Summary: This is a sermon from a series on the Person of Christ.

Title: “Degradation, the Devil, and Deliverance. Script: Mk. 5:1-20/Lk. 8

Type: Series Where: GNBC 3-13-22

Intro: John Paton was a missionary in the New Hebrides Islands. One night hostile natives surrounded the mission station, intent on burning out the Patons and killing them. Paton and his wife prayed during that terror-filled night that God would deliver them. When daylight came they were amazed to see their attackers leave. A year later, the chief of the tribe was converted to Christ. Remembering what had happened, Paton asked the chief what had kept him from burning down the house and killing them. The chief replied in surprise, “Who were all those men with you there?” Paton knew no men were present—but the chief said he was afraid to attack because he had seen hundreds of big men in shining garments with drawn swords circling the mission station. (Today in the Word, MBI, October, 1991, p. 18) There is a spiritual realm in life. See in today’s passage.

Prop: Mk 5 demonstrates 3 Important Truths about Sin, Satan, and Jesus.

BG: 1. In this passage we see that directly after taming a wild sea Jesus tames a wild man.

2. Jesus and the disciples arrived in the country of Gadarenes, Gergasenes, Gersasenes, or also called Decapolis. Was about mi way on the eastern seaboard of the Galilee. Mt. 8:28 records was a less notable man with him. This one stood out to Mark.

3. This wild man was clearly possessed of evil spirits.

Prop: The Interaction of Mk 5 we’ll notice 3 Important Truths about Sin, Satan, and Jesus.

I. 1st Truth: The Degradation of Sin.

*In this passage we see a man absolutely in the clutches of the degradation of sin. You may say in fact that he is the perfect sinner. I notice in his description several different characteristics that are synonymous to all individuals outside of Christ. You say: I am not some demon-possessed madman living naked among the tombs! Yet, look, because many of his characteristics are seen in those outside of Christ.

A. The first characteristic of the Gadarene Demoniac: Deadness.

1. What was this man’s environment? This man lived among the tombs! Where do you find “deadness”? In a cemetery, among the tombs. This area known for its limestone caverns and rocky chambers used for burial tombs. Where do you find the darkness or death, the degradation of death, the depravity of death, and the debauchery of death? You find it in the tomb! This man was characterized by deadness. I see emotional deadness in many people today. Have everything, yet nothing.

2. This 1st characteristic is the true with every sinner.

a. Every individual is born dead in trespasses and sins. (Eph. 2:1). Our environment is the tomb of sin, We are wrapped in the shroud of sin. We are in the coffin of sin and buried in the grave of sin, and it is only Jesus Christ Himself who can, like He did for Lazarus, call us forth to life!

b. Illust – True story, happened in Ireland over 50 yrs. ago, to a Presbyterian pastor of the name of Hardy. Pastor Hardy Was very sick and in fact, declared by the doctor to be dead. The orderlies came and removed him from the bed and laid him out on the slab in the hospital morgue. Only problem, Pastor Hardy was not dead. Man was sent down with mug of hot water, wobbling brush, soap and razor to shave the corpse. Years later, Pastor Hardy told story: “I was so very weak I prayed to the Lord to let that man know I was living.” Right then winked his eye! Mug, soap, and water went flying! Man went screaming! Doctors incredulous! Took Rev. Hardy off the slab and back to floor where survived to live another 25 yrs! Let me tell you, you don’t stay in the house of the dead when you get life!

B. The 2nd characteristic of the Gadarene Demoniac: Uncleanness

- v. 8 says that the man had an unclean spirit. IN the OT, “unclean” was seen as a violation of the law of God. Lepers were not allowed to enter the camp lest they spread their uncleanness to the rest of the nation. His uncleanness would have been due to his surroundings. Sin, in the Bible, is described as “uncleanness”. God is described in the Bible as holy and pure. Radiant in purity. We, however, are fallen. Unclean in His presence. Over the years have seen people saved out of all sorts of horrible backgrounds. . (Illust – Never forget being at Pacific Garden Mission. Everyone is required to bathe daily. Guide was a former drug addict lived on streets. Said as a matter of fact, “When Jesus cleanses your inside only natural to want to wash your outside.”

