Summary: A sermon for Easter.

Title: “It is Finished” Scripture: John 19:30/Jn. 20:1-9

Type: Easter Special Where: GNBC 4-18-22

Intro: At each of the services this week a man has preached on the various last seven statements of Christ from the Cross. Pastor Richard began last week with: Father forgive them…, “This day you shall be with me in Paradise”, and “Woman, behold thy son.” Joseph Arch preached Sunday pm on “My God, My God…”, and “I thirst.” Good Friday Pastor Zach preached on “Into Thy hands I commit My Spirit.” This Easter Sunday, 2022, I will preach on the final words of Christ from the cross: “It is finished.” In English, the final statement of Christ is a brief three words: “It is finished.” In the original language it is an even more abbreviated single word statement: “Tetelestai!” The word only occurs in John 19:28 in the New Testament. In 19:28 it is translated, “After this, when Jesus knew that all things were now completed, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled, he said, ‘I thirst.’” Two verses later, he utters the word himself: “Then when he received the sour wine Jesus said, ‘It is finished,’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” The word tetelestai was also written on business documents or receipts in New Testament times to show indicating that a bill had been paid in full. Maybe you are paying off that engagement ring…several months to years, maybe that car note 48-60 mo, maybe that home 30 yrs., maybe those college loans…with your first Social Security check! 😊 Regardless, most all of us have had the experience of paying of a debt! Joy and relief. Well, in the Greek world of Jesus’ day, “Receipts are often introduced by the phrase [sic] tetelestai, usually written in an abbreviated manner...” The connection between receipts and what Christ accomplished would have been quite clear to John’s Greek-speaking readership; it would be unmistakable that Jesus Christ had died to pay for their sins. (Moulton& Milligan, p. 630)

Prop: Easter Sunday 2022, let’s examine the significance of this, the final statement of Christ: “It is finished”

I. With This Statement, Christ’s Earthly Ministry Was Finished.

A. With this Statement Christ’s Life and Ministry Came to a Shocking Conclusion.

1. As Christ uttered this Final Word: “It is Finished” His earthly ministry came to a shocking conclusion. Although Jesus lived into His mid-30’s, majority of what’s recorded takes place in the 3 yrs of His public ministry. Summarizing the life of history’s most dominant and unique figure is a challenge. The importance of Jesus is shown by the fact that his life is the dividing point in our calendar between the era before Christ and that which followed the life of our Lord. In those three years we see the central figure of history. We see the most beautiful life ever lived, the most gracious words ever spoken, the most loving individual who has ever lived! We see the most phenomenal activities ever recorded, miracles of every type and description. His life is still the most attractive and unique life ever lived and can still has the power to change our lives today. Yet, how could all of that culminate in a horrific beating, crown of thorns, crucifixion and death? What a shocking conclusion to such a beautiful life.

2. Illust: This past week Carol and I had the special treat of going back to my hometown to watch it’s community Easter Pageant. 100’s of people from the community have been coming together since 1937 to perform an unspoken presentation the life of Christ. Several hundred voice choir and orchestra. I had been a part of this in my childhood and teen years and had not viewed in nearly 40 years. At the end of the 75 minute drama I found myself choked up and tearing up. I am sure in part sentimentality. But on another level, watching a dramatic portrayal of Christ’s life & death and hearing the old basketball coliseum erupt into applause and cheers as out of the darkness Christ appears in a spotlight, Risen from the Dead! As I sat there, I contemplated how many of IC’s self-proclaimed intellectual elites would have looked down. Yet cheering is the right response!

B. Although this was an Abrupt Conclusion it was also a Deliberate Conclusion.

1. The Reader of the Gospel Account is Shocked at the Abrupt Conclusion.

a. Often we associate “abrupt” and “deliberate” as antonyms. When something happens abruptly it doesn’t seem to be deliberate. Or if something is deliberate it most likely does not seem to be abrupt.

b. Illust: About 20 yrs ago, after 8 yrs of work, I finished my 2nd Master’s degree. I had earned my BS in 3.5 years, 1st MA in 2.5 yrs., After few years in ministry decided need a bit more training. Kids, work, etc., took 8 yrs. Never forget the day I mailed (Notice!) my last paper for final class. Steve and Dorothy Long were at our house. I told Steve what was in the packet and he said: “How does it feel to be FINISHED?” I paused for a moment. It felt FANTASTIC! And like that, in one moment, it was all done! The last paper written. The last assignment checked off! It all seemed so abrupt, yet every moment had been a deliberate attempt to reach the goal of graduation.

