Summary: This is from a series I preached on encounters with Jesus in the Gospels.

Title: Jesus Encounters the Disciples in the Locked Room Script: John 20:19-23

Type: Expos./Encountering Jesus Where: GNBC 4-16-23

Intro: Over the past 2k years countless men and women have met Christ in a locked room. For millions it has been in the confines of a jail or prison cell. For others it has been behind the locked doors of some type of institution in which they were seeking treatment. For others, they have met Christ behind the locked doors of their hotel room when they’ve found a Gideon Bible opened it up and read the Savior’s words of life. For millions, even today, it’s been behind the locked doors of house church in China or Iran or some other place where the Gospel is ‘banned.” For many others, desperate individuals, who have long fought against God and placed walls and locked doors to their hearts before finally succumbing to His effectual call. Today we see the first instance of men responding to the risen Christ behind locked doors.

Prop: In Jn. 20:19-23 we’ll see 4 encouraging statements Christ says to His disciples.

BG: 1. Passage takes place the evening of Resurrection morning (v.19) and carries over another 8 days (v.26). Ten of the disciples are together, absent of course is Judas, and also Thomas. 2. Both Mark and Luke relate some of this encounter. 3.

Prop: Let’s exam. Jn 20:19-23 to see 4 Encouraging Statements Xst tells His Disciples Res. Evening.

I. 1st Encouraging Word: “Peace Be With You.” Vv. 19-20

A. Jesus Appears to the Disciples in the Midst of their Excitement and Fear.

1. Jesus’ Personal Appearance brings peace to the beleaguered Disciples.

a. We pick up the narrative on the evening of Easter Sunday. The disciples are already puzzled and excited by the rumors sweeping through Jerusalem that something has happened to the body of Jesus. Four different individuals or groups have already claimed to have seen our Lord risen from the dead: First, there was Mary Magdalene. She had come running from the tomb to tell Peter and John that the body was gone. Other women who had also been at the tomb saw him, and worshipped him. Two men traveling down the road to Emmaus, Cleopas and another (Lk 24), had come back in breathless excitement, saying that Jesus had appeared to them on the way and ministered to them from the Scriptures. Then the word had gone out that Peter had seen Jesus. So it is no wonder the disciples gather together in the evening in the Upper Room to discuss what had happened.

b. Certainly there is excitement. There is also confusion. There is also fear – v. 19 tells us so. The disciples were afraid they would have the same fate as their master at the hands of His tormenters. Maybe the Jews would blame them for “stealing “ the body and execute them as well.

2. Jesus Speaks Peace to the Disciples’ Troubled Hearts.

a. Illust: 25 yrs. ago Friday night I was in Belfast, N. Ireland. We had taken a team from GNBC to Belfast for Holy Week services. Mike and Marilyn were also there. After preaching the Good Friday service we all went back to the homes where were staying. I was staying with Rev. Jim and Carole Rea. When walked in the door, Carole said: “James, you’d better look at the telly, there’s rioting outside of Stormont (Govt. building). Jim looked at me: “Let’s go!” Uncharacteristically, Carole got angry: “James, don’t you get arrested and get your face on the BBC! Chris Arch, I’ll hold you responsible if he does!” That night history was taking place as the Good Friday Agreement declared end to the longest war in Europe in the 20th century. What the people of N. Ireland called “The Troubles” had ended.

b. “Peace be with you.” – Eirene – Literally, this would read: “Peace to you.” – noun- (nominative.fem/sing.) -Tranquility. Disciples were in turmoil. Christ brings peace. This is what I hear most common when someone comes to Christ. My life was in turmoil and now I have peace. Yes!

B. Jesus Offers the Disciples Proof of His Personhood.

1. The Shocked Disciples

a. Illust – Poltergeist, Ghostbusters, Ghost, Ghost Story, field of Dreams, Beetlejuice, A Christmas Carol, Casper for crying out loud! Humans are obsessed with ghosts. The same was true in the 1st century. One moment Jesus isn’t there and the next He is! What were they to assume? Had never seen a resurrected body before.

b. V.20 – Jesus shows the shocked disciples the proof of His personhood. Shows the physical scars that were on His body. Hands and feet and side. NO ONE besides Christ, has the scars for your salvation!

