Summary: The early church was ready for action asking what can we do next?

What can I do next? Acts 4:32-35

1. Early Christians greatest desire was to Remove poverty, of widows and orphans

• So they sold houses land then gave all those Gains to church

• Vs 34; 34There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need.

2. Typically the folks who share desire to share more

• Folks who turned over their prosperity to the church also continued to help the Christian community where they lived

• The members of the Jerusalem church were always asking, "What can I do next?"

• A man named Joseph sold a field and gave the money to the apostles, and they gave him the name Barnabas, which means "son of encouragement" (vv. 36-37).

• The apostles did signs and wonders among the people (5:12).

• Seven church members were selected to wait on tables and provide for the hungry (6:1-6).

3. Our folks have the “what can I do next” attitude. I say you don’t need to get all that.

• Juanita bought these bags for the kids from oriental trading for Easter egg hunt.

• I go out to look at the kids hunting what do I fine and Easter egg place to get picture (Egg Explorer) what can I do next to make this better, I thought I heard someone say we need to do like we did when we had over 200 kids for our Easter egg hunt.

• Cheryl at NS gives her time to Mary’s Cradle

• Some of our women have decided to donate their own money to help feed needy just this past Tuesday Organization “Warm a Heart Give a Bed” fed homeless and needy

• After our stripping of the altar Karen Daher said this was wonderful, but I think we can make it even better. We can up our game sort of speaking

• Milly said, preacher can I help hand out food if you need me let me know

• Linda asked when can The UMW meet they will meet Tuesday 7:00

4. When the church burns, desires, to help, to feed, to give, to be faithful

• Look what happened When the Christians of Jerusalem began to give up private ownership and hold everything in common (v. 32), great power was unleashed in the church.

• Acts tells us, "with great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all" (v. 33).

• Their generous giving led to powerful testimonies and the grace of God being experienced by all. We call them God moments, God Sightings, Glory sightings, God movements

5. Well as we close what can I do next? Some ideas others have said.

• I just began mentoring a new teacher at the high school. I hope to share my faith and love for Christ with her.

• To sing praises to God every day.

• I will call and pray for some close friends who are going through a very difficult time right now.

• Ask seniors in my neighborhood how I can help them.

• Lend an ear when someone needs to "vent."

• I will try to learn to pray without ceasing.

• I really have been out of church for a year I have been vaccinated but still have fear help me God to have Faith over Fear.

• What can I do next Get out of our comfort zones, fire fighter chaplain that was not mine