Summary: This is from a series I preached on great doctrines of the faith.

Title: “The Christian’s Confidence” Script: Romans 8:28-39

Type: Expos. Doctrinal Series Where: GNBC 5-29-22

Intro: Confidence takes many forms, from the arrogance of Floyd Mayweather to the quiet self-assurance of Jane Goodall. True confidence—as opposed to the false confidence people project to mask their insecurities—has a look all its own. When it comes to confidence, one thing is certain: truly confident people always have the upper hand over the doubtful and the skittish, because they inspire others and they make things happen. I think Henry Ford said it best: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.” (Forbes Leadership, Travis Bradberry). Leadership guru John Maxwell has said: “our first step to success is having the confidence that you will succeed. In fact, the only reason we take the first step is because we have confidence. The journey begins by us not saying, I just want to take one step and quit. The journey begins with one step. And that begins with having confidence. Sometimes, with my sense of humor, people ask me, John, what do you do? And sometimes I just tell them, I'm a lid lifter. I come into people's lives and help them see possibilities and lift the lid in their life.” (Maxwell Minute). Well friend, I see a lot of Christians who seem to have very little confidence in their spiritual lives. Fearful and timid. If I can use Maxwell’s moniker, today, I would like to help “take the lid” off of not our lives, but our theological understanding so you can walk in the confidence Christ has ordained you and me to walk in.

Prop: Examining Rom. 8:28-39 we’ll better appreciate the confidence every believer has in Christ.

BG: 1. “Confidence” – Series on great doctrines. Often referred to as the “Perseverance of the Saints”, but I think when that term is used, half of all Christians immediately turn off their ears. I have entitled “The Believer’s Confidence.”

2. Romans – The great masterpiece and theological work by Paul. Foundational to any Christian’s life.

3. We will look at this section in 3 cement blocks of truth containing 5 parts each, upon which the believer’s confidence is built.

Prop: Let’s examine Rom. 8:28-39 so to better understand and appreciate the Confidence every Believer has in Christ.

I. The Believer’s Confidence is Based on 5 Unshakeable Convictions. V.28

A. Let’s Consider this First Verse and its Importance for the Believer’s Confidence.

1. Confidence and Conviction go hand in hand.

a. V.28 is one of the best known verses in the entire Bible. “On it, believers of every age and place have stayed their minds. It has been likened to a pillow on which we rest our weary heads.” (Stott, Romans, p. 246)

b. Look at how v. 28 begins: “We know”. Paul began v. 22 in the same way about creation’s groanings looking forward to redemption. Here we see that the “we know” is in connection with God’s providential care. Illust: Many people are quite anxious today. We don’t know many things about the future…Will my child be safe at school? Can I afford to fill up my car, how far will my retirement fund value fall, will there be food shortages, will the war break out wider, Monkeypox, will I be able to get a mortgage?... On a personal level people are hurting desperately right now. Anxiety. Fear, Depression. Gender Confusion. Lack of purpose. Lack of confidence. Rejection of God only adds to this poisonous worrisome concoction. Christian, don’t GIVE IN TO FEAR! Remember: “WE KNOW!” Conviction breeds confidence.

B. What Are These 5 Unshakeable Convictions? (Break down v. 28)

1. God works in our lives. – God is at work in every Christian’s life! Christian, we often cannot see the trees for the forest when it comes to our lives. However, God is at work! You are maturing. You are growing! Why? Because “God is ceaselessly, energetically, and purposefully active on your behalf.” (Stott, p. 247) What problem or struggle do you and I have that can withstand God’s ceaseless attention?

2. God works for the good of His people. Think about this. God is at work for your and my good. Now, God is wholly good, so all of His works are an expression of the essential attribute of His Person, which is His goodness! Everything God does is calculated to advance His good plan for our lives, ultimately, our salvation! Illust: If you are an athlete, your coach will often build workouts that test your limits. May be painful. But last for a set period of time with the purpose of making your stronger, building endurance, refining essential skills. It's for the athlete’s good. Make him/her better. That is what God is doing in our lives.

