have you involved in tangibly touching and leaving a blessing on the building. And we are going to be able to claim along with Neh. 6:16 “this work had been done by the help of our God” and you will hear some of the interesting things God has done in the midst of our being led in this direction. (Are you excited?)

2. Their worship was joyful (12:43)

a. The worship of God brings about joy. If you are discouraged or depressed and want to stay that way, don’t worship God. You can be a perfectly content and miserable wretch. Why? Because focus is only on self. Now, if you and I wish to move beyond that, we need to focus on the only truly Transcendent One in the universe, God Almighty. The people were listening to the choirs, their spirits were rejoicing, they were probably singing along, they took joy in the changes that had come to their land. Natural outflow of joy is to praise God!

b. Notice that this joyful worship included the whole family. It is highlighted that women and children were also a part of this worship service. Illust – I hope you understand the reason we have a children’s church here at GNBC. Training 3-6yrs old be a part of the worship service. Why? Cause think that at 6-7 yrs of age, no reason why can’t sing, pray, listen, give, learn. Its not about entertaining. We can’t compete w/tv or movies or Disney or… However, we offer truth and instruction from God’s Word. And young children can listen and learn and benefit from.

3. Their worship was fruitful (12:43)

a. “the joy of Jerusalem was heard from afar” – Now remember, the Jews were living in hostile territory. Horonites, Ammonites, and Arabs were all poised against this tiny nation. They weren’t worshiping God in the buckle of the American Bible-Belt. However, in the midst of enemies surrounding them, they chose to praise and adore God and they weren’t worried about county zoning officials for zoning .

b. Illust – One of the things that took a bit of getting used to in Haiti was going to their mid-week services in the country side. Often when a person comes to Christ, the church will go to their home/hut the next week and have worship service in front yard! Now you have to realize American pop. density per sq. km is about 29. Haiti’s is 300! So, 10x people per space. When have service in the front yard, the neighbors hear! In fact, all over the country side they can hear you! And yet this is a fruitful witness in their culture.

c. C. Applic: Are you giving God your praise? Can’t if too worried about what others around you think.

III. We Worship God with our Presents. Neh. 12:44ff

A. Israel Realized that Authentic Worship included the Offering of their Money as well as their Time and Resources and service for the Lord’s Work.

1. Everyone in the Nation was Expected to Give a Tithe from their means.

a. After the excitement of the dedication service was over, provision had to be made for the continuation of worship at the temple by God’s people. (Read v.47) - Notice that they made a careful administration of monies and resources so the money went where supposed to and everything oversee n correctly.

b. v. 47 – Portions were set aside for God’s servants as well as the facility. (Great scourge of modern missions movement is ongoing need for raising support. For some, lasts years. )

2. For Some People their Presents were their Time and Talents

a. Of course we saw the Levites and Priests and musicians, but back in v. Neh. 11:19 we also see there were “Gatekeepers” – 172 of them (also 12:44)! They correspond t our modern ushers who watch the doors (exactly what name means). They serve people as come to church. They help find seating and bulletins and receive offering. They monitor air and heat. In Neh. 12:44 we see that men were also appointed as offering tellers (not the most exciting office in the church – but absolutely essential! Back in chap 11 long list of administrators and in v.16 tells us that there were even a couple of fellas who were in charge of the outside work of the house of God.

b. One of the major areas I foresee our congregation will be challenged in will be taking care of the new building while continuing a ministry focus. We are all going to have to seriously study passages such as Rom. 12 and I Cor. 12 so as to mobilize and delegate the ministry of GNBC! In studying those passages you will realize that every believer has a gift. We will need to realize what those gifts are and who has them because Bible is very clear that every single Christian has at least a spiritual gift. We aren’t saved to sit, we are, however, saved to serve! Even now, you need to be telling Pastor Richard of what you feel is your ministry niche so we won’t miss a beat when take possession.

B. Financial Giving (Tithing) in the Church is an Essential Act of Worship

1. Financial Giving in the Church is an Essential act of Worship that is diminishing!

a. Thom Rainer, dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Church Growth at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., sees decreased giving to churches as a symptom of a two-fold problem: -- The first is generational, with older people more faithful in giving. That was a factor mentioned in Barna's report, which noted that people over 60 who had the habit of tithing are diminishing in number. -- The other is expectations, which Rainer sees as equally serious for the church's future. Over the past 30 years many people have approached church with a consumer mentality, a selfish outlook that asks what services can be found there, Rainer said. As churches focused on meeting people's needs instead of challenging them to go on missions, giving has dropped, he said. In one church for every person over 60yrs. who was dying, was taking 5 individuals under 35 yrs. to replace their giving amount! (Copyright ©2006 a division of Purpose Driven Ministries)

b. Friend, there is nothing legalistic or outdated about tithing. And you know what, this is one of only a couple of areas in which God tells His people to test Him in this (Mal 3:10) Illust – Pastor Richard – Church where became a Christian. Every year pastor would preach on tithing. Had an accountant come who would annually address the church. Told people (especially new believers) to take a 3-month test. If after tithing for 3 mo., if not better off financially, would personally refund them from own money! Up to that point had been challenging people for 27yrs. and never had to pay someone back!

2. Giving of our resources Is An Act of Worship We Must Avail Ourselves of.

a. The church's financial need is less important than the need for each of us, as children of God, to honor him with our substance. God has given us everything. He is our life, our hope, our future. Giving to him is one of the ways his people worship him and express their thanksgiving for his boundless love and grace. Our God has transformed us by his grace. And because he is our God, and because he has planted his love in our hearts, our souls long for him. We desire to gather in grateful adoration and worship of the One who has saved us and given us a future and undying hope. Today, we gather to worship him as his children. We gather to praise the name of Jesus with no obligation to the law of Moses.

b. Illust – Thomas Adams- colonial Puritan said following: “Let us do good with our goods while we live…to part with what we cannot keep, that we may get what we cannot lose.” (II Cor. 9:7)

C. Applic: Let us worship God with our whole being!