Summary: A Message for the New Year.

Title: ReVision 2024 Scripture: Various

Type: Thematic Where: GNBC 1-7-24

Intro: Steven Covey has written, “All things are created twice.” First, there is the mental creation, and then the physical creation. Vision pertains to this first creation. We have to see it before we can shape it into reality. From a Christian perspective, vision is the ability to clearly see and articulate where God wants us to go or what God wants us to do in a given situation. Vision is the bridge between the present and future reality. As one man stated, “If you want to find a needle in a haystack, it is almost impossible. Yet if you place a magnet on the edge of the haystack, the needles jump out.” Vision is that magnet that attracts followers and resources. John Maxwell encourages the importance of vision casting for pastors like this, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” The greatest leadership is by example. You must do, act, say, and be the person you want your team to be. Leadership is a visual thing. You cannot take others on a journey with an unknown destination. Know where you are going and how you are going to get there. Now I would confess that I have never been very strong in this area of vision casting, however, the older I get the more important I think it is for the local church.

Prop: Today we’ll examine four key ideas that should guide our ministry focus in 2024.

BG: 1. Not an expository message, but topical. Thematic for the year.

2. Every church should fulfill the five biblical purposes of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism. But how you fulfill the purposes depends upon the distinct nature of your church. What makes your church unique?

Prop: Let’s examine 4 key ideas that should guide our ministry focus in 2024.

I. ReVision 2024: Redeem – Eph. 1:7

A. The Church Must Never Compromise on the Need for Individuals to be Redeemed in Christ.

1. Mankind is held in Captivity and Needs a Deliverer.

a. Illust: Cecil B. Demille’s The Ten Commandments (1956) is one of the most successful movies ever made. At the time, it was a grand cinematic achievement. Its cinematography and special effects wowed the movie world. Everyone marveled, not only at the presentation, but also at the story itself. The story indeed isa grand one, as it recapitulates the storyline of the entire drama of redemption. The deliverance of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt is an unforgettable story of God’s purposeful and powerful salvation of His people. The account of God redeeming Israel from Egypt foreshadowed the redemption to come in Christ. Just as God redeemed Israel from Egypt through the blood of the lambs on their doorposts, so all God’s people ultimately are redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. (A. Carter, Ligonier, 5-14-21)

b. One of the major themes of redemption in the Bible is the idea of captivity. “Captivity” carries with it the idea that someone is trapped, enslaved, kidnapped, or held captive, and thus a price must be paid or a sacrifice made in order to rescue him. When it comes to our redemption through Christ, we were in a situation similar to Israel. As Israel was enslaved in Egypt, we were enslaved to sin and death and the devil. From where would our redemption come?

2. The Bible Clearly Tells us from Where Our Redemption Came.

a. Eph. 1:7 “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace”. This passage is identical in sense and expression with Colossians 1:14, except that the word here used for “sins” means, properly, “separate acts of transgression,” while the word there is the more general word for sin in the abstract.

b. The primary idea in “redemption” is deliverance from a bondage, mostly the bondage of sin itself (see Romans 8:23;Hebrews 9:15); occasionally (with a different Greek word), the bondage under sentence of punishment for sin (Galatians 3:13; Galatians 4:5). Into that bondage man has plunged himself; God’s mercy redeems him from it at an unspeakable price (John 3:16; Romans 7:24-25). (2) The primary idea in “the forgiveness of sins through His blood” is propitiation, that is, the offering to God “a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice” for sin, by Jesus, who is the Federal Head of the human race (Romans 3:25; 1John 2:2; 1John 4:10).

B. In 2024 Let GNBC Be Guided By a Passion to See Individuals Redeemed!

1. Illust: My wife’s father was very passionate about seeing people come to Christ. Once when Carol was in college, she came home from classes. Her father greeted her and said, “Hey, would you like to lead someone to Christ at the IMU today?” Carol thought that Pastor Hackmann had a student contact. She replied, “Ok, who?” Her father got a very stern look on his face and said: “Wrong answer, Carol.” Now that may have been a bit harsh, however, it pointed out the truth that we are often inclined to ignore: “Everyone needs Christ!” Everyone is lost without Christ. Everyone is dead, dying, and going to hell without Christ.

