Summary: This is an expository message on the first half of Jude.

Title: A Warning Against Apostasy Script: Jude 1:1-11

Type: Expository Where: GNBC 8-14-22

Intro: I can still recall the conversation I had with a friend nearly 35 yrs ago. A shocked friend asked, "Have you heard that Michael is no longer a Christian?" What was so alarming to my friend was that Michael had been one of the most influential, and apparently fruitful, members of our Inter-Varsity group. What would those who had been influenced by his witness to Christ say, or do? Would they be shaken to the core and now doubt their own Christian faith? After all, the person who had pointed them to Christ no longer trusted Him. We wondered if our friend was ever truly converted. Were there signs of something missing? That was probably my first brush with “apostasy” in my Christian life. Sadly, would not be my last. “Apostasy” is the word we use to describe someone’s abandonment of Christ. Heb. 6:4-6 tells us this is a terrifying fate to consider and contemplate.

Prop: Today as we examine Jude 1:1-11, we’ll 3 important insights on apostasy.

BG: 1. Authorship: V.1 is our answer. He was in fact the ½ brother of Jesus. Yet, he does not use this designation. I am convinced out of humility for his failures in the past. John 7:5 tells us that even His own brothers did not believe Him, and in fact mocked Him.

2. Cannot be certain about date of the letter. I think late-60’s most likely. Could be as late as mid 80’s. It definitely would appear as though Jude used references to II Peter, so would be later.

3. The unquestioned theme of the letter is an address against “apostasy”. What is apostasy? It is a departure from the true and legitimate faith given once and for all by the Apostles.

Prop: In Jude 1:1-11 see 3 important insights into Apostasy of the author’s era.

I. Believers’ Assurance in the Midst of Ongoing Apostasy. Vv. 1-2

A. The Believer’s Assurance in the Midst of Ongoing Apostasy. v. 1

1. Jude begins by identifying himself to his audience.

a. How does he identify himself? Not as John did in his letters: “the Elder”, but rather: Jude identifies himself as a servant (bond slave) of Jesus Christ. He was a half-brother of the Lord, according to the flesh, and the brother of James (James 1:1; also Matthew 13:55, Acts 1:14).

b. A servant of Jesus Christ is a higher position and relationship than being a half brother. A lot of success in life is based on who your family is. Who you are related to. Who you married. Who’s your uncle, etc. Not Christianity. There are no genealogical ties to salvation in Christianity. Your grandfather may have been a Methodist pastor, it doesn’t save you. Your great grand parents may have been missionaries to Sri Lanka, that doesn’t save you! You may have even been born the ½ brother of the Lord Jesus Himself! That doesn’t save! What saves is trusting in Christ alone. Something Jude certainly DID NOT do as a young man. But now, as an elderly man, he is overjoyed to self-identify as a “bond-servant” or “slave” of the Lord’s! That’s why its hard for the powerful of this world to be saved! Need the grace of humility. Jude begins his letter by allowing us to look into the humility of his heart.

2. Jude states the reasons why the true believer has assurance even in an age of apostasy.

a. Jude lists 3 specific truths the believer is experiencing presently even in a midst when others are falling away due to the influence of apostate teachers. Jude says the believer is: called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ. Now there are some heavy truths in that little verse that need to be unpacked! 1st, you and I are called - God does not call us because of ability, effort, talent, or character. (Read I Cor. 1:22-24 – emphasize “called”). To those called He is the wisdom and power of He called on the basis of His determination. Whom He calls He keeps (see John 15:16). Next he says that you and I are “beloved in God”. "beloved" is a perfect passive participle, carrying past tense action. God has made his choice to place His love on you. “Kept” is another (ppp). Notice here not “kept in Christ” which also true, but rather, “kept for Christ”. This designates the special object of affection that you are to your Savior. (Illust- Have a safety deposit box at bank. Few important documents. Securely kept for us.)

b. Illust: The word “keep” or kept” is used 5x in this little letter. Keeping is the preserving power of God. Jude promises that God will preserve us in the midst of suffering in the dark days of apostasy. Can preserve a couple of different ways. Can preserve with sugar or preserve with vinegar. Lot of saints today act like preserved in vinegar. Have a sour disposition. Sour and repellant personality. Repel others. Then there are others who are preserved as with sugar. Sugar and spice and everything nice! Sweet disposition. Jude was warning of apostasy. Great Tribulation is coming.

