Summary: The first sermon in a series on Daniel

Title: Daniel Enrolls in the University of Babylon Type: Expos.

Script: Dan. 1 Where: GNBC 9-1-02/10-9-22

Intro: Paul Bertsch was one of those individuals that when you look over your life you realize held a disproportionate influence. From my soph. thru senior years of college Paul was my IVCF staff worker, friend and mentor. Paul used to say: “There are three significant decisions most college students will make while in school that will affect the rest of their lives: 1. What you will do w/ life, education, goals. 2. Who you will spend life with – marriage. 3. What “god” (God) you will serve. College can be a real trial of one’s faith, or it can be a time of blossoming and growth in one’s relationship to Christ. In today’s passage we will see what happened to Daniel’s faith after he received a full-ride scholarship to University of Babylon.

Prop: Examining Dan. 1 we will be encouraged to remain faithful in the midst of personal testing.

BG: 1. Dan. 1:1 sets for us the time frame and background- We know 1st yr. of Jehoiakim’s reign was 608 bc, so would have been circa 605 bc.

2. Liberals try to undermine Bible’s credibility. Jer. 25:1 different from Dan. 1. Difference of 1 yr. Really not a problem. Some used Accession year system of reckoning - thus yr. a ruler came to throne was 1st yr., and second yr. began 1st day of New Yr. Whereas Jeremiah used non-Accession yr. system and date off by one year.

3. How old was Daniel? Can’t be certain, probably about 15yrs.-17 yrs.

Prop: Are you struggling to remain faithful in the midst of testing? Look at Daniel’s example.

I. Daniel Enrolls at the University of Babylon. Vv. 1-7

A. Daniel is uprooted from Judea and taken to Babylon

1. Daniel first had to pass the University of Babylon’s Entrance Examination.

a. Illust- Daniel was a promising young man with a potentially bright future. Vv.3-4 tell us he was of either royal or noble family, good looking, demonstrated intelligence in every area of wisdom, endowed with understanding, discernment, knowledge, demonstrated ability. You might say he was a fast-tracker. Type of guy every college would like to offer a scholarship, however, you might say that he and his friends were “recruited” by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.

b. Young people listen up. I am old enough to have witnessed plenty of individuals who started off with loads of promise, talent, good-looking, only to make a wreck of lives. (Illust- Carol down at the IMU several years ago, saw worried, chain-smoking shriveled-up old looking woman. Was one of the star students of her HS class.) Hard work, integrity, honesty, and God’s blessing on your life will get you farther and stand you better than raw talent and looks that go undisciplined.

B. Babylon Sought to Change Daniel in 4 Significant Ways

1. Babylon Sought to Change Daniel’s name and thereby his loyalty.

a. What’s in a name? Besides some Christians and some individuals interested in ethnic or family names, it seems as though Americans place little emphasis on the naming of children. Yet, was not the case with the Jews. Name was significant reminder of one’s ethnic and religious and familial heritage. (All of our children given at least one Christian name and then a name that represented, family or ethnic heritage.) Not surprising in attempts to make good Babylonian citizens out of these Hebrews that they started their molding process by changing their names.

b. v. 7 – Babylon changed Daniel and his friends’ names: Daniel: God is my judge – to Belteshazzar (servant of Bel) Hananiah – the Lord is gracious- Shadrach – (inspired by their sun god) Mishael – who is what God is – Meshach – (who is what the moon god is?) Azariah – the Lord helps – Abednego – (servant of Nebo). I think it is important for Christians regardless of age to realize the world system will attempt to change your identity, who you are. Christian parents, give your child a name that is rooted and grounded.