2. Christ’s Death on the Cross Was Part of a Grand and Deliberate Plan.

a. Illust: Don’t ever forget what happened in the last 24 hrs of Christ’s earthly life was not the unravelling of God’s plan. No! Rather it was the deliberate culmination of it! Remember Jesus’ words Mt. 16:21, “From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” Yet, would it shock you to know that this plan predated Christ’s ministry. Yes, even His earthly life. Would you believe before the foundations of the world? Rev. 13:8 tells us that Christ was slain from before the foundations of the world.

b. “It is undeniable that free and evil men sought and secured Christ’s death. Yet, that cannot alter the fact that Christ knew what they were doing and allowed them to do it! If you realize Christ was God, then you realize this was not martyrdom. If He was only a man it was murder. If He was God it was an offering. If He was a man, it was martyrdom. If He was God it was a sacrifice. If He was a man, they took His life. If He was God, He laid it down Himself. If He was a man we are called to admiration. If He was God we are call to ADORATION. If He was only a man we must stand up and take off our hats. If He was God we must fall down and give Him our hearts.” (Sangster, They Met…, p.105)

C. Applic: With this statement, Christ’s earthly ministry was finished.

II. With This Statement, Christ’s Uniqueness Was Undeniably Declared.

A. Only Christ Could Confidently Assert Such a Declaration.

1. Only Christ could say: “It is Finished!”

a. Christ ALONE finished the work of being man’s substitute. Illust- One of our sons is a teacher. When Cassidy had their baby, Josie, two weeks ago, Joseph had to have a substitute come in a do the work he could not do because he was absent.

b. Christ made satisfaction for our debt, our enmity with God, and our guilt. He satisfied the ransom demand for our release from captivity to sin. He was our substitute. When we look at the biblical depiction of sin as a crime, we see that Jesus acts as the Substitute, taking our place at the bar of God’s justice. For this reason, we sometimes speak of Jesus’ work on the cross as the substitutionary atonement of Christ, which means that when He offered an atonement, it was not to satisfy God’s justice for His own sins, but for the sins of others. He stepped into the role of the Substitute, representing His people. He didn’t lay down His life for Himself; He laid it down for us. He is our ultimate Substitute. He performed the work we could not. He did it perfectly and declared it FINISHED!

2. Christ Finished What We Could Never Have Accomplished.

a. If God is Holy, and He is, and if man is sinful, and he is, then how do we know that we have “done enough” to be right with God? How do we know our slate is clean? How many “Hail Mary’s” and “Our Father’s” must we pray? How much penance must we perform? How much money must we give? How sincere do we have to be? If salvation is based on my deeds I have NO assurance. If, however, it is based on Christ’s FINISHED work, I have unalterable confidence.

b. “There never existed but one being who in truth could affirm of his work — “It is finished!” Incompleteness and defect trace the most vast, elaborate, and accomplished products of human genius and power. That brilliant volume of history, at a period of thrilling interest, falls from the death-struck hand of its author, fragmentary and incomplete. That magnificent work of art fades before the glazed eye of the painter and the sculptor, at a moment when the pencil is pointed and the chisel up-raised to impart the last and perfecting touch. That splendid edifice, the conception of a master mind, with all its architectural skill and beauty, is but a monument of human forethought and power, blinded and cramped in its range. The touch of human imperfection and incompleteness mars and traces all. The great truth, then, stands out like a constellation flaming in its own solitary orbit, that there never was but one man who could gaze with complacency upon his work, and, with his expiring breath, exclaim, “It is finished!" That man was the Jesus.” (Spurgeon, John 19:30)

B. Jesus Undeniably Declared His Uniqueness in this Declaration.

1. Illust: A Christian was once talking to his non-Christian neighbor as to the differences between their two faiths. They got caught up in a lengthy discussion of doctrines, practices, holidays. The Christian replied, I think I can very simply explain the major difference between our two religions. How is that”, asked the neighbor? “What is that?” “It is this: Yours has only two letters in it, while mine has four.” “What do you mean?” he said? “Well, yours has ‘DO.’ Mine has ‘DONE.’” (Resources 2) You see dear one, the uniqueness of Christ’s life, ministry, death, and resurrection guarantees the uniqueness of the Christian’s faith.

2. Christ’s Finished Work Forces us to make a conclusion about Him.

a. Illust: We sometimes use the phrase: “Draw a line in the sand”, a point beyond which one will not go; a limit to what one will do or accept. When you draw a line in the sand, you're going to get a reaction, and not always a positive one. Some people are going to reject it, sometimes with hostility. But others will join you. The thing people can't do with an exclusive Christianity is truly be ambivalent about it. Jesus forces the issue.

