Summary: When a crisis struck, what do we do? Do we look at the problems as a giant and ourselves as grasshoppers? Or do we look unto our God as the great and mighty one able to do above what we know and believe?

All over the world the story is the same as people are facing hard times. The coronavirus outbreak has caused untold pains to many families, not only of the loved ones lost but economic difficulties as well. In that situation you might ask what to do to beat the odds? Or how do I cope with the effects of the coronavirus?

First this is the best time to remember the Lord and His promises in the Bible. The Bible contains a huge treasure of promises that can never fail. God had placed them there to be our hope for every situation in life, to increase your faith. Hence it is safe to present the promises of God before His throne as a treasury bill. They are given to us on the oath and power of God to perform what He had said. So when we hold them by faith, in essence, it means we believe in who God is and who he wants to be to us. Hebrew 10:23.

However in any crisis always remember the promises of God. We have a God who faithfully keeps his promises. No matter what you are going through right now, God keeps His words. Are you struggling in the crisis to make ends meet, then remember He keeps His promises? Even if you are worried about the future, remember His words. He had said “Call on me in the time of trouble, and I will show you great and mighty things”. Moreover, He had said I will deliver you in the time of crisis.

In times of crisis we can emphasize over and over again the Almightiness of the Lord instead of the fear brought by our circumstances. Our God Is Greater than everything in the universe no matter what. He has shown us His power in His works. He loves us more than we know and thinks to perform His goodness on us.

Also, it is better to dwell in the love of God. Since love permeates the entire being of our Lord. As it is written, for God so loved us, therefore He wants a love relationship with us no matter what we think. Therein grow your relationship with him and experience his limitless, transforming love. Hence delight yourself in the love of God.

The crisis caused by either natural or man-made disaster is the best time to believe in the power of the Lord God our Savior Jesus Christ over the weakness of the crisis. God is sovereign over all. Believe in the promises of God as He is a God that is able to do abundantly above all that we know.

In the time of crisis, believers need to concentrate more on the faithfulness of the Lord instead of our unbelief's and limited means. Crisis calls for prayers, so pray until it becomes your nature and place of communicating with the Lord. Engage in online prayer services as much as possible. Prayers and intercession is a necessity that cannot be overlooked.

For our, God responds to the prayers of the humble and the faithful. Therefore, invest in prayer and pray, study about prayer and pray, memorize prayer verses, and read books about prayers. It is the prayer that makes the difference. Prayer changes life and things in the physical and spiritual realm when we pray according to God’s will. God has commanded us in His Word to ask and seek and knock. And He promised He will answer.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and not in your own might. Learning to wait and trust in the provisions of the Lord is paramount. The key to thriving in the midst of the coronavirus is to believe that God is sovereign. That is when believers can demonstrate their confidence in the Lord. Faith is often revealed in crisis and trials than anything else.

Now is the time to trust in the plan of the Lord for your life, Believe that God has a good plan for you. The plans of the Lord are usually revealed progressively. He says "for I know my plans for you,’ says the LORD. ‘My plans are to prosper you, not to harm you. I have good plans to give you a future filled with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11, and Proverbs 16:9

Since our God is faithful and dependable, He is pleased when we trust him. Then let's live our lives resting on his faithfulness, trusting in him and his character. Also God is trustworthy in performing what He had revealed to us with confidence. Hebrew 11: 1-6

Walk by faith and not by sight as the Bible says. Refuse to exalt the problem as a giant and see yourself as a grasshopper. Have the faith to believe in the impossible.

Accept the will of God even if you don't them, or what it is, no matter what. The will of God always agrees with His plans for your life and the world in general.

Thankfulness is a great virtue, Therefore, be thankful for the grace of God in your everyday life. Try to find the little things to be thankful for that can help you cope during the crisis.

Always be focused on the Lord then you can see the bigger picture and have a wider perspective that can help you feel less overwhelmed by your difficult circumstances. Don't be like Apostle Peter who took his eyes away from the Lord and began to sink.

God can through those times of crisis and adverse experiences work out what He had worked in our life. Sometimes God allows it that He might use the opportunity provided to enhance our growth and build our spiritual character.

That is the way to reflect more of his values and strength in our life. That is the way believers can shift his focus from the crisis of the pandemic to the peace and stability that our God freely gives to us. Therefore the following principles might be helpful to scale the tides of the times.

· In times of crisis learn to change our mindset in line with the word of God. With a renewed mind take stock of your resources. And look at the situation through the renewal of the Holy Spirit and the word of God

· Learn how to focus on the Lord and shifting your attention from the circumstances and position of defeat that surrounds you to the victory and overcoming grace of God. Look to our great God and Lord and His Spirit that lives in us.

· Always emphasize the glory and the praise of the Lord God who stands above the crisis, instead of seeing the dangers of the crisis. Therefore believe that God shall be glorified.

· Learn to concentrate on the Problem solver, our God, instead of the problem. Hence see the might of God and the weakness of the problem.

· Meditate and practice the supernatural presence of God.

· Saturate yourself in the love of God who loves us unconditionally.

· Put your confidence on the God who makes everything work according to His purpose, bring out good out of a bad situation.

· Rest on the power of the powerfully God who is almighty and good.

· Remind yourself of the faithfulness of God.

· Remember all His promises given to you and cash them at the bank of heaven.

· Building yourself on the holiest of faith.

· Step out in faith taking the next step.

· Focus more on the supernatural presence of God rather than the doings and presence of the adversary and your adversity.

Therefore in any adverse circumstance, it is good to dwell on the person, character, and the nature of God. When that is done, an unexpected strength can come to see us through. Grace also comes when we know and rest on the sovereignty, and the majesty of God, the ruler of the universe. For God is greater than all, and He who lives in you is the same God greater than all. God is almighty, infinite, illimitable, and all-powerful and nothing is too difficult for Him, Jeremiah 32:17.

He is able to handle any crisis because He has the infinite capacity to meet all our needs. He is omniscient, therefore knows everything. He is omnipresent, and sees everything and is in complete control.

Put more attention on the goodness and the blessings of God instead of worrying about what tomorrow has for you.