3. God works for our good in all things. Illust: now that fictional coach I just referred to is attempting to improve one specific area of his/her athlete. Running, swimming, pitching or fielding, free throw shooting, etc. But look at what Paul says about God’s purposes here: He is at work for our good in ALL THINGS! So, this passage can be properly understood that in everything God is working (panta) for His people’s good. Yes, those “all things” include even the sufferings of v. 17 and the groanings of v. 23. Listen Christian, even the negative things we experience in this life…death of a loved one, sickness, dementia, senseless tragedy…you will in the blanks. I am NOT saying those aren’t real and that they aren’t awful. They are. However, I want you to have utter confidence that even everything that is negative in this life can be seen to have a positive purpose in the execution of God’s eternal plan.” (Nygren, p. 338). Illust: My mother was diagnosed with brain cancer when about 50 yrs. Died 9 weeks later. The seriousness of her commitment to Christ was night and day difference. At the time we were devastated. However, what if lived another 30 years and been lukewarm? She would still be dead today and would not be sure of eternal condition.

4. God works all things for the good of those who love Him. Listen, Christianity is not a sappy. Syrupy sentimentality generally expressing optimism for everyone. No! Everything does not tend to be good for everyone in the end. If you don’t love God, don’t expect His good for you. I know all sorts of people living in this town who want to give God the finger every day and in every way as they rebel against Him and His law and then want the comfort of knowing that they will be fine in the end. No. Do you love God?

5. God works for the good of those who have been called according to His purposes. – Let me see if I can explain this. The fact that #4 is true is precipitated on the fact that God first loved you! You and I could not naturally love God had God not first loved us. So, God has a historic call on your and my life and even if at present my life looks like a mess, you and I can have an unshakeable conviction that He has a saving purpose for us! Illust: years ago I was at a Christian conference. Speaker was a chalk-artist. Random chalk on a board. Different colors. Lines that seemed to have not connection or interrelatedness with other objects and line on the board. Then all of a sudden, out of the apparently discombobulated mess, there arose a picture of beauty!

C. Applic: When you are taking a test the thing that gives you the most confidence is knowing the material you are being tested on. Paul reminds the Christian of 5 Unshakeable convictions every Christian should KNOW!

II. The Believer’s Confidence is Strengthened by 5 Undeniable Affirmations vv.29-30

A. Next, Paul moves to Discuss 5 Undeniable Affirmations that Bolster the Believer’s Confidence.

1. In these two verse Paul begins to elaborate on what he meant in v. 28 when he said “purpose”. So, what Paul is about to do in this section is to very logically trace God’s good and saving purposes thru 5 stages from what he perceives as the beginning to the consummation of God’s plan in our glorification. These stages he refers to as: foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification, and glorification. A lot of this has to do with what theologians call “The Ordo Salutis” – the Order of Salvation.

2. Illust: The American painter, John Sargent, once painted a panel of roses that was highly praised by critics. It was a small picture, but it approached perfection. Although offered a high price for it on many occasions, Sargent refused to sell it. He considered it his best work and was very proud of it. Whenever he was deeply discouraged and doubtful of his abilities as an artist, he would look at it and remind himself, “I painted that.” Then his confidence and ability would come back to him. (Bits and Pieces, September 19, 1991, p. 9) Listen Christian, when you are feeling really down and low, I have got something way better for you to do than look at a painting! Let’s look at what God has done!

