Summary: This is from a series on Encountering Christ in the Gospels.

Title: “Encountering Jesus Resurrection Sunday Morning.” Script: Jn. 20:11-18

Type: Series on Encountering Christ Where: GNBC Easter Sunday 2023

Intro: When I was 13yrs. old, my father took my brother and me Washington D.C. We saw the many different memorials. On highlight of the trip was visiting Arlington National Cemetery. My father had been an honor guard (Not at Arlington.) while in the army. Incredibly moving to watch the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown soldier. It was a very special lesson for me to realize our freedom that I often take for granted was paid for by a great price. Resurrection Sunday morning, God gave us very important lesson. Another tomb secured freedom. It was an empty tomb, not of a soldier, but of the Savior. The empty tomb reminds us that Jesus is the perfect sacrificial lamb, that His love for us was demonstrated at Calvary, that He has won victory over Satan, death, and the grave. That message was proclaimed to an unsuspecting individual early on the morning of the Resurrection.

Prop: Today we’ll examine 4 questions raised by Jesus’ Encounter w/ Mary Easter Morning.

BG: 1. The events take place Easter Sunday morning at 1st light. The horrifying events of Friday are still fresh in the women’s minds as they go to the tomb to properly prepare Jesus’ body for burial.

2. vv.9-10 Give us insight into the disciples’ reactions. Didn’t believe there was going to be a resurrection. Jesus had died. They left and went back to their homes. No expectation of Res.

3. Interaction is primarily between Jesus and Mary Magdalene yet applies to each of us today.

4. We must remember that because of the believer’s union with Christ, that which Christ does affects all those in him. Therefore, if Christ’s resurrection proves the legal declaration of his righteous status, then believers should anticipate Christ’s resurrection leading to their own justification as well.

Prop: Let’s examine 4 Pertinent Questions Raised by Mary’s Encounter w/ Jesus Easter morning.

I. 1st Question: “Why Are You Weeping?” vv.11-13

A. The 1st Question Addresses the Emotional Trauma Mary was Suffering.

1. Mary Comes in Grief to the Tomb that 1st Resurrection Morning.

a. Mary comes to the tomb out of devotion and duty. V. 1 She comes with overwhelming grief. She comes early while it is still dark out. I believe she arrived first, followed closely by Peter and John, and a bit later by Mary, the mother of James and Salome. The women were coming out devotion and duty to prepare the Body for burial because Joseph and Nicodemus had rushed the process due to the Passover.

b. Poor Mary, she loved her Lord. She loved her Savior. Her life was an absolute shambles when Jesus saved delivered her. Grief affects people differently, and even at different times. Illust It’s normal to weep at a tomb. We also see grief and despair in the tears of Mary Magdalene. The Greek word used to describe her weeping means loud, uncontrollable wailing. She was despondent that not only had Jesus died, but now she thought they had taken away His body so that she could not give Him a proper burial..

2. In Her Grief and Despair, Mary Mistakes What Has Happened.

a. Illust: The Battle of Waterloo, one of the most famous battles in history, occurred on the mainland of Europe on June 18, 1815. It pitted the French army, commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte, against the Anglo-German-Dutch forces lead by the Duke of Wellingtonr. Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo ended the twelve-year period of wars known as the Napoleonic Wars. News about the English victory was carried first by a ship that sailed from Europe across the English Channel to England 's southern coast. When the report was received at Winchester , signalers with flags on top of the Cathedral began to spell out Wellington 's defeat of Napoleon to the entire city: "W-e-l-l-i-n-g-t-o-n - d-e-f-e-a-t-e-d…" However, before the message could be completed, a heavy fog moved in. The REST of the message was hidden from England. Based on incomplete information, the citizens of England thought Napoleon had won. Gloom filled the nation as the bad news quickly spread. But when the mist began to lift, the flags high up on Winchester Cathedral completed the news. The flags spelled out this triumphant message: "W-e-l-l-i-n-g-t-o-n -d-e-f-e-a-t-e-d - t-h-e - e-n-e-m-y!" The message of DEFEAT was changed into one of VICTORY! Joy immediately replaced the gloom.

b. Notice the question the two angelic visitors at the tomb ask the weeping woman: “Woman, why are you weeping?” It seems a little insensitive at first read, doesn’t it? Unless, of course, you know what they know! Mary has not grasped the gravity of the situation. Notice that her sorrow is not just motivated by the Lord’s death, but she now believes that someone has robbed the tomb of His body. Make no mistake, Mary saw Jesus die. She was at the cross. She was still in grief over His death. Now she believes the body has been desecrated or stolen. The resurrection wasn’t on her mind.

c. Never did Mary ask a question of the angels. Maybe she thought their questions insensitive or even stupid. “Woman, why are you weeping?” REALLY! The Man Who changed by life has been murdered and His body stolen and you sit there asking me why I am crying? Mary never noticed the glint in the angels’ eyes. I don’t know if angels smile or not, but if they do I am pretty sure they were smiling! (Illust- Have you ever had the opportunity to tell someone really good news when they were sure what you had to tell them was bad news? Sadly, Mary’s in no shape to receive ANY news.