2. The University of Babylon sought to change Daniel’s Thinking and Worldview v.4b.

a. Illust- Daniel begins a 3yr. BA degree in the University of Babylon’s College of Arts and Sciences – instructed in the “literature and language of the Chaldeans” – Liberal Arts degree! There he learned Semic Akkadian cuneiform, history and philosophy of the nation. There he was taken, along with his friends, 1500 miles from home. That is often the experience of young people, “go off to college”. There you are made to think that they are so very wise and your family and friends and small town upbringing was so very rural and base and somehow their pluralistic cosmopolitanism is so very superior. Daniel was a long way from home, and there was no going back for “Passover Vacation”.

b. Reading the 1st chapter of Daniel you realize what a struggle this must have been for young people. These are teenagers bearing the brunt of the cultural onslaught. It is a very cunning attack. This attack does not come with soldiers and chariots. Jerusalem is already conquered. Babylon has their bodies, now they want their minds! Nebuchadnezzar doesn’t just want their bodies, but wants their will, their affections, their very soul! He wants them to speak and dress and eat and think like Babylonians. Nebuchadnezzar wants conformity! Beware Christian, that is exactly where we are as a society today. Conformity! Yet the WOG tells you and me: Rom. 12:1-2 (READ) Illust- Christians we do need to realize that every educational system is attempting to change you and your child’s worldview. Daniel faced a polytheistic system. Polytheists not offended that you worship your god. Only thing that offends polytheist is exclusivism. America not strictly a Christian nation. We are polytheistic.

3. Babylon Sought to Physically Change These Young Men so they were better suited to serve Nebuchadnezzar.

a. Because of his position in the king’s court, Daniel was made a eunuch. In v.11 we see that Ashpenaz, who performed the “college recruitment tour”, was in fact, in the Hebrew language, referred to as the “sar hassarisim” (The chief of eunuchs.) has now turned the young men over to the responsibility and care of an overseer who will guide their education and well being.

b. Don’t miss out on that very important point. Daniel is a teenage boy and he is sexually violated to the greatest degree. Illust: Sadly, this is the experience of many in college. Physical Sexual exploitation, sexual violation. Mental exploitation and violation. Dear friend, I am so very sorry if that has been your experience, however, there is hope! Turn to Jesus Christ! He not only forgives sin, He heals the hurt and wounded. Daniel was violated sexually, but that didn’t mean his life was over, it didn’t mean that he would no longer be useful to God, and it certainly did not take away his meaning or purpose in life. If you have been violated, find healing in Christ, and find His purpose for your life. Meaning and message.

4.Babylon Sought to Change Daniel’s Diet and thereby his religious commitment.

a. v.5 – This batch of students were going to have the best food available from the kings table. Nothing like good food to breed loyalties. From the world’s perspective, these boys had it good! They were no scraping thru famine back in Israel. They were not living in the ghetto of Babylon. How important is food? When in a foreign country we notice language, culture, landscape, and FOOD! What we eat is an expression of who we are and where come from. They were being the best delicacies Babylon had to offer, food from the king’s own table.

b. Regardless of where and from whom the food came, it wasn’t kosher and he had to draw a line in the sand! NO MORE COMPROMISE! Became a matter of conscience and conviction and could not violate his conscience.

C. Applic: Daniel was but an incoming Freshman at Babylon when faced 1st crisis. How would you have done?

II. Daniel Faces His First Exam at the University of Babylon – vv. 8-13

A. Daniel is tested as to whether or not he will Defile himself with the King’s food.

1. For whatever reason the King’s menu proved to be offensive to Daniel’s faith.

a. v. 8 would not defile self – Heb. gaal – used 12 times in OT, meant to defile to point of being loathsome, associated w/breach of moral/ceremonial law. People have speculated pork, meat sacrificed to idols, possibly even that Daniel was a Nazirite – no alcohol. Bottom line is we don’t know what was offensive, we only know that it was offensive!

b. Illust- Again, the type of food isn’t important. How Daniel responded was. Here we see sexually, violated teenager, uprooted from decimated nation, culture, learning, language all changed, possibly family annihilated, unsure future yet fantastic opportunity to succeed if only keep mouth shut, not rock boat, eat meat and drink!