2. In II Tim. 4:5 Paul tells Timothy: ““But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry”. We need to be about God’s business in 2024. I want to challenge each of us to create a list of 5-10 names of friends/family who you are going to begin to pray for Christ to soften hearts. Then, during 2024 you are going to be intentional about trying to lead to Christ. Think what would happen if just 1/10th of our congregation each led 5 individuals to Christ this year! 100 new believers!

C. Applic: 1st key life and ministry focus: Redeem!

II. ReVision 2024: Restore

A. The Apostle Paul Informs the Believer of the Ministry of Restoration – II Cor. 5:17

1. Christianity Seeks to Restore Individuals to their Biblical

a. Illust: My mother’s first cousin. Miles Morstatter. Was an engineer. Quit after a few years. Worked his lifetime restoring high end antique cars: Cords, Duesenbergs, Auburns, Pierce. Each car usually takes 1-2 years to restore. Painstaking efforts.

b. Did you know that the word “restore” appears 136 times in the Bible? The Bible is filled with examples of healing and restoration. It is a consistent theme in both the Old and New Testaments, from Genesis all the way to Revelation. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines restoration as “a bringing back to a former position or condition.” The promise of restoration offers hope when all else seems to oppose it. Illust: In the case of my cousin…Time, rust, lack of parts…all seem to oppose a restored project, yet, over time and with the effort of a master craftsman, the finished product can be astounding…and priceless!

2. We Need to Remember Our Culture and its People are Drastically Broken and Need the Restoration only Christ can bring.

a. II Cor. 5:17 – Say it with me: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” Read I Cor. 6:9-11. Sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, greedy, drunkards, slanderers, swindlers WILL NOT inherit the KOG. V.11 “And that is what some of you WERE.” Past tense. A change has taken place. What is that change? You were Washed, Sanctified, Justified” in the Name of Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God.

b. In redemption, Christ performs an eternal, internal work of regeneration. It is not a self-help program. A dead man can’t help himself, he continues to rot in his/her corruption. Our society is literally rotting. Our centers of higher learning, our colleges and universities are complicit in the promotion of the lie that devastates young and impressionable lives. Illust: I realize that I am a dinosaur, but I was doing some reading this past week. Shocked to learn that there are now recognized 112 genders! However, a few minutes later I read an article that stated: “There's no set number of genders because nonbinary isn't a third gender, meaning there can't be a specific fourth/fifth/sixth. Nonbinary is a spectrum of genders that encompasses anything not male or female.”

B. Jesus Restores us to the 3 Key Relationships in Life.

1. Jesus Restores us to a Right Relationship with God. The primary relationship that everyone needs to have restored is his/her relationship with Christ. The Bible tells us that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). It tells us that the “wages” of that sin is that we have bought for ourselves spiritual death and separation from God. We break God’s commandments in word, thought, and deed, every day. If being restored to God is based on us, then we are doomed. God is perfect and holy, and cannot allow any sin in His presence. He provided a way for us to be restored to the perfect relationship we once had with Him. That way is Jesus Christ. (Jn. 14:6 – Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life…”

2. Jesus Restores us to a Right Relationship with Ourselves. Illust: As a boy I remember going to the Converse Fair a little town West of my hometown. Had a semi-trailer walked thru with mirrors that made your body look bizarre and warped. Most of us have a warped image of ourselves. We don't see what God sees. We don't know who we are because we can only see the world through our own eyes. That’s why we struggle in relationship. That’s why we’re selfish. We've never been able to see ourselves with God's eyes. Our sins prevent that from happening, but Jesus came to change all that. God created us in His image, and He knows us better than we know ourselves. Because of Adam’s sin against God, at the core of our being is a darkness that prevents us from seeing ourselves as God sees us—in His image and likeness. However, by His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus has brought light and freedom to all who believe in Him. Do you want to get a proper understanding of who you are? See yourself through the eyes of Christ! Hurt and hurting people need Christ! Healing begins in Christ.

