Summary: We look at the fruit of faithfulness and see how this characteristic of God becomes a powerful witness to the fact that God is real and He is in us.

Introductory Considerations

1. Few years ago held special service to try and reach those outside the church. One of highlights was this song. Words come from a person outside church looking for something.

Ev’ry night I say a prayer,

In the hopes that there’s a Heaven,

But ev’ry day I’m more confused,

As saints turn into sinners,

All the heroes and legends I knew as a child,

Have fallen to idols of clay,

And I feel this empty place inside,

So afraid that I’ve lost my faith,

Show me the way show me the way,

Take me to the river,

And wash my illusions away,

Please show me the way.

VS 2.

And as I slowly drift to sleep,

For a moment dreams are sacred,

I close my eyes and know there’s peace,

In a world so filled with hatred,

Then I wake up each morning,

And turn on the news to find,

We’ve so far to go,

And I keep on hoping for a sign,

So afraid I just won’t know,

Show me the way show me the way,

Bring me tonight to the mountain,

And take my confusion away,

And show me the way.

2. Like many person looking for something or someone to believe in. Someone who can be trusted. Someone they can depend on. Someone who is faithful.

3. Talks how we have lost hope for all we trusted in has proven to be unfaithful.

4, Whether it is a spouse, a parent or a child, a friend, a boss, or even God Himself, we above all want to find some one who will be faithful to us


1. This evening we consider the fruit of faithfulness - what it means to have a faithful God, how we to can be faithful. Also, how we can cultivate this fruit and why it is important for us to be faithful.

2. First - we have a faithful God.

a. Means that He does not change, that He keeps His promises and that we can trust Him in all things. Psa 33:4 For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.

b. God faithful to Himself, His way or purpose. Psalmist says "His ways are faithful.

c. Does not deviate because of circumstances. This means that God’s ways and His actions are dependent upon Himself.In 2 Tim 2:13 , Paul says that God will or must remain faithful for he cannot deny Himself.

d. Psa 18:25. Yet 2 Tim 2:13.. God faithful to His ways and His people. Timothy speaking to believers (not to those who disown Him). We at times are not faithful, yet if called by Him, He will work out purposes.

e. See in O.T., when His people not faithful, He led them into hands of enemies. God may not have seemed faithful but He was to bring them back to Him.

3. Psalm 89 (responsive reading)tells us much about His faithfulness.

a. It is the very being of God to be faithful. (v. 8)

b. His faithfulness gives direction to how He acts and deals with us. (v. 14)

c. It is in the heavens and not subject to changes as they occur in the world. (v. 2)

d. His faithfulness is active, reaching into the affairs of mankind.

e. He is faithful to His covenant promise which has been given to us so we can testify of them (vv. 3, 5)

f. As said, God even faithful when we are not (v. 30-33)

g. His chastening does not disprove His faithfulness but confirms it. (v. 33). Psa 119:75

4. When He says that He will give live to those who trust in Him He will do it and that the wicked will perish that will happen as well.

5. His faithfulness is the basis of faith. It means that our trusting in Him will not depend on circumstances or other factors, for no matter what happens we know He will work things out for our good. Isa 54:10 .

6. How do we respond to God’s faithfulness? Important to believe God is faithful. If not - then we have no peace or hope. So we place trust in Him.

7. We are also called to be faithful and this is hard for us to do. Prov 20:6.

8.Faithfulness important. Mat 23:23

9. How can we be faithful?

10. First - called to remain faithful to God, to depend on Him and Him alone. We are faithful to God by being faithful to what He has entrusted to Him. - Mat 24:45 (Answer - he who feeds fellow servants and treats them well)

a. 1 Cor 4:1-2

b, God has entrusted mystery of kingdom to us and we are to share it with others. As church are we faithful to what God has given us.

c. Paul knew that many would not, In 2 Tim says that to be faithful means to have died with Him (Christ) or at least be willing to do so. In previous verses Paul talks about His suffering. He writes from a prison in Rome, facing almost certain death.

d. When we are willing to give up our own comfort or to suffer for the gospel, we then die with Christ and share in His suffering. Then we will also reign with Him in eternity.

e. If faith real, we will be faithful to God. We will not deny or disown Him when it is convenient or safer to do so. As said, in that is case, Jesus will also deny or disown us. Matt 10:33

f. Yet when we do, we can receive mercy as Peter found out. Friends, be faithful to God and to calling He gave you. Are you hiding faith or letting it shine. Are you revealing Christ? Christ revealed Father.

g. Also to be faithful in prayer - Rom 12:12

11. We are also to be faithful to one another. That means that others can depend on us.

12. Means we are trustworthy. Meany what we say. If make promise keep it, not blame circumstances.

13. Means we are loyal to friends and causes.

a. Remember being friend of someone who had car. When I had my own, I seldom called person anymore.

b. Mother’s illness - few friends left.

c. Loyalty is caring and committing and sticking it out. And not for own benefit.

14. Means being reliable - boss or parents can leave us with task and we complete it.

15. Does not mean we simply do what friends want. I asked someone to bring me some french fries home. They said they wouldn’t because they knew that was better for me.

16. When we are faithful we are being something that is different from normal sinful nature

a. Paul could not rely on many. (Phil 2:19-20)

b. Faithfulness to others related to faithfulness to Christ.

17. Can people depend on you?

18. When we are faithful:

a. We witness to a faithful God.

b. We build up body. (How much your faithfulness means to me)

c. We build foundation to our verbal witness. We show people can trust us.

19. We cultivate fruit by:

a. Remembering our faithful God.

b. Praying for one another.

c. Remembering Christ will return.

20. Will he say: Mat 25:23

21. By being faithful we bring joy to God. May we do so each day.