B. The Believer’s Mission in the Midst of Ongoing Apostasy. Vv.2-3

1. Jude’s Marching Orders for the Church in an Age of Apostasy: Pray and bless your brothers.

a. Jude prays for a manifestation of God’s mercy, peace, and love to be multiplied to the believer. Why? Because days of distress and persecution force us to look to Christ more.

b. Mercy – is the kindness of God which proceeds from His grace. Peace – is our experience upon receiving the grace and mercy of Christ. (I can always tell when someone has truly come to Christ. Life may be falling down all around them. Have peace. Why? Because in a right relationship with God. No guilt. No alienation. New purpose.) Love is the motivation for all God does and should be the motivation for all that we do as a believer. Pray that for our brothers and sisters. Especially those struggling.

2. Secondly, Jude challenges believer to Fight for your faith!

a. “contend earnestly for the faith” – Illust – In boxing or other combative sports the term “contender” is often used of someone who is a high level competitor who is considered worthy of a title shot. (When Apollo Creed chose Rocky Balboa for his fight, Balboa was only an average club fighter, wasn’t a contender, yet given a shot at the title. Fought beyond his normal ability.)

b. Christian, we are to “contend” for the faith. A contender is a person or group attempting to achieve something. A lot of Christians I know today think America and the West is so far gone spiritually, that need to move to Montana or Idaho, and hide out in a cabin and get ready for the Rapture. NO! You never find that mentality in the Bible. Illust: Rather, need to be reading Bible, praying, taking SCL classes. Zach will be teaching a series on Apologetics this fall in the evening. Need to know how to not only defend your faith but also how to advance it!

C. Applic: Jude begins his letter by confidently asserting the believer’s assurance in the face of ongoing apostasy and wholesale departure from the faith.

II. Jude Gives Examples of Apostasy vv. 4-7

A. Examples from Jude’s Experience. V. 4

1. What Peter had warned against in his letters had now become a reality in Jude’s day.

a. Here is the reason Jude tells us to eagerly contend for the faith. Not so much the individual outside of the Church, but those who are within. Once it was known that false teachers had actually crept into the church(es)—something only anticipated in 2 Peter—Jude altered the purpose of his letter, making it now an appeal for his audience “to contend for the faith that was delivered to the saints once for all.” The potential danger had become real. But once again, appeal is made to the common ground (“the faith”) that all the apostles shared. Some amount of time must be allowed for both the invasion of the false teachers after Peter wrote his epistle and for Jude to have learned about it.

b. Jude tells us we need to be on the lookout for spiritual “creeps” in the Church! Literally, “to slip in by a side door”. V. 4 – What Peter was warning against Jude now says has now taken place: “Certain persons have crept in unnoticed”. Paul agrees with Jude’s assessment. There are “creeps” you have to watch out for in the church. II Tim. 3:6 “For of this sort are those who creep into houses and lead captive silly (gullible) women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts…”

2. Jude describes the Condition of these Apostate teachers.

a. Jude says these men were “ordained” -means to write beforehand. These were by nature ungodly men. They deny and distort the grace of God and the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

b. Jude declares there are 3 marks consistent of Apostate teachers: 1. They are “ungodly men” who are unconverted. False teachers leave God and His grace out even if they sound spiritual. 2. They turn the grace of God into licentiousness – blatant immorality, shameless sin. They arrogantly and proudly flaunt sin publicly. In Jude’s day Gnosticism taught that the body was essentially evil, that all matter was evil, and the spirit alone was good. As a result, it did not matter what a man did with his body; he was free to satisfy the lusts of the body. It was a perversion of grace. 3. “Denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ”. False teachers always minimize Christ. Undermine his teaching. Demean His grace.

B. Prominent Examples of Apostate’s Punishment.

1. Israel was punished for its apostasy. V. 5 – In Numbers 10-14 you can read of Israel’s rebellion against the Lord. They grumble against Him. They rebel. They believe the bad report of the 10 spies and reject the report of Joshua and Caleb. They claim the occupants are too big. Really, they were claiming that God was “too small”! Result? They all got to die in the desert.