B. Resurrection Sunday

1. Mary’s Response to the Death of Christ was Normal. Mary’s reaction and the reaction of the disciples underscores the veracity of the Resurrection. Here were Christ’s closest followers and not a one of them believed Christ was alive, even though He said that He would be raised from the dead.

2. The Resurrection of Christ Forever Hushes Pointless Weeping.

a. Illust: You may think this is harsh, but after reading the life of Susanna Wesley, we told our children that when they were disciplined, they were not allowed to cry uncontrollably. They were told to cry quietly. Sometimes you’ll see a child who is allowed to be completely out of control when being punished or if experience a very minor injury. Often is a way to vent their anger on parents, etc. Don’t tolerate that behavior. It is pointless weeping and wailing. You can teach self-control or the state will.

b. The Resurrection of Christ hushes the weeping that was previously associated with death. Illust: Sunday night Joseph pointed our attention to the truth of the resurrection in I Cor. 15:20-23. Yes, it is sad when we are cut off by the death of a loved one. However, Jesus promises us thru His resurrection that death no longer has the last word. In Christ, life is eternal!

C. Applic: “Why are you weeping?” Mary’s weeping was natural, but God’s response was supernatural!

II. 2nd Question: “Who are You Seeking?” vv. 14-15

A. The 2nd Question Addresses the Purpose with which Mary had Come that Morning.

1. Mary’s purpose in coming to the Tomb that Easter Sunday Morning was to finish preparing the Corpse of Christ for burial.

a. Mary’s grief blinded her to the Reality of the Resurrection. V.14 – Mary is so grief stricken she doesn’t even realize Who it is that is standing right in front of her. The very Christ Mary is mourning is the One Who is standing beside her.

b. V.15 – I find it interesting that Jesus, as with the woman at the well in Jn. 4, initiates this encounter. He asks the very same question that the two angels asked Mary a few moments before: “Woman, why are you weeping?” v. 5 tells us that Peter and John saw the linen wrappings lying there with the face cloth folded up. Those wrappings would have stuck to the body. Do to her distress, nothing seemed to make sense to Mary.

2. It’s Possible for Us to Allow the Troubles and Traumas of Life to Hide Christ’s Presence in our lives.

a. Illust: I have only ever seen a few episodes of the tv program “Undercover Boss”. On one occasion, Sheldon Yellen, the CEO of Belfor Property Restoration. Joe was working on a project where tearing drywall and insulation out of a house. Very hard worker, positive and encouraging of the “new” employee. Over a bagged lunch tells how had own business for 14 yrs. and then lost it and hustling 2 jobs to pay debts. Working 70-80 weeks to keep family afloat. When Yellen reveals true identity he offers Joe promotion to “project manager” and then advances him $10k on future commissions and gifts $10k to help with debts. Tearful Joe is jubilant and grateful. Life was just going along, troubles of life had Joe working so hard, didn’t even realize the CEO was swinging a hammer with him! Rewarded.

b. Look who Mary thinks she is talking to: The gardener! Mary thinks she’s talking to the man maintaining the grounds of the cemetery. Friend, Resurrection Sunday morning Jesus earned the right to be the Opener of Tombs! Praise the Lord, because of Easter Sunday, morning, Jesus isn’t the gardener, He is the eternal Grave Robber! He emptied His grave. He emptied other graves at His resurrection (Mt. 27:53), and at His 2nd Coming all the tombs will be opened! (I Thes. 4:16-17)

B. Easter Sunday Encourages us Not to Allow Trauma or Hardship in Life to Blind you and me to the fact that the Risen Lord is right there with you!

1. Again, Mary is blinded to Christ’s Presence by her Doubt and Unbelief. Mary Magdalene loved Jesus. She is so caught up with her grief and her plans to properly anoint and prepare the body for burial that she is completely oblivious to the obvious! Mary’s grief has caused her to discount any supernatural explanation for the missing body. “Sir, have you taken His body?” Poor Mary, her grief has extinguished her faith.