B. What are these 5 Undeniable Affirmations that Bolster the Believer’s Confidence?

1. God foreknew.- What is the def. of “foreknew”? To know something beforehand, before it happens or takes place. Now this is your quota of intense theology for the week… Many commentators conclude that God forsees who will believe and that this knowledge is the basis upon which God predestines. However, let me challenge this assertion a bit. First, God foreknows everyone who will ever exist, not just one particular group. Second, if God predestines individuals who are going to believe, then we are back to the false doctrine that salvation is based on the individual’s merit instead of God’s mercy! What Paul is saying here is that grace is the incomprehensible mercy of God. “To know” does not merely imply cognition, it expresses a personal relationship of care and affection. In Ps. 1:6 and 144:3 we read that when God “knows” people He “watches over” them. In Hosea 13:5 we read that God “knew the children of God in the desert” and the implication is that He cared for them. Illust: What is the implication of this? Think about it for yourself. I know each of my children. When they were younger they were under my care. I sought to provide financially for them. Sought best education for them. Gave them lessons in certain areas. Tried to teach them moral standards, value of hard work. Sometimes disciplined them. What does that sound like? PARENTAL LOVE! God’s foreknowledge of you is an expression of His love for you!

2. God predestined you to conformity to Christ. Now, no one would argue that a decision is part of the process in becoming a Christian. However, let me throw a monkey wrench in your “Ordo Salutis”. God decided before you could decide! Think of the confidence that gives you and me. Now, that in no way violates the fact that you and I really did trust in, decide for, whatever other terminology you want to use…for Christ, but that ONLY happened because He first decided for you! Think about that, Christian. Are you having a bad day? Discouraged? Depressed? Devil has you down? God sovereignly chose to bestow His gracious, unmerited, overwhelming, rapturous, divine love on you and me so we could become more like Christ! So don’t entertain the idea for one moment that you aren’t valuable in His sight!

3. God called those He predestined. – How does God call? Thru the preaching of the Gospel! God’s predestination doesn’t make preaching inconsequential. Rather, it makes it essential! We respond obediently by faith to the Gospel, and when we do respond in faith, we know that we have been effectually called. Illust: You and I are going about our day, blissfully doing our thing, and cell phone goes off! Answer it! “Your car warranty has expired!” No! Not that one! Long lost friend has found your number on the internet and called you. You answered. Who initiated that call? DUH! You were on their mind. You were the object of their special affection. (Christian, multiply that a hundred million x more.)

4. God justified those He called. God’s effective call enables those who hear to believe and those who believe are justified. Now, we looked at this entire doctrine a few weeks ago. If you remember, my sermon in a sentence: “ In the fullness of God’s plan, Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was the substitute; He had to endure the cross to take away the sins of the world, so He could declare you innocent on all charges in His court of law.”

5. God glorified those whom He justified. So, if you were justified, he has in fact also glorified. Illust: Sometimes we get discouraged in the Christian life because we aren’t as smart as…Or as talented as…Or as good of a preacher s…Author as… Evangelist as… Just trying to get through my day and not mess up. How many players are on a NCAA D1 football team? About 100 -125. Of these no more than 85 can be on scholarship. That means you have walk-ons. A lot of times the walk-ons, and sometimes even the scholarshipped players NEVER play a single minute of time in entire career (Rudy!). Sometimes only purpose is practice team. However, past January when Georgia beat Alabama for National Championship every single player, even those who didn’t play a minute in the championship or a minute during the regular season, still got THE RING! Why? They were on the team! In Christ you are on the team!

C. Applic: Paul continues to encourage believers with 5 Undeniable Affirmations.

III. The Believer’s Confidence is Affirmed by 5 Unassailable Statements regarding the Love of God. Vv.31-39

A. Paul Concludes his Argument for the Christian’s Confidence.

1. As Christians we are to walk in the confidence of Christ, knowing we cannot be separated from the Love of God!

a. Paul is going to use a formula he has already used in 6:1,15; and 7:7: “What then shall we say in response to this?” (v. 31 a) First we saw 5 convictions, and then 5 affirmations. Now, he asks 5 questions to which there are no answers. Essentially, Paul is challenging anyone and anything in heaven and on earth to defy the truthfulness of what he is saying.

b. Illust: former Packers’ and Seahawks’ head coach Mike Holmgren once discussed a discouraging moment in life, when he was cut from the New York Jets as backup quarterback to Joe Namath. "I had committed my life to Jesus Christ when I was 11, but in my pursuit to make a name for myself in football, I left God next to my dust-covered Bible. But after getting cut from the Jets, I pulled out my Bible and found comfort in a verse I had memorized in Sunday school: ’Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths’ (Proverbs 3:5-6). "I asked Jesus Christ to take control again. My priorities in life are faith, family, and football--in that order." That momentary hardship led me to my true career and calling as a coach.” [Confidence in a Crisis, Citation: Men of Integrity, Vol. 1, no. 2.)