2. Daniel Presents us with a powerful faith lesson at this point.

a. God is not interested in our ability to succeed at the expense of compromise. Look, v. 9 is after v. 8 for a reason. V.8 “Daniel made up his mind” – There comes a point at which all great Christians arrive where determine must live for God and let chips fall where may. Now please notice, Daniel didn’t protest when taken away, or when name changed, or when given a new curriculum. As Christians, we don’t have to protest every single thing that comes down the pike. However, you have to have a backbone if you are going to live for Jesus Christ and honor Him!

b. Illust- I have heard three types of Christian: rowboat- they have to be pushed everywhere go, sailboat – goes wherever wind blows, steamboat – makes up mind and goes regardless of wind or weather.

B. God Uses People of Conviction.

1. People of Conviction are noticeably absent in our society.

a. Illust- Years ago I listened to an interview of Dr. Bill Bennett, former Sec. Of Ed., and Drug Czar). IN the interview he referred to his book: The Death of Outrage which was as a response to the Clinton Impeachment. He said that if there was one word that best illustrated the attitude of the 90’s it was “whatever”. “Today, I’m good!” Not one is good! All need Jesus Christ!

b. You see, people without conviction make no visible difference in the world. Illust- ON a cold fall afternoon in 1955 Montgomery, AL, an ordinary woman, a seamstress by trade, said: “No.” to moving back on the bus. Rosa Parks was no superwoman, she never intended to end Jim Crow and segregation in our nation, yet she stated her convictions. Daniel was a man of conviction and he made a visible impression on his society.

2. Daniel was willing to be used as a young man of conviction. Daniel was unwilling to compromise when it came to the law of God. Where is your line in the sand?

C. Applic: How have you done in the exams God has recently allowed you to go through? Have you failed because you have made a pattern of compromising Biblical convictions?

III. Daniel Successfully Passes His First Exam at the University of Babylon. Vv.12 –21

A. Daniel was willing to have his faith tested.

1. Daniel responds to the test by proposing a creative solution to the problem he faced.

a. Read vv.12-13. We see in these verse the power of a creative appeal. Daniel appeals to his overseer. How far would he have gotten had stormed in and angrily told the chief eunuch – “We’re Jews and were not eating this junk!” Probably would have been sent to the “dean of students”! See, sometimes in life faced with decision to please either God or man – chap. 3 & 6 is case. However, here in chap. 1, is an opportunity to please both God and man.

b. Some of us Christians lose opportunities God has opened because we think everything has to be a confrontation instead of thinking creatively and offering appeals. We also need to realize that sometimes our decisions can affect others and so need to think that through carefully. That is the case here. Daniel’s decision not to eat or drink the food offered could also get his overseer killed. So, Daniel, arranges a test to wait and see God work. Friend, if you are making a decision so as to honor God, expect to see God work on your behalf. Daniel wasn’t pig-headed (pun intended!), surly, or even displaying a martyrs’ complex. Asked politely and respectfully. As should we.

2. Daniel’s success affected the lives of others.

a. It is true that our sins affect more than just ourselves. It is also true that others are positively benefited by our successes. How? Daniel’s example encouraged Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego to later take their stand in chapt. 3, refusing to bow to king’s idol.

b. Illust- I am reminded of Lk. 16:10 – Parable of Unrighteous Steward – “he who is faithful in a very little thing is also faithful in much.” Certainly case w/ Daniel. You? Me

Friend, Daniel saw a danger in the dining hall! Certainly there is a danger in the lions’ den, but the dining hall? I’ve known more than one business man who’s expense account meals, and clinking drink glasses allowed stomach to become Satan’s ally. Begin to change the company you keep. Friend, Daniel drew the line at food. If Daniel hadn’t been faithful in the dining hall he wouldn’t have survived the lions’ den! Or in other words, if you eat with Belial, don’t be surprised when the lions eat you!