2. The angelic rebellion in heaven was met with punishment. V.6 This judgment of angels probably took place the pre- Adamic age. In Ez. 28 & Is. 14, we can see this alluded to. The judgment for angels is special and separate from man’s judgment. In pride Satan fell and led 1/3 of the angels into doom. They are now the demonic forces at work in the world.

3. Sinful man’s immoral rebellion at Sodom was met with punishment. V.7 – Notice their sin - Defiled flesh, perversion, sodomy, and gross immorality (“new morality”) have been judged in the past as a warning to modern man. Have we heeded that warning? No! Rejected it. Jude says the fire that fell on S&G’s rebellion was an example of the eternal judgment now receiving.

Illust – Now, I saw 6-15-22, our president, by executive order has banned “conversion therapy”. Says its mean and harmful, degrading and demeaning. Bible is very clear. Everyone needs “conversion” in Christ. Is also very clear “strange flesh” and “gross immorality” is exactly that to God…immoral. It is a complete and utter fallacy that our identifying the source of a person’s spiritual sickness is mean or hurtful. (10 Commandments). Let me attempt to illustrate this lunacy with a less politicized problem. What if all lung cancer sufferers got together and said we need to ban all warning labels on tobacco and asbestos, etc.? There’s too much stigma with our illness. What if our president wrote another executive order attempting to protect these individuals from this perceived stigma? President, feeling compassion for the plight of these poor people would issue an executive order telling all doctors when someone comes to you with potential or realized lung cancer you are not allowed to identify it or suggested treatment for it. Rather, all you can do is prescribe anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds for the person, or other types of emotional support, and be allowed to chastise all non-smokers for your apparent problems. We would say absolute bonkers! Sick people need appropriate solutions. Need to face reality of their sickness so can find appropriate treatment. Not mean but loving. (Need to be careful how say it.)

C. Applic: In this section Jude teaches us two important lessons about aspostasy. Apostates are immoral and apostates are ultimately punished.

III. Characteristics of Apostate Teachers. Vv.8-11

A. Jude Identifies 4 Specific Characteristics of the Apostate Teachers Troubling the Churches. (You might say he is “drilling down now on the character of apostates.)

1. He says they are “Dreamers”- A dreamer lives in an unreal world. Dreamers don’t live in the real world. (Used to love Calvin and Hobbes. Calvin was a dreamer!) Dreamers escape from reality. Now in Jude’s writing, these “dreamers” we false teachers, some of whom took hallucinogenic drugs to have more impressive visions to sound more spiritual. Not spiritual, rather, are a drug addict.

2. He declares that they “Defile the Flesh”- again this is gross immorality, Go back to v.7 Only use in the NT. Comes from the root “to stain”, literally to stain the soul. Often see that false teachers are immoral. Illust – Remember David Koresh? Jim Jones? Warren Jeffs? Joseph Smith – Mormon Church historians now admitting probably had between 33-40 wives! (Sanders, NPR, 10-11-2014) Brigham Young had at best count, 55 wives! (Huffington Post, Oct. 27, 2012)

3. He recognizes they “Reject authority” also “Despise dominion”– Now, there is a comparison being made here to the angels of v.6. Be they angels or humans, rebels have something in common: they despise God’s authority. This is where we are today in our society. We rebel against God in how we live our lives. “I can do what I want to do.” “It’s my body.” “It’s my life.” “It’s my sexual freedom.” “It’s my money.” “I am the master of my destiny.” (Don’t walk out in front of a bus.” It’s my… “I can do…”

4. He realizes they “Revile angelic majesties”- Like the murmurers in the wilderness. By “dignities,” or glories or NASB “majesties”, are meant unseen powers worthy of reverence. The Greek word is rare in the New Testament; only here, 2Peter 2:10, and 1Peter 1:11. Two important principles taught in this strange phrase: 1. There is more to this universe than meets the eye. 2. We aren’t as important as we think we are.