C. The 3rd Characteristic of the Gadarene Demoniac: Lawlessness

1. vv. 3-4 – The community had tried to bind him. Had tried to shackle him with chains. But he would break both shackle and chain and no one could subdue him. The Gadarene’s community wanted him to conform to the law yet he lived in a perpetual state of lawlessness. Illust – I remember 1st moving to SC in mid 1980’s. Still used chain gangs to pick up trash along roadside. It was a throwback to another era to see men in stripes with feet chained together and armed officer overseeing them. Lawbreakers! Repaying debt to society. All too many examples today.

2. Friend you and I are characterized in our unregenerate state as not only dead and unclean but also lawless! There are three divisions of the Law in the OT. There was the Ceremonial Law by which Israel attempted to keep national sanctification. There was the Civil Law by which the nation was to work. Laws for labor, court proceedings, criminal. Then, there was the third division of the Law, the Moral Law of God that included the 10 Commandments,etc. Now the civil and Ceremonial Law was for Israel. Yet everyone has broken moral law. We are in fact lawbreakers and lawbreakers deserve punishment. The Bible declares that if we have broken one section of the law we have broken it all. (James 2:10 – “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”)

D. The 4th characteristic of the Gadarene Demoniac: Nakedness

1. This man must have been a horrendous sight! Naked, bruised and scarred, possibly fresh flood flowing, super human in strength, possibly with matted hair and beard. Mark alone tells us that no one could bind him, “not even with a chain.” I know that sociologists won’t agree with my assessment, yet, in the past one could often determine how pagan a culture was by dress. Today is no different. Nakedness, since the fall of man has been a symbol of sin.

2. Notice what the WOG says after the demoniac meets and is changed by Christ: “Clothed” – v.15 – Modesty of dress should be a concern Christians have. Not saying can’t enjoy the beach. I am saying Iowa Ave. isn’t the beach!

E. The 5th characteristic of the Gadarene Demoniac: Restlessness

1. The demonized man was a restless man.

a. v. 5 – “constantly night and day” – The demoniac was restless! Augustine said: “You have made us for Yourself and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You." It is a sweeping statement about the origin and history of the human race, and that both are anchored in God himself. He is not only the cause of our creation, but he is the purpose of our existence.” Apart from God, we thrash about desperately trying to cobble together a sense of identity and purpose, struggling to find our place of belonging in this world. We know not who we are, or whose we are, or who we are destined to become. And it is only upon returning to the One who brought forth our hearts from nothing, that we end our grinding search and find rest in the Living God who is both the beginning and end of our journey. Only in him do we find our identity, our purpose, and our destiny. In Him we find PEACE!

b. Notice what the Bible says of the demoniac after he met Christ: v. 15 – “sitting down”. Calm. Relaxed. No longer restless! In Christ one finds purpose and fulfillment and wholeness. What demon has you restless in and with life?

2. Illust – Few years ago on vacation read Crime and Punishment. Main character commits two murders in 1st 75 pages and then Dostovsky takes next 430 pages to get into the psyche of a conflicted, man characterized by complete and total restlessness due to his guilt and unforgiveness. Are you troubled with guilt and unforgiveness? Turn to Christ.

C. Applic: The Westminster Shorter Catechism. "Question: What is the chief end of Man? Answer: Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever." In my opinion, John Piper says it even better, "The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever." Why is it better? Because, the way one glorifies God is by making Him the profound source of one's deepest pleasure. In short, we are called to what Tozer called, "the sweet and mysterious mingling of kindred personalities."

II. 2nd Truth: The Destruction of the Devil.

A. The Devil Lives to Cause Destruction

1. The Devil lived to destroy this poor man’s life.

a. This man was suffering terribly because evil spirits were controlling his mind and body. Nothing could keep him calm. He could no longer live near his family and friends. He was driven to live out of town, in a graveyard! He was so tormented that he screamed all day and night. It must have been a terrible sound, hearing his screams echo off of the rocky clefts in the middle of the night. These demons even caused the man to cut himself with stones.