B. God Honors Daniel’s Commitment to Honor Him.

1. Daniel Would Enjoy a long and valuable career in the courts of world leaders

a. Illust- v.1 tells us when deported and v.21 tells us when died. Served Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus. 75 yrs career in politics. (He was the Sen. Grassley of his era!) It is possible that Cyrus’ decree to allow Jews to return partly due to Daniel’s faithfulness and excellence as a leader and advisor.

b. I think Daniel 1 is a very sad chapter. Why sad, Chris? Daniel and friends pass the test! Yes, but how many young men who came from Jerusalem with them didn’t? There were hundreds who were taken and only these 4 were reported to have taken a stand. No discernment. No discretion. There was a literal crowd of professing OT Jews who went with these 4 young men to Babylon. Everyone else fell into line to eat the food offered. I am sure more than one young man told Daniel “Don’t rock the boat!” “You have to have some give and take!” “Quit being awkward, Daniel!” “You can accomplish so much more if you will only compromise a little!”

b. Illus: As many of you know we home schooled our children, however, they dual enrolled in HS for sports and music. Every one of them was faced with a specific issue that we simply would not compromise on. Our family conviction is that Sunday is the Lord’s Day. It is a day of worship for the Christian and not a day for nonessential services work. IC public schools have a huge money maker. For band and fall sports. Everyone is expected to do “stadium clean up” Sunday morning following home Hawkeye football game. Band directors or coaches tell the kids “It is mandatory.” No! Looking at Daniel’s example, we crafted a letter of appeal expressing our commitments to Sunday. Then offered to perform another act of service equaling the same amount of time on another day of the week. The reply we received was interesting. “May I ask, are you and your family Mormons?” “No! Christians, why?” “I have never had a Christian ask to be let out of Sunday stadium clean up, but have had many a Mormon family!” SHAME ON US! It was good for every one of my kids. Gave them a backbone. Let them know they were different. Also gave them opportunity to share their faith.

2. Daniel’s Commitment put him in good stead for the Conflicts he would face.

a. Read v. 17 – God blessed these four youths because of their commitment to Him. And for the first time, I saw the last half of v. 17 “Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams.” In Literature is a term: foreshadowing – almost always see in a good murder mystery. Sometime before actual crime committed you see the gun or knife or poison. It is a foreshadowing of the crime to come. Well here we see a foreshadowing of how God is going to get Daniel out of the tight spot he will face in chapt. 2.

b. Young people when you walk out those doors at 18 yrs. (or whatever) army, college, work, whatever. Who is going to be your God? Who or what is going to get you through the conflicts you will face? Don’t underestimate the value of your convictions. Don’t underestimate how God can use your convictions for His eternal purposes. “And the chapter ends with the words, “And Daniel remained there until the first year of King Cyrus” (v. 21). Satan’s plan was that Daniel wouldn’t stay the course, that he wouldn’t be God’s great prophet speaking up in Babylon. Satan’s plan was to assist Nebuchadnezzar so that everything about the Lord disappeared – his name, his law, his covenant, the record of his mighty works, and his people all gone. But God’s plan was different, it was that this young boy Daniel who was taken as a slave and a refugee to Babylon should have an extraordinary influence in that empire. The last verse of this chapter says he was there until the first year of King Cyrus. Do you understand that ? 75 years later and he’s there ! Nebuchadnezzar is forgotten, Daniel is still there. Kings coming and kings going, world empires rising and falling, but Daniel still there until the first year of King Cyrus. What an unforgettable year that first year of Cyrus was, when an edict was passed that God’s people could return to Jerusalem, and the people could take down their harps from the willows and sing because they were going home. The greatest single reason why in 70 years’ time God’s people still existed as an entity in Babylon was because Daniel had refused to eat the king’s food. Through the grace of God this boy knew some things better than the greatest men in all the world.” (Geoff Thomas sermon, Daniel 1)

C. Applic: Daniel knew Who to turn to. And the God served at 15 yrs. would be the same God see him through when 90 yrs. of age.