3. Jesus Restores us to a Right Relationship with Others. I believe one of the greatest scourges I see in our nation today is an overriding bitterness in relationships. I see countless numbers of supposed Christian, even pastors and Chrisian leaders, who have cut off family members from their lives. You and I can pretend to be so very spiritual, but if you or I cut off relationships with other Christians, especially family, you had better reexamine your supposed Christian commitment. Illust: Thursday am, Carol came to me. Had been getting ready to leave house, putting on necklace and the diamond fell off and down the sink! Asked me if I would please retrieve it. Had to take off the J trap. Do you know what’s in a J Trap? Icky mess! Took a picture but won’t show you. Had to dig thru it. Found a beautiful pendant. I know that a lot of our relationship with others could be described as an “icky mess”. But I believe Christ wants to see those relationships restored and find what’s beautiful in them.

C. Applic:2nd key idea for 2024: Restore!

III. ReVision 2024: Recruit – II Tim. 2:2

A. Our Lord Set the Example of Recruiting Men for Ministry.

1.Men were Christ’s Method!

a. The late Dr. Robert Coleman said: “Jesus’ concern was not with programs to reach the multitudes, but with men the multitudes would follow.” (p.21, The Master’s Plan…) Men would be the method by which Jesus would win people to God. So, Christ enlisted men who could bear witness of His life and ministry and carry on His work after His ascension. John and Andrew were called first (Jn. 1:35-40). Andrew brought his brother Peter (Jn. 1:41-42). The next day Jesus called Phillip on way to Galilee, and then Phillip found Nathaniel… and so on.

b. Christ picked men who were willing to learn (disciples). Christ prioritized His relationships. Inner 3, the 12, the 72, others.

2. The Apostles Continued this Principle of Recruiting Men for Ministry. II Tim. 2:2

a. IITim. 2:2 “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” the main theme of II Tim. 2:1-7 is “Christian Fruitfulness”. Every Christian wants to be fruitful in serving the Lord Jesus Christ. To be fruitful, there is a person that you must be: Strong in grace (2:1). There is a task that you must do: Entrust the truth to other faithful believers (2:2). There is a price that you must pay: Suffer hardship as a soldier, an athlete, and a hard-working farmer (2:3-7). Our task is to hand off God’s truth to other faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.

b. Illust: I used to love to watch my daughter run 4x800 relays when in HS. Coach often ran her 3 or 4th because had an incredible knack at being able to run people down. State meet, she was running 3rd leg. By time she got the baton CHS was running 6th. Mary ran a blistering 2:19 for her leg and the team was in 1st when she passed the baton off to her teammate. Like to tell you they won, but didn’t. Didn’t finish in top 5 even. No criticism against 4th leg, she just didn’t have a good race that day and others did. Here’s the insight for us as believers, you and I can run a fantastic race in our faith, but if we don’t hand off the spiritual baton to prepared people, the success of the next leg of ministry is going to be limited.

B. We need to Follow Christ’s Example in Recruiting Men and Women for Ministry.

1. Why Do We Need to Make the Recruitment of Individuals for Ministry a Priority in 2024?

a. Illus: This may sound incredibly harsh, but let me just say it so as to wake every single one of us up to the reality of the situation. This church will still have a service the next Sunday after you or I die. Christmas Eve Sunday this truth was really brought home to me. I was supposed to preach but realized on Saturday that wasn’t going to happen. Called REW. Told him to be ready. Told Zach that he was “on deck”. Now Sunday am, I was telling myself I was feeling better. Why? Because I “had to preach” the Eve service. Wanted to be responsible so took an at home test. 15 minutes later saw the two lines show up and I told Carol: “Hey baby, I’m pregnant!” So, I texted Zach and told him that he was definitely on for the evening. And do you know what, both men did a great job! That little experience confirmed a lesson I already knew: “Although everyone is valuable in the KOG, NO ONE is IRREPLACEABLE.” We need more people to volunteer for ministries in the church.