2. Our most fundamental inclination as fallen human creatures is to exchange the truth that God reveals about Himself for a lie, and to serve and worship the creature rather than the Creator (Rom. 1:18-32). We commit idolatry every time we substitute a lesser concept for His glory, whether that substitution takes the crass form of stone gods or the more sophisticated form of redefining God's character to suit our tastes. A god stripped of justice, of holiness, of sovereignty, and the rest is as much an idol as a statue of wood or stone. We must be careful not to substitute for the biblical God a god who is exhausted in his character by the one attribute of love, especially as popular culture defines it. Yet friend, rest assured He does love you!

B. Paul Gives 5 Unanswerable Questions Which Confirm Absolute Certainty Upon God’s Love for you and me.

1. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (v.31b) NO ONE! Illust: Who was against Moses and the Hebrew children with their backs against the Red Sea? Pharoah’s entire army! Who was against Gideon’s band of 300 men? 135k Midianite warriors? When Hezekiah’s southern Kingdom was about to fall at the hands of Sennacherib’s mighty Assyrian army, the Angel of the Lord showed up and slew 185,000 soldiers in one night! When the three Hebrew children, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego took a stand against the blasphemous idolatry of King Nebuchadnezzar, when the furnace was heated 7x hotter than normal, when the 3 men were thrown in, were they burned alive? No, but they found a 4th Man in the furnace with them, the Son of God! And when Daniel refused to pray and he was sentenced to die and thrown in the lion’s den, God showed up and shut the lions’ mouths! If God is for you, Christian, who can be against you?

2. “Will God not give us all things?” (v.32) Of course! Don’t ever believe the lie that God is withholding His best from you and me. That is the same lie Satan has been running since the Garden. Paul says: “If God gave you His very Son, He will certainly give you everything that you need!”

3. “Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? (v.33) If God has chosen you and He has justified you, who exactly can bring a charge against you? Illust: the devil could hire F. Lee Bailey and Johnny Cochrane to plead his case against you and me and would still be utterly futile because Jesus Christ has already died to pay the penalty and HE IS YOUR DEFENSE ATTORNEY, raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father!

4. “Who is it that condemns?” – Commentators differ as to whether the next clauses are questions (“Is it Christ who has died?” RSV) or assertions (“It is Christ who has died.”) or even denials (Not Christ, who died!” REB) yet in each case the sense is the same, that Christ rescues us from condemnation by His death, resurrection, exaltation, and intercession.

5. Which brings us to the final question: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (One commentator has said it is as though Paul has built a grand staircase here, and now we are at the top of those 5 magnificent steps and we can take in the beauty of it all! Shall trouble? No! Shall hardship? No! Shall persecution? No! Shall famine or nakedness? No! Shall danger or sword? No! No! No! Illust: When the evil Emperor Nero used Christians as torches with which to light Rome did he separate believers from the Savior? No! When 70 years of Russian Communism murdered over 70 million of its own people, did Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin… succeed? No! When the sadistic Idi Amin butchered half a million…he could not! In the repressive regimes of N. Korea, China, Afghanistan, Iran, Nigeria, Turkey, etc. and many, many other lands, the Christ’s Church is not simply surviving, but thriving because Christ will build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it! (Mt. 16:17-19)

C. Applic: Christian, look at that object behind me. It is the precious cross of Christ! Christ’s love poured out on the cross gives us the essential steadfastness to know He will never leave you nor forsake you! No go out and live confidently for Him!