Summary: Series in Philippians

Title: “Evidences of Christ’s Living in the Believer” Scripture: Phil. 1:27-30

Type: Expository/ Series Where: GNBC 6-11-23

Intro: Dwight Pentecost was a pastor, author, and professor. Taught at DTS for nearly 60 years before death in 2014. Told the story of preaching at a conference in Atlantic City back in the early 1960s. At the end of the week went to a local bank to cash check for $70 to cover travel expenses. After waiting in long line, gave the teller check and he counted out 10, $10 bills! He counted it 2nd time and then handed it thru the window. Dr. Pentecost slowly began to count the envelope. The teller looked at the long line while eying the clock as it was near closing time. “Trust me, I’ve counted it 2x!” Pentecost: “But sir, I believe there has been a mistake.” Teller got flushed and angry: “You have seen me count this 2x, there is no mistake.” Pentecost put the money thru the window; “Would you please count it once more?” The teller was getting redder by the moment: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Now he was almost purple. The exasperated teller looked at Dr. Pentecost and said: “Sir, you must be a Christian!” It was not so much what Dwight Pentecost had said, but what he had done that led the bank teller to conclude he was a Christian. Paul would agree, there are to be visible evidences in the life of the Christian.

Prop: Examining Phil 1:27-30 we’ll see 3 Evidences of Christ Living in the Believer.

BG: 1. When Paul came to the city around 49 AD, Philippi was an urban center at the eastern end of the plain, a few miles northwest from Neapolis. The people there were both Romans and Greeks and spoke predominantly Greek even though Latin was the official language.

2. The church in Philippi was founded by the apostle Paul on his second missionary journey, recorded in Acts 16:1-40. Paul originally went to Macedonia because of a night vision described for us in Acts 16:9.


Prop: Let’s examine Phil. 1:27-30 so as to see 3 Evidence of Christ Living in the Believer.

I. 1st Evidence: Your Life Will Produce Conduct Becoming a Christian.

A. The Christian’s Life Will Inevitably Begin to Look like Jesus’.

1. Our life, actions, and desires will begin to mimic those of our Savior.

a. V.27 – “Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy off the Gospel of Christ.” – KJV – “let your conversation” – GK - politeueothe – Paul uses this root in Phil. 3:20 when he says that our “citizenship” is in heaven. Not so much just our speech, but rather the totality of our conduct. Good behavior was expected of the Philippian citizens because they were a Roman colony, something highly prized. Paul is saying here that as a citizen of the Heavenly City, let your and my behavior honor Christ. Ask, “What would Jesus do?”, How would Jesus respond? What would Christ spend His time and money on? What would His speech be like? We are to live as citizens of the Kingdom.

b. Illust: Used to be that when young people were going out, their parents would gently caution them saying: “Remember to conduct yourself like a lady/gentleman.” Today’s parents often don’t even know to whom those terms apply! Sadly, as gender confused as Western culture is to, the Church is often more so in relation to its member’s mission! Conduct yourself in a manner worthy of Christ!

2. This Growth Will Cause us to Resemble Christ in Character.

a. Illust – In the Uniform Code of Military Justice, article 133 “Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman – is an offense with deep roots in military history and the original Articles of War. The elements of the offense are: That the accused did or omitted to do certain acts; and, under the circumstances, the acts or omitted acts constituted conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman. The word gentleman is gender neutral in the eyes of the law. Article 133 was always intended to be a “catch-all” to create liability for actions that dishonor or disgrace officers.

b. Remember that 2 weeks ago we looked at v. 21- “To live – Christ!” Ask yourself, what would Jesus do in this situation? How would Christ want me to love this person? How should I respond to this hurt? If my whole life is about Christ my conduct should match that call. Ask self: “Is my conduct becoming a Christian?”

B. There is an Objective Standard of Behavior for Which the Christian is to Measure His/Her Life.

1. That standard is “the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

a. What is the Gospel of Christ? It is the most important message in all of history yet but a fraction of Christians can elucidate its content with clarity or conviction.

b. Not only are we saved by grace, but we are kept by grace, and we must, moment by moment live by grace. “The truth of the matter is, there is never a day when we can stand before God on our own two feet of performance – not an hour! Even the best works of believers are shot through with sin. It’s been said that every time the great 19th century preacher “Charles Spurgeon” stepped into the pulpit, he did so with the silent prayer, “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Lk 18:13). Here is an important spiritual principle that sums up these thoughts:

Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God’s grace… and your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God’s grace. We are not only SAVED by grace – we also must LIVE by grace – Only a continuous reminder of the “gospel of God’s grace through Christ” will keep us from falling into the “good-day / bad-day” kind of thinking. We must “consciously” reflect upon the gospel of God’s grace to us every day, or we will start focusing on “our performance” or start “feeling guilty.” When we focus on “our performance,” we move away from grace… and then we try to relate to God directly on the basis of “our performance.” (Jerry Bridges, Disciplines of Grace, chap.10)