Satan and his demons want to harm people, because Satan is a jealous enemy of God (Isaiah 14:13-14). Satan and his demons know they have no power to harm God, so they want to harm people because God. Let me say this very sensitively. If you are cutting yourself (Most likely young woman.) please ask someone for help. Satan wants you to self harm. God wants you whole!

b. Evil spirits were controlling this poor man. When Jesus spoke to the man, the evil spirit answered. The evil spirit said that his name was Legion. Legion is a military word. In the Roman army, a legion was a group of up to 6,000 soldiers. We’re not sure if there were actually 6,000 demons in the man, but we are sure there were many. It’s not surprising the demons used military terminology, the devil is at war with Christ and His Church. Demoniac was a POW. So is everyone not in Christ.

2. The devil lives so as to destroy your life. (John 10:10)

a. Look at this poor demoniac. Look at how he is living. Look at where he is living. Alone. In filth and squalor. Tormented in both the present and in the past. Tormented in his mind. An outcast among people. Separated from friends and family. Friends, some sin got a hold on this man and DESTROYED his life. I wonder what deal he made with the devil? Devil is always a liar! I know there are a multitude of sins can become entangled with: pride, anger, lust, addictions. I have met countless men in this community who came under the influence of alcohol and drugs and ruined them. I have met more than my share of individuals addicted to gambling and lottery…only to be ruined financially. Affairs… Destroys life. Presently Satan is attacking the youth of our nation with the message of being conflicted. Questioning gender, homosexual and lesbian behavior, transgender…He is killing a generation, stealing their fertility, destroying their design and purpose.

b. The devil wants you and me to sin. Do you know why? Apart from Christ, sin leads to death. “The wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23). Sin is spiritual suicide. It negatively affects you! Where was this demoniac living? (V.3 “among the tombs”. He was living where dead people are buried. Death rather than life was his norm. Sin is insanity. Look at this poor man. He is insane. Insanity is coursing through his veins. Sin will lead us down a path of insanity. I have seen people become “insanely” jealous or bitter. Who is that ultimately harming? Self! What sin are you involved in that will lead to your doom lest you turn to Christ? Finally, sin is self-destruction. Sin destroys self first of all.

B. Jesus Has come to Destroy the Works of the Devil.

1. I Jn. 3:8 says: “He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.” Here on the shores of Gadara we see this verse lived out in flesh. Jesus comes near to a man everyone else is afraid of. Jesus comes near to a man absolutely and irrefutably under the control of the devil and frees him in a moment’s time! Still does today.

2. When Robinson Crusoe's good man Friday asked him, "Why doesn't God destroy the devil?" Robinson Crusoe gave him the right answer, the only answer, the great answer. He said, "God will destroy him."- Rev 20:10 (KJV) And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. - Rev 20:14 (KJV) And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

C. Applic: The devil had this poor demoniac under his control. What a terrible thing it is to be under the control of the devil. Find freedom in Christ!

III. 3rd Truth: The Dynamism of Christ’s Deliverance.

A. We see in this passage a power encounter between Christ and the demonic.

1. A raving man is made sound when he comes to the Savior!

a. “It is a great thing when a sick body is healed or when some burden is lifted. It is a great thing when some problem is solved, when a light shines after a night of darkness. But, the greatest miracle of all is the miracle of the transforming power of the Gospel of Christ in the heart of sinners! There is no miracle like the new birth. There is no miracle like the conversion of the soul. There is no miracle like the salvation of the lost!” (RIK Paisley, p. 230). Here in this passage we see this miraculous, life-giving power unto salvation when Jesus delivers the demoniac from Legion! The demoniac rushes towards Christ as the Savior comes ashore…what a vivid picture Mark paints…his violence, his absence of self control, the fear of the people, his homicidal frenzy! Yet, with an irresistible POWER the demoniac is DRAWN to Christ!

b. Illust: Friend, I want to tell you, don’t get your theology from Hollywood. Get your theology from the Bible. When I was a kid I watched all sorts of stupid horror movies. Priest quaking in the face of devils, struggles and conflicts, demons winning. NONSENSE! The devil runs Hollywood and he wants you to think he’s more powerful than Jesus. Now look at this poor lost soul. Deranged, desperate, depraved. Under the influence of the devil. There are no incantations on Jesus’ part. No yelling and screaming. No hyper prayers. Jesus simply asks him: “What is your name?” And then the demons, not Jesus begins pleading. Jesus in COMPLETE control (v. 13) grants the demons permission to be cast into the herd of swine.