b. “It is impossible to be ambivalent about Jesus. He said so Himself (Matt. 12:30). It should come as no surprise, then, to see that as Jesus traveled around preaching, teaching, and doing ministry, He had an immensely polarizing effect on those He encountered. Some responded in loving awe and others in seething hatred. And this would not have been true if Jesus had simply been what many modern thinkers assume He was—a good moral teacher. No, Jesus is not quite so safe as all that. Jesus Christ is a spiritual disruption of the space-time continuum.” (Jared Wilson, The Gospel…, Ligionier)

c. C. Applic: Alistair Begg – The ground of our salvation is Christ alone! If you were to die today and asked by angel why God should let you into heaven. If you answer in 1st person you have a problem! “Because I…” Only proper answer is in the 3rd Person: “Because He!” Ask thief on the cross: cussing Christ, not baptized, no covenant family, not baptized, no membership… Yet you made it! How did you make it? I don’t know! “Excuse me, let me get my supervisor…” “Are you clear on Justification by Faith? Inerrancy of Script?” “Never heard of it!” Wait, why are you hear? “The man in the middle said I could come!!!”

III. With This Statement, Christ “Finished” 3 Foes Every Individual Faces.

A. Who or What are Those Three Foes? Col. 2:13-16 gives us insight.

1. Christ “Finished” Sin! – v. 13 – transgressions/sins -offenses. We have all transgressed the law of God. We are all guilty. “Having forgiven us ALL our sins!” When we come to Christ the slate isn’t simply wiped clean…it is throw away! (Illust- I remember as an elem. Student got in trouble. Every day for a week I had to stay after to clean the chalk board. Beat out filthy erasers. Never fully clean. Always got dirty again. I wanted to throw them out. PTL! Jesus did! V.14 – “canceled the certificate of debt” There it is! Paid in full!

2. Christ “Finished” the Devil! V.15 (read). Satan was a criminal. He held you captive. Illust: Ever watch a police SWAT team (Maybe some have been!). Hostages taken. When negotiations fail, they go in. Flash bangs, smoke, tear gas. Disarm or kill the hostages. Then they are free! Christ did! This is how Jesus has disarmed the powers. He has taken away Satan’s power to hold sinners to the debt of their sins and trespasses. Indeed, accusation is the chief activity for Satan. When you come to Christ those accusations are silenced! Forever!

3. Christ “Finished” Death! – v.13 “made you alive together with Him” implies that before trusting in Christ we were dead. Eph. 2:1 would agree with that spiritual assessment. That is the grand and glorious truth of Easter! Death didn’t kill Christ. Christ, defeated death! (Read I Cor. 15:20-22) I have lost a lot of friends this year. I am glad death won’t be eternal. Heb 2:14-15 14 [Jesus died] that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil 15and might deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives. Knowing the Author of life delivers you from fear of death.

B. Christ’s Bodily Resurrection Ensures 3 Eternal Outcomes for the Believer. (Jn. 20:1-9 Res.)

1. Christ’s Bodily Resurrection Ensures Our Justification: Rom. 4:25 Paul explicitly connects Christ’s resurrection w/our justification. “Jesus was put to death for our trespasses and raised for our justification.” By raising Christ from the dead, the Father was putting His seal of approval on Christ’s work of redemption. Christ no longer had any need to remain dead!

2. Christ’s Bodily Resurrection Ensures Our Regeneration. . I Pet. 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..” Jesus’ resurrection is explicitly connected with our new birth. When Jesus rose from the dead He had a qualitatively new, a resurrection life in a human body and spirit that were perfectly suited for obedience to God forever. In His resurrection He earned for us new life like His.

3. Christ’s Bodily Resurrection Ensures Our Resurrection Body. The NT several times connects Jesus’ resurrection with our final bodily resurrection. (I Cor. 6:14; II Cor. 4:14) In I Cor. 15:20 Paul says that “Christ is the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.” Saying that Christ is the “first fruits” (aparche), Paul is using a metaphor from agriculture to indicate what we will be like. Illust- I saw yesterday that Ryan Yoder has begun planting. Corn seed goes into the ground. Water melons don’t come up! Corn produces corn! Christ’s resurrection body shows what ours will be like when He raises us from the dead and brings us into His presence.

C. Applic: A British friend of mine once had the opportunity to hear the famous Scottish preacher Murdo McDonald preach. McDonald was from Harris in the Hebrides. During WWII he was a chaplain with the Parachute Regiment and was wounded and captured in 1942. Taken to POW camp, infamous Stalag III in Poland. There were imprisoned British in one camp and American in another separated by barbed wire. When got a bit of news, would shout in English to the other side. Germans became suspect of this and began to use loud speakers whenever this took place. However, became known to McDonald that in the American Army was a POW from a Scottish family. Both men spoke Gaelic and began announcing messages in that strange language. McD’s said then came that glorious day in April of 1945 when the young American said: “The Liberation Army have come! Soon we will be free!” Friend, the Liberation of our souls came in the Person of Jesus Christ. Good Friday He declared, “It is finished!” and Easter Sunday, He kicked in death’s door! He is Risen!!!