2. When Examining Yourself Against “The Gospel of Christ” do not become discouraged.

a. Illust: Do you know what two items in our homes can most serious damage a young person’s psyche? (TV? Computer? Cell phone?) Yes, possibly, but two that usually carry no shame in the Evangelical world: A mirror and a scale. We’ve all seen physically beautiful people become negatively obsessed with one little blemish. Cannot see all that is beautiful in appearance because focused on a flaw no on else sees. (Scale – often artificial standard that doesn’t take into account BMI, build, etc.)

b. So when we face your own sinfulness, don’t become transfixed by that fault or blemish sin’s stain has left on your life, rather, flee to Christ thru faith in His shed blood! Appropriate by faith what Christ has done!

C. Applic: Do you see your life growing in the image and conduct of Christ? Great!

II. 2nd Evidence: There Will Be A Union With Other Believers. V. 27b

A. When Christ Lives in a Person, He or She is in Union with Other Christians.

1. Paul says that we are to have a purpose in that union.

a. v.27 – “stand firm in one spirit” : The Greek word translated “striving together” is sunathleo, from which we get our word “athletics.” The prefix, sun, means “with” or “together.” The picture is of an athletic team, working in cooperation and coordination toward a common goal. That goal, as we have seen, is “the faith of the gospel.” As Americans, we’re prone toward competition and toward individualism.

b. Paul teaches throughout his epistles that believers are united together by sharing a common life in a body of which Jesus Christ is the head. As Paul tells us in another passage (I Cor. 12) although we may all be a different body part, i.e. a finger, hand, ear, eye, etc., with different purposes and functions, Jesus Christ is still the head and we are interconnected. Each member needs that ministry, support, and encouragement from others. Each is to minister in their own, unique way in and to the Body of Christ.

2. As A Christian we are to Stand Firm in Christ.

a. What Paul is stating her is that no believer has the responsibility of providing for all of his own needs himself. When a man is living in Christ, that individual is going to be rightly related to other believers. He will contribute to and receive from others that which sustains him. We always have to fight against the pride which well up in us, that tells another believer, “It’s ok, I can do that myself.” American Individualism is not Biblical Christianity! Not only do you rob yourself of the blessing which you could receive from God when you or I do this, but we also stifle the blessing your brother or sister could have from God by using his/her gift to serve you. Everyone has an important role to perform.

b. Illust – “stand firm” = Joshua Chamberlain was one of my favorite characters from the US Civil War. At the outbreak of the war, Chamberlain was a professor at Bowdoin College in Maine. Chamberlain was a scholar, had studied for the ministry, taught himself, Greek, Latin, German, French, Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac! Not the individual we would pick to come thru in the pinnacle engagement of the war! Yet, there on Little Roundtop, a boulder strewn hillside on the absolute left flank of the entire Union Army at Gettysburg, Chamberlain and his 20th Maine had to hold or Meade’s entire Army of the Potomac would be encircled, captured, or cut to pieces. He was charge to : “Hold the left edge at all costs, to the last man. “ Having repulsed several attacks, and running critically low on ammunition, Chamberlain told his men to “fix bayonets” and charged headlong int the 47th and 15th Alabama Regiments. The stunned and exhausted regiments surrendered. This heroic action by one regiment, assured Union victory at Gettysburg and the defeat of the Confederate Army for the entire war.

B. When Christ Lives in a Person You Will Have a Life of Testimony and Witness.

1. Stand Firm in your Testimony and Witness.

a. Today we see the church being confronted with many issues. It is confronted on the issue of marriage. Scripture teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman, but many Christians have given up this belief in order to conform and show supposed compassion for the world and their beliefs. Some have given up their beliefs because they realize this view could cost them opportunities. It could cost them a promotion or a friendship. Therefore, many Christians have chosen to not stand firm. The church is confronted with issues like abortion—the value of life. It is confronted constantly on exclusivity of the gospel. Christians are told that the gospel is too narrow—too bigoted. They are challenged to accept many ways to God—to be pluralistic. Illust – The message Pastor Zach preached last week would not be allowed to be preached in 90% of big EVA churches today!

b. V.27b – “With one spirit and one mind, strive together for the faith of the Gospel.” This concerns your and my witness in a Christ-rejecting world. We have to make His testimony known to men and women who are lost without hope and knowledge of Christ! We are to lovingly strive together for the sake of promoting our faith in Christ!

2. We have a Mission and Purpose to Fulfill together.

-Read John 17:18 (Read). Did you hear that? The Son was sent into the world to reveal the Father to men who are ignorant of Him. Along with that, He commissioned those who know Him (You and me!) to be what He was and do what He did while on earth! As He was the light of the world (Jn. 8:12), we are the light in the world (Jesus says, in Matthew 5:14, "You are the light of the world." And in Ephesians 5:8, "At one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.") The light does not originate in us, but we are reflectors of His light.