B. Summary: All Apostasy Begins by Unbelief in What God Has Said!

1. Follow Jude’s reasoning here:

a. The angels which kept not their first estate, who left their own habitation, and who are now chained, are the same angels of whom Peter speaks, those who brought in the corruption described in the opening verses of Genesis 6:1-22. They gave up the place assigned to them. This is the next step in the progress of apostasy. Unbelief leads to rebellion against God.

b. Sodom and Gomorra come next. Here we find the grossest immoralities and going after strange flesh. These vicious things are still in the world, and why are they so prominent in our days? On account of unbelief. Then follows the statement, that these apostates are filthy dreamers who defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. This is lawlessness. This is the goal of all apostasy. The predicted lawlessness with which this age ends is the fruitage of infidelity. Unbelief, rebellion against God and his revealed truth, immorality and anarchy. Same today.

c. To show that Michael, the archangel, would not rail against the fallen angel-prince, now the devil, as these apostates despise dominions, the incident concerning Michael contending with Satan over Moses’ body is introduced. Strange. Moses dies on Mt. Nebo w/o entering promised land. The point is the archangel did not rail against Satan in this incident, because Michael still recognized Satan as a once glorious creature. It is stated by some of the early church fathers that this episode was recorded in a Jewish apocryphal book “Assumption of Moses.” Book no longer in existence. However, important to realize the Holy Spirit revealed to Jude what actually took place when Moses had died. It seems that Michael the archangel was commissioned by the Lord to conduct the funeral of Moses (Deuteronomy 34:5-6). Maybe the devil showed up in an take the body because Moses had been a murderer (Ex. 2:11ff). Maybe because Moses had not trusted God in an important moment in life (Num. 20:10ff). Maybe because Moses was an angry man. Maybe because he was disobedient in circumcising his sons (Ex. 4:24ff).

d. This is just a free side note. My friend, Satan came accusing and wanting Moses’ body, because, Moses was a sinner. A BIG sinner. If salvation was based on works, Moses would have been in trouble. However, Heb. 11:26 tells us: “He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.” Gives us insight. When Satan comes accusing you and me, don’t need to argue. Curse him, etc. Simply plead the blood of Jesus Christ, and confess your faith in Christ to overcome your greatest sin.

2. A final warning for these fallen teachers. V.11

a, The Spirit of God pronounces a woe upon them. V.11 Is important. Closing of the NT reminded of Cain, the first murderer of the human race. Some expositors claim that his name is introduced here because these apostates hated those who are of the truth, as Cain hated Abel. The way of Cain was the way of unbelief. He did not believe what God had spoken, while Abel believed. He had not faith like Abel, who offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous. Cain was a religious man nevertheless, but his religion was based on his ideas and not God’s. His was a bloodless religion.

b.The apostates go in the same way of self-will and in that way they reject the record of God concerning His Son. They have no use for the blood of redemption; the salvation they preach is the salvation of “Do,” by character. They rush also greedily after the error of Balaam. Money is most important. They teach error for reward, knowing they revile God’s revelation. Money, honor and glory from men, self exaltation and self gratification are the leading motives of these men. They imitate the sin of Korah. The sin of Korah was open rebellion and opposition against the authority of God and the priesthood He had instituted. These apostates of the last days manifest the same spirit of rebellion and defiance against God’s Church leaders.

C. Applic: In 1946 the two most famous Christian evangelists were: 1. Billy Graham 2, Canadian, Charles Templeton. Templeton was arguably the more famous. In either 1945 or 1946 Templeton preached a two week revival in Evansville, IN, in which 91.000 of the city’s 125,000 people attended! Church attendance went up 20% following! Traveled with Graham across Europe. Also pastored a dynamic church in Toronto. However, by 1949 Templeton had begun departure from the faith. Templeton’s complete absence of theological training bother him. Due to his fame was conditionally accepted to Princeton (1948) without having completed any undergraduate training. Life and health began to spiral. Chest pains while preaching. Doctors found no physical cause. Sought his old friend Graham. In their meeting he told Billy: “It’s imply not possible anymore to believe in a literal creation account or the virgin birth or the bodily resurrection or deity of Christ, you need to change your message.” Graham: “I don’t accept that at all.” Lives went two very different directions. Unbelief in God’s word.