2. “Doubt is not unbelief. But it can become unbelief. That basic principle should guide our reflections on this important issue. Doubt is natural within faith. It comes about because of our human weakness and frailty. We lack the confidence to trust fully in God and long for certainty in all matters of faith. But absolute certainty is hard to come by. We need to learn to be relaxed about doubt. Doubt is like an attention-seeking child. The more attention you pay to it, the more attention it demands. By worrying about your doubts, you get locked into a vicious cycle of uncertainty. So how does doubt become unbelief? Unbelief is the decision to live your life as if there is no God. It is a deliberate decision to reject Jesus Christ and all that He stands for.” (Alister McGrath, Jan, 1992, Ligonier)

C. Applic: Mary went to the tomb that morning expecting to see a dead man’s corpse. But listen friend, God had other plans! With the culmination of salvation history, Christ burst forth victorious over the tomb.

III. 3rd Question: “To Whom Are You Speaking?” v.16

A. The 3rd Question Addresses the Identity of the Individual with Whom Mary was Speaking.

1. Mary is about to Realize the Man with Whom She Has Been Speaking isn’t Who She Thought He was.

a. Illust: My father had a friend, Rusty, who was a vendor to the auto industry in the 1960’s and 70’s. Like most salesmen of that era, had a gift of gab that allowed him to gain rapport with potential customers. One day, was calling on a new account in Detroit. Trying to meet the owner of a company who supplied GM with outsourced parts. Was a time of particular unrest and rioting in Detroit. When Rusty called the owner, talked about location of the shop & the rioting. Rusty became a little loose with his speech about the ethnicity of the rioters and encouraged the owner to meet him at a restaurant in a “safer” and less black area of town. With genteel speech, the owner agreed to the meeting in a “safer” (whiter) part of town. Coming to the restaurant, only 1 other car in the parking lot. When came into the restaurant, saw a tall African American gentleman in pristine dress! To Rusty’s chagrin, he was the owner of the company! Gracious man. Gave contract. Rusty learned a lesson, “Know to whom you are speaking!”

b. At first, Mary had not understood the voice of the man speaking to her. She assumed it to be that of the Gardener. But now, Jesus says her name: “Mary”! Her name, spoken by that tongue was the sweetest sound this grieving woman could have heard! How many times had she heard that beautiful voice since she was first delivered from the power and oppression of 7 demons (Lk. 8:1-2; Mk. 16:9). Her name, “Magdalene”, referred to the region from which she came, “Magdala”, the west of Galilee, near Tiberius. The number 7 most likely indicates the strength of the oppression her life was controlled by. But when Jesus found her, and called out her name: “Mary”, she was instantly translated from 7 Demons to “Disciple”.

2. Friend, are you So Oppressed by Failure, Grief, Trauma or Loss, that can’t hear the Voice of Jesus Calling your Name?

a. Is it possible that right now you are going thru loss or hardship or pain? Maybe it’s physical? Maybe it’s spiritual? Maybe it’s a relationship. Whatever the hardship, the suffering or loss, are you allowing your grief to choke out your faith? Are you in that territory of doubt? Let me encourage you to take a few moments, go to a quiet place, still your soul and listen for the voice of Jesus! Is He calling your name? Like Mary, you may think you’re all alone, that Jesus seems dead to you, but dear one, He’s right there beside you and wants to give you the assurance of His presence!

b. Illust:”Footprints in the Sand” by Carolyn Joyce Carty (READ!)

B. Resurrection Sunday Confirms Christ’s Identity.

1. The Resurrection Confirms Christ is Who He Says He is!

a. Most people don’t really recognize with whom they are speaking when they are discussing Jesus before they really come to know Him. They talk about Him being a teacher or a prophet or a good man. If Resurrection Sunday really happened, then Jesus is SO MUCH MORE! He is God! He is the Savior! He is the Messiah!

b. Who did Jesus say He was? The 3 Synoptic Gospels contain a majority of similar material from Christ’s life. John, however, has about 90% material unique to his Gospel. In John’s Gospel we see the 8 “I am” metaphors that describe in His own words Who Jesus is. He says He is The Bread of Life (6:35) The Light of the World (8:12) The Gate for the Sheep (10:7) The Good Shepherd (10:7) The Resurrection and the Life (11:25) The Way, the Truth, and the Life (14:6) The True Vine (15:1) and Finally, “Before Abraham, I am” (8:58). In fact, the statement “I am” is made by Christ 118x in John alone! So listen friend, if you don’t know Jesus this am, need to read for self Who He claims to be and not what someone else claims who He said He was.

2. Jesus’ Encounter with Mary at the Tomb Proves that

a. Mary was wandering around the tomb that first Easter morning like a lost little lamb. She was frightened. She was scared. She was confused. She had no hope. But then she heard her name and she instantly recognized the voice that spoke her name! It was Jesus! Is it any wonder she responded? John 10:27-28 declares: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”

b. Doubt and fear were robbing Mary Magdalene of her joy that Easter Sunday morning. She was in such despair she didn’t recognize Jesus even though He was standing right beside her. But when He said her name, “Mary”, in an instant she KNEW Who it was that was speaking to her!