2. The demons are not mistaken of their power or position vs. the Person of Xst.

a. Does it surprise anyone that the demon called Jesus the “Son of the Most High God”? Did you know that every time Jesus meets with a demon, it knows who Jesus is? James 2:19 says, “You believe there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that. And they tremble!” The demons know who Jesus is, and exactly how powerful He is, yet they are still His enemy. This tells us something very important: Believing the facts about Jesus is not enough to make you right with God. You must put your trust in Him to be saved from your sin and to enter God’s kingdom.

b. I want you to notice an amazing truth from this passage. When Jesus came on the scene this sinner was wonderfully attracted to Jesus. Friend there is a drawing power in Christ! Jesus said that if He be lifted up from the earth that He would draw all men unto Himself! (Jn. 12:32) There is a supernatural, almost magnetic power of Christ to drawn those unto Himself who know their lives are a wreck. Praise God for IRRESISTIBLE GRACE! This man meets Jesus! It’s a wonderful thing when Jesus enters a sinner’s heart because you see the devil cannot abide it and has to move on!

B. Jesus Wonderfully Delivers a man who had been living a life delivered over to Satan.


a. We may wonder what happened to the demons after the pigs drowned. Evil spirits are just that - spirits - so they are eternal, and are not “killed.” Even when they are thrown into the lake of fire, it will be eternal torment (Rev. 20:10). In Matthew 8:29, Legion asked if Jesus had come to torture them before the “appointed time.” All demons know that there is a time when they will be judged (and the result will be eternal torment), but these demons knew the time had not yet come.

b. What does interest me more than the swine is the response of the pig herders. – v. 17 – Go Away! Like a lot of individuals, more concerned about pigs and possessions than people. When Jesus works mightily there were and still today are two responses: Accept and follow after Him. Reject and bid to flee.

2. Jesus Christ can completely transform the most hostile sinner.

a. Remember, before the demon-possessed man met Jesus, he was totally wild. He had super-human strength, and iron chains could not hold him. He had ripped off his clothes, and cut his own skin with rocks. He was completely out of control. Listen to what the townspeople found when they got to the seashore: Then they came to Jesus. They saw the man who had been controlled by many demons. He was sitting there. He was now dressed and thinking clearly. All this made the people afraid. - Mark 5:15 The man was sitting, fully dressed, and thinking clearly. What a transformation! The people who knew him could not believe their eyes. This wild man was now controlled - not by chains or armed guards - but he was self-controlled. The Bible says that one of the fruits of God’s Spirit is self-control! (Galatians 5:22-23) This man was living proof that “Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation. The old is gone! The new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

b. Illust – John was a man I knew back in the church I was assistant pastor of in SC, back in late 1980’s. John was a big man. Always smiling. Always pleasant. Wasn’t how had always been. Career army sergeant. Volunteered for extra tours in Vietnam because liked killing people. John was a horrible drunk. Could tell when John was home because lawn was strewn with beer cans where sit in front porch and throw in yard. Was loud and violent. Yet one day something was different, wife came home to see yard was clean. Wasn’t sure if annoyed neighbors had cleaned but knew most were too afraid. Then cautiously walked inside. John was smiling. Had picked up the trash because radically saved when a young Wesleyan pastor visited and shared Christ!

C. Applic: Friend, do you find yourself this morning considering your condition before Christ? Don’t go away with doubts. Following the service there will be a pastor or elder in the library waiting to pray or talk with you about how can know Christ or attempt to answer questions may have.