2. We have Peace with God thru the Death and Bodily Resurrection of Christ.

a. Rom. 5:1- “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…” We are not justified simply because we have “faith”. Rather, we are justified because we “have faith” in Christ’s sinless life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection. If Easter Sunday doesn’t take place, all bets are off, so as to speak. One person has said that in this passage we see “The peace of Deity touching humanity.”

b. What we see here is the Resurrection Body of Christ. Christ is still recognizable. His body is tangible, however, the laws that govern this material world no longer constrain His body. The same will be true for you and me one day. Illust – Ever since I was a little boy had dreams where I was flying (Not in a plane but running and jumping.) Let me tell you, I hope I am still alive when Lord returns, I want to experience I THes. 4:17 – “and we who are alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air…”

C. Applic: Friend, you can have peace with God thru the Lord Jesus Christ if you trust in His scars or you can reject Christ, be scarred by the world and have no peace. The Savior has given us great proof of the resurrection!

II. 2nd Encouraging Word: “I Send You.” v. 21

A. Jesus 2nd Encouraging Word speaks to the Disciples’ Purpose.

1. The Saddened and Distraught Disciples of Sunday Evening were Purposeless.

a. Illust – One of the saddest things I see in our neighborhood is purposelessness. Immobilizes men. Depresses, Discourages, Makes downtrodden, desperate, and despairing. Men need a task. Men need work. Men need a purpose.

b. Now think about this. 72 hrs. ago, the Disciples saw Jesus die. For 3 yrs. they had followed Jesus. Gave it their all! Then at Calvary, everything seems to come crashing down around them. Everything appears to be over. They have no peace and no purpose. What good are disciples if your Master was an apparent failure? Easy to see why in such a state.

2. Christ’s Next Encouraging Word is found in His giving the Disciples a Purpose: “…I also send you.”

a. Notice the connection. Jesus reconnects the Disciples with the plan of God. “As the Father has sent Me, so also I send you.” He is reconnecting the Disciples to the eternal plan of God’s redemption. But did you notice what He said immediately prior to that? AGAIN: “Peace be with you.” Now, I don’t want to read too much into the text, but there is a “peace” we have with God when we recognize Who Jesus is for our salvation. There is another “peace” we have when we grow in Christ, and have fellowship with Christ and know what His purpose and plan is for our lives. The Disciples have been restored in their relationship with Jesus and now He is giving them their “marching orders”.

b. “I send you” this is a precursor to Mt. 28:18-20, the Great Commission. It is a precursor to Acts 1:8 (READ). Jesus is essentially saying: “Boys, I still have work for you to do, in fact, you are just beginning!

B. Peace Comes in Fellowshipping with and Serving the Lord.

1. The Disciples Fear and Unbelief had taken them out of fellowship with the Lord.

a. The Disciples were distraught, they had run away and hidden. They were defeated and unbelieving.

b. “I also send you…” pempo - (Pres. Indic/active sing.) So the inflection is 1st person, Jesus is saying this. The mood is indicative – Jesus is affirming this statement. The voice is active – the action is being carried out. Singular. Jesus is singularly sending out the disciples as individuals. I know that it has become somewhat trite over the years, but the old CC 4 Spiritual Laws statement is true: “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.” Most Christians just stop at that first clause. “God loves you…” True and wonderful. But there is more! “He has a wonderful plan for your life.” He has a “send” for you and me today as well.

2. Peace for the Christian is Being in the Will of God.

a. Illust- I know a lot of Christians who walk around defeated. See a missionary – let’s take Alex and Tricia for example. “Wow, they are so spiritual. They are serving the Lord in Papau…” The implication is they are so much more spiritual because serving in foreign land. (Not taking anything away from them!) No, God sent Alex to Moody. To flight school. To a specific field. Sent Tricia to be his “help mate”. But may have sent you to University of Iowa. Or Hills Bank or P&G. God sends His people to every walk of life to redeem that community for His own glory. We need to find out where He wants us and thrive where planted. (This is the fulfillment of John 17)

b. Mt. 11:29 says: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” A yoke was an implement that allowed two animals to pull together. Jesus has a purpose for you and me. He has a field He wants us to work, but He will be right there with us. Illust: Let me ask you, are you in the will of God? Are you making worship and time alone with God a priority? Are you tithing? Is your dating life committed to His Lordship? Is your career choice? You’ll find rest and peace when you find yourself in His will.