C. Applic: My friend, maybe you are here today, not even know why you came inside. Maybe your life is in shambles. Whole world upside down. Maybe dealing with unimaginable grief. Is Jesus calling your name? If He is, you need to respond! Mary’s sorrow turned to joy when she heard Jesus’ voice.

IV. 4th Question: “Why Are You Clinging?” vv.17-18

A. In Her Overwhelming Joy Mary Grasps Jesus.

1. Many have questioned the meaning of v. 17

a. Many people have gotten offended at this statement. Don’t be. He accepted the touch of the other women on resurrection morning (Matt. 28:9) and He invited Thomas to touch Him a week later (John 20:27)? Why does He mention the Acension?

b. Bible scholar Merrill Tenney explains (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. by Frank Gaebelein [Zondervan], 9:191), “Jesus was not refusing to be touched but was making clear that she did not need to detain him, for he had not yet ascended to the Father. He planned to remain with the disciples for a little while; she need not fear that he would vanish immediately. Ultimately he would return to God, and he urged her to tell the disciples that he would do so.” It was natural for Mary to want to cling to Jesus, but Jesus had a ministry to accomplish and Mary had a message to share.

2. This interaction underscores 3 very important truths.

a. 1st the fact that Mary was clinging to Jesus shows that He was not a phantom. He wasn’t a ghost. He was no apparition. He was raised bodily from the dead and He ascended bodily into heaven, and He will return bodily in power and glory. Since He is the 1st Fruits, we too are guaranteed of a bodily resurrection.

b. The 2nd truth is this: Because of Christ’s resurrection we can be sons of God. Note also that Jesus both links and yet distinguishes His relationship with the Father and theirs. Christ by nature is eternally the Son of God, whereas we are only sons of God by adoption. He by the incarnation as the Son of Man could call the Father, “My God.” We can only do so by grace through faith in Christ as our Mediator. But, in our deepest sorrows, it is a great comfort that we have access to the Father through our risen Lord Jesus Christ!

c. Mary immediately begins to witness to her Savior’s resurrection! Christians are to tell others about Christ’s resurrection.

B. In Closing. This Encounter Demonstrates that When We Seek the Lord, He turns our Sorrow into Rejoicing!

1. Mary’s gloom was turned to joy when the Lord spoke one word: “Mary!” Her eyes may not yet have recognized Jesus, but her ears knew that voice! Jesus said that He is the good Shepherd, who calls His sheep by name. He knows each one and they know Him (John 10:3-5, 14, 27). He still seeks individuals. He still calls His sheep by name. You can take your sorrows to Him and have a private audience with the good Shepherd who knows your name. And, He calls us His brethren! As I said, this is the first time Jesus has called the disciples His brethren (fulfilling Ps. 22:22). But it is instructive to note that when He sent this word to them, they were still reeling from their failure and guilt. All the disciples had abandoned Jesus and fled in fear. Although Thomas is the most well-known for his doubting, all the disciples ridiculed the early reports from the women about the resurrection (Luke 24:11).

2. Illust: (True story attributed to Leadership Mag. 20+ yrs ago) Philip, was little 8yrs old boy w/Down’s syndrome. Attended SS at church with several other boys and girls. Typical of that age, the other children could be a little less than sensitive to Philip because of his differences, However, their class had a thoughtful teacher, who created an environment that encouraged the class to accept and include Philip. Easter Sunday the teacher brought Leggs pantyhose containers, the kind that look like large eggs. Each child received one and were told to go outside on that lovely spring day, find some symbol for new life, and put it in the egg-like container. After running about the church property in wild confusion, the students returned to the classroom and placed the containers on the table. Surrounded by the children, the teacher began to open them one by one. After each one, whether flower, butterfly, or leaf, the class would ooh and ahh. Then one was opened, revealing nothing inside. The children exclaimed, “That’s stupid. Somebody didn’t do their assignment.” Philip spoke up, “That’s my egg.” One rude little boy said: “Philip, you don’t ever do things right!”, “There’s nothing there!” “I did so do it,” Philip insisted. “I did do it. It’s empty. The tomb was empty!” Silence followed. He was absolutely right! Little Philip died not long afterwards from a lung infection. At his funeral this class of eight-year-olds marched up to the altar not with flowers, but with their Sunday school teacher, each to lay on it an empty pantyhose egg.

C. Applic: The fact that the Lord revealed Himself first to Mary Magdalene shines a ray of hope for every person struggling with sin and guilt. If the Savior rescued this insignificant, demon-possessed woman from her life of sin and chose her to be the first witness of His resurrection, then He can save you from your sin and use you to serve Him!