C. Applic: The life of Christ unites our lives together in Christ. This is the work and witness of the Church.

III. 3rd Evidence: You Will Live Without Fear or Cowardice – vv.28ff.

A. Do Not Be Afraid of the Adversaries of the Gospel.

1. When Christ Lives His Life in Men and Women

a. V. 28 – I like how the KJV puts it: “In nothing, terrified by your adversaries.” I Jn. 4:18 declares: “Perfect love casts out all fear…” Christian, what are you afraid of? Rejection by the world? Allow Christ’s perfect love to cast out that fear! Maybe as a Christian, you feel rejection by other believers. That can be a powerful fear! Maybe even worse that the previous. Again, allow Christ’s perfect love to cast out that fear.

b. Illust: John has been speaking of boldness, and that naturally suggests its opposite--fear. He has been saying that perfect love produces courage in the day of judgment, because it produces likeness to Christ, who is the Judge. In my text he explains and enlarges that statement. For there is another way in which love produces boldness, and that is by its casting out fear. These two are mutually exclusive. The entrance of the one is for the other a notice to quit. We cannot both love and fear the same person or thing, and where love comes in, the darker form slips out at the door. Fear in the heart of the Christian is like a squatter in another’s property. They have no legal right to live there. Need to be tossed out. However, if don’t take action to evict, will take up “squatter’s rights” in our soul. Evict fear. Toss it out or the sake and cause of Christ.

2. Be Inspired to Proclaim the Gospel without Fear.

a. Consider our Lord’s Example = Remember when our Lord stood before Pilate in his hall of judgment? There, in mockery and derision, Jesus was made to wear the crown of thorns, a purple robe, and a reed pressed into service as a scepter? Pilate invited Jesus to defend Himself against the accusations of His antagonists. Yet in quietness, calmness, and confidence, peace pervaded the Person of Christ. In no way was He terrified by His opponents.

b. Illust – About 20 yrs. ago I was open air preaching in the Haitian village of Plain Du Nord. A woman had gotten saved the previous Sunday, and as was their church tradition, the entire church went to her front yard for the Wednesday night meeting. I was asked to preach. I suppose nearly 200 people packed into this lady’s yard and on the road in front of her small house. I felt perfect freedom to preach and smiled many times while preaching at the old man, woman, and child who were just to my right that evening. After the service, two from our team came up and asked: “Was it unnerving to preach with those 3 witchdoctors sitting so close to you?” “What do you mean?” 3 witch doctors? I saw old man, woman, and child sitting on the bench!

B. Opposition is a Sign of the Believer’s Secure salvation.

1. Notice what Paul says in this passage:

a. V.28 – Their opposition is a sign of their destruction and your salvation! One of the ways that we walk worthy of the gospel is by living confidently in the face of opposition without fear. The word Paul used for “frightened” was a word used of horses being startled and beginning a stampede.5 As mentioned previously, it is clear that the Philippians were receiving persecution for their faith, as were other Christians throughout the Roman Empire. Paul calls them to not panic, be shocked, or flee from the opposition.

Paul taught his disciple Timothy that everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Tim 3:15)

b. “At this period of time Nero was on the throne in Rome setting Christians on fire to light his garden or placing animal flesh on them before sending dogs after them. Today, statistics say around 400 Christians die for the faith every day. However, in some nations, specifically western nations, the persecution is not that overt. This persecution may show up in being considered strange, not being promoted, being hated or ridiculed because of our values. This should not startle Christians at all. Peter said this: “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you” (1 Peter 4:12).”(Greg Brown, “How to Live Worthy”)

2. Christians Should Be Confident in the Face of Opposition Because it is a Blessing.

a. Christians should be confident in the face of opposition because it is a blessing.

Paul says, “For it has been granted to you not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for him” (v. 29, NET). “The word ‘granted’ can literally be translated ‘graced.’ It means ‘to give freely or graciously as a favor.’”6 Paul taught that persecution was a work of God’s grace.

b. Not everyone is brave by nature. Even those wired that way have moments when life gets out of control. We can all have courage, however, when we trust in God’s protection and guidance. Paul gives us encouragement to be courageous by reminding us to rely on our relationship with God: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31 NIV) We are safe and secure in God’s hands! He also reminds us that God gave up the greatest sacrifice- his own Son- for us and NOTHING can separate us from the love of Jesus. We can be secure in him through these assurances. Draw courage from these assurances! “For I am convinced that neither death, no life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8: 38-39

C. Applic: Nimar is a young Pakistani believer that I am friends with. Every week he and his friend travel the countryside telling others about Jesus. They travel village to village. He is fearless in his faith. God wants all of us to be free from cowardice as we seek to make Him known in through our lives.