C. Applic: The second encouraging word for the distraught disciples was “I send you.” In doing so, Jesus gave them a great purpose. He gives us this purpose as well.

III. 3rd Encouraging Word: “Receive the Holy Spirit” v. 22

A. Next We See Christ’s 3rd Encouraging Word to the Disciples: “Receive”

1. Jesus tells the Disciples to Receive the Holy Spirit.

a. Read v. 22 – The Greek word for “breathed” is from same root we derive word for emphysema – in which sufferers have shortness of breath and puffed-up chest. When Jesus breathes He fills up chest and blows out on the Disciples. Says to “receive the Holy Spirit” Spirit – pneuma, wind or breath or Spirit.

b. Now I want to be very clear, this is a unique event. The timing is unique. This event takes place between the death and resurrection of Christ and the Holy Spirit’s coming at Pentecost. The Disciples were obviously regenerate men, they were trusting in Christ, but they were not as of yet, indwelt by the Holy Spirit. This would happen in a very dramatic way at Pentecost several weeks later. This is that interval period between Christ’s Ascension and the Holy Spirit’s Coming. Christ told the disciples in Lk. 11:13 that the Father would give the Holy Spirit to them if asked. They never asked!

2. With This Action Christ was Pointing the Disciples to What Was Coming.

a. It was customary for the prophets to use some significant act to represent the nature of their message. See Jeremiah 13; Jeremiah 18, etc. In this case the act of breathing was used to represent the nature of the influence that would come upon them, and the source of that influence. When man was created, God breathed into him the breath of life, Genesis 2:7. The word rendered "spirit" in the Scriptures denotes wind, air, breath, as well as Spirit. Hence, the operations of the Holy Spirit are compared to the wind, John 3:8; Acts 2:2.

b. Christ’s breathing on them was a certain sign or pledge that they would be endowed with the influences of the Holy Spirit. This is exactly what we see in Acts 1:4 as the Disciples are waiting in the Upper Room 40 days later, again, in Jerusalem.

B. Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit is Essential for the Christian.

1. Christ acts out what will happen to the Disciples at Pentecost.

a. The phrase “Jesus breathed on them” is unique. No other place in the Bible is this terminology used. However, it is the same words used in the Septuagint, the Greek OT, where God breathes life into Adam in Gen. 2:7.

b. Christian, the Holy Spirit gives us new life. He empowers us for the Christian life. He dispenses spiritual gifts. He allows us to demonstrate the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) The reason we can produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control is not because we intellectually know more and more refined doctrine, but it is because we are empowered by the HS! That’s why we grow in grace! That’s why we can walk in victory and not defeat! This is why we can overcome sin in our lives and the chains of addiction can be broken.

2. The Spirit is the Christian’s Comforter.

a. Jesus said this in Jn. 14:16-17 – (READ) Jesus tells the Disciples He will send a “Helper” or “Comforter”- parakleton – come along side of. Illust – Ever been unsure of a task, or alone, then a friend comes alongside and helps you. Gives confidence and boldness.

b. Applying the redemption purchased by Christ to us is the work of the Holy Spirit, but this application is multifaceted. We have seen that He is the agent of regeneration, changing our hearts in the new birth so that we might believe in Jesus (John 3:1–8). He also convicts the world concerning sin and righteousness, revealing the darkness of our hearts and pointing us to the surety of forgiveness in Christ (16:7–11). The Spirit illumines the Word of God to bring us to faith and to encourage our growth to Christian maturity (1 Cor. 2:11–12). And He is the agent of sanctification, conforming us more and more to the image of our Savior over the course of our lives (1 Peter 1:1–2).

C. Applic: Jesus knew the Disciples needed the HS in order to fulfill His mission and to live a regenerate life. No difference today. In this passage He foretells His giving the Disciples a great power!

IV. 4th Encouraging Word: “Forgive One Another” v. 23

A. The Disciples are Given the Ministry of Preaching Forgiveness in Christ

1. The Next Encouraging Word is the Disciples Duty: Preach forgiveness!

a. Illust: Nowhere in Acts or the rest of the NT do you see 1 single time where an Apostle remits the sin of another individual. Not one time. Nowhere in the Bible do you see a man sitting in a booth being told the sins of another individual and then saying to them: “I forgive you.” Misses the entire point. Nowhere are we told to accept that work of Christ and then perform some penance to “add” to Jesus’ finished work.

b. Christ alone forgives sins. Christ is telling the Disciples here that they have a message. They are to go forth and preach forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ. What is it that a few weeks later Peter is preaching in Acts 2:21 – “Whomever believes on the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved.” In Acts 2:38 he declares, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 3:19 – “ Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…”

2. Thru the preaching of Christ we offer and find the forgiveness of sins.

a. We remit sin thru the preaching of the Gospel. The forgiveness of sins comes through Christ’s blood and only thru Christ’s blood. Now I know what some of you are thinking. Pastor, what about people in the OT? How were they saved? Through Christ! “What do you mean, pastor?” Illust: Anyone over the age of about 12 yrs has probably used a credit card right? I use my card on the 1st of the month. Purchased item. Tank of gas, milk, etc. On the 30th of the month that bill comes due. Did I purchase or did I steal those items on the 1st? Purchased. But I didn’t pay until the 30th. How does that work. HyVee/Kwik Star, etc., trusts me and my Discover card to pay. Discover card incentivizes that trust! End of the month, I pay my balance in full. I secured that purchase long before it was paid. If you please, and we know this from Heb. 11, the OT saints were saved “on credit” of the merits of Christ.

b. The gospel that we proclaim is not so much about Jesus helping people with their personal problems but rather about God forgiving their sin through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. G. Campbell Morgan (The Gospel According to John Revell], p. 321) wrote, “The ultimate reason of the mission of the Church in the world, is to deal with sin.” Romans 3:23 declares, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Jesus didn’t die to save us from personal failure or shortcomings, but from the just wrath of God against our rebellion and sin. Illust: However, our world is attempting to eliminate sin from the equation of life. 50 yrs. ago Drunks and drug addicts were sinners. Now they have a sickness a disease that needs treatment. 50 years ago sexual perversion was declared a sin that needed to be repented of. Today it’s a sickness or illness that needs treatment, medication and counsel. 50 years ago

B. Christians Are To Proclaim this Forgiveness Today.

1. It is best to understand this not as referring to apostolic power to forgive or retain the sins of individuals (as it is sometimes understood), but to the “power” of proclaiming this forgiveness which was entrusted to the disciples. This is fulfillment of Jn. 14:12 where Jesus tells us we will do greater things than He because He goes to the Father. That’s the case! How many people did Jesus speak to in entire life? 1000’s. They say DL Moody spoke to or thru pen communicated with 100 million people in lifetime. Billy Graham 250 million spoke to.

2. Illust: “Years ago, I heard Pastor Ron Blanc tell how he visited a 14-year-old boy who was in a catatonic state in the psychiatric ward of a hospital. The boy was lying on his bed as stiff as a board. Nothing had helped. The nurse, thinking Ron to be a doctor, said, “I think the boy is suffering from too much religion.” (Ron let her get both feet in her mouth and then told her that he was the boy’s pastor.) He went in and began to talk and the boy finally began to open up. He was under a pile of guilt. Ron shared the forgiveness Christ offers. Before he could invite the boy to pray, the boy began to pray on his own. Ron bowed his head. The boy asked Jesus to come into his life and forgive his sins. When he finished praying, Ron looked up to find the boy sitting on the edge of the bed, freely swinging his legs. Ron asked, “What’s this?” The boy exclaimed, “I’m free, man! Jesus has forgiven me!” They walked out to a little patio area to chat some more. Ron got great delight in watching the surprised expressions on the doctors’ and nurses’ faces as they saw the boy moving around.” (From Steven J Cole, Lesson 102)

C. Applic: In giving the Disciples this 4th encouraging word, He gives them a great proclamation