2. In Order to Properly and Powerfully Recruit, we must like Christ, Prioritize Relationships.

If you are an older Christian man, can I encourage you to prioritize the remaining days of your life? Can I encourage you to make something a priority in 2024? Meet, Model, and Mentor. Pick out a younger man. Fatherlessness is epidemic in our nation. Disastrous results. Take time to meet with, model, and mentor a younger man in the faith. (Illust- Finishing Well Conference in April. I believe a few 20-30-40 yrs olds should come so don’t make mistakes and waste the years many of us 55+ have.)

C. Applic: During war posters: “Your Country Needs You!”. 2024 “Your Church Needs You!”

IV. ReVision 2024: Release (Luke 10:1-2)

A. Christ’s Ministry had a Focus of Empowering Disciples for Ministry.

1. Christ Released His Disciples into Ministry Work.

a. “Jesus was always building up in His ministry to the time when His disciples would have to take over His work, and go out into the world with the redeeming Gospel. This plan was progressively made clear as they followed Him. The patience with which Jesus brought this out to His disciples reflects upon His consideration for their ability to learn. He was never premature in His insistence upon action. The first invitation to the disciples to follow Him said nothing about going out and evangelizing the world, although this was His plan from the beginning. His method was to get the disciples into a vital experience with God, and to show them how He worked, before telling them they had to do it.” (R. Coleman, p. 82, The Master’s Plan…)

b. In Mt. 9 and Mk 6 we see Christ beginning His 3rd tour of Galilee. The Disciples were ready and He sends out the inner 12. Later, in Lk. 10, He sends out the 70/72. Now, Christ didn’t send those men out as brand-new followers. However, after they followed the Savior for a period of time Christ forced them to “get into the game”. Listen, Jesus never left the work of ministry to His disciples based on personal convenience nor human impression. It was a command that became clarified the longer they followed Jesus. (Friend, what it your ministry in the church today? Why not? “Put me in coach!”)

B. Christ Modeled 2 Key Principles in Releasing the Disciples for Ministry.

1. Christ Modeled the Principle of Delegation.

a. Illust: When one thinks of delegation, you need look no further than the radical different styles of Presidents Carter and Reagan. I am sure Carter had the higher IQ. Did graduate work in Nuclear Physics, submariner program USN. Ronald Reagan earned a BA in Economics and Sociology. Carter’s presidency was a micromanaged disaster. Do you know couldn’t even schedule to use the White House tennis courts w/o going thru Carter! Reagan had a guiding phrase: “There’s no limit to the good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.” Reagan’s greatest administrative skill was surrounding himself with capable people to whom he could delegate.

b. Mk. 6:37ff When facing the multitudes, Jesus told disciples: “You feed them!” Response: “With what?” Have to work for months to have enough money to buy bread for all. How much bread do you have: “Five loaves and 2 fish.” V.41 – “Jesus took the loaves and the fish and looked to heaven and blessed them…” Releasing for ministry requires giving your resources to Christ to allow Him to bless. He can multiply.

2. Christ Modeled the Principle of Releasing for Reproduction.

a. Jn. 14:12 Jesus said: “Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I am going to the Father.” What did Jesus mean? He did a lot of great miracles. I have never seen anyone raise the dead. What did Jesus mean by this? EXTENT! Christ’s incarnation, could only be in one place at one time.

b. Bill and Vonette Bright started what’s now CRU in 1951 at UCLA. Bright was a converted businessman who instantly became passionate about evangelism. In his lifetime he personally led 1000’s of people to faith in Christ. However, Bright new that in order to see the Great Commission fulfilled, he needed to train men and women in evangelism to lead other men and women to Christ. In year 1978 Bright started the “I Found it Campaign” in 100 countries. In that year alone, 3.5 million people prayed to receive Christ! Had Bright worked fulltime doing nothing but sharing Christ and lead 4 people to Christ a day for that entire year would have led 1460 people to Christ. Staggering number! But only .00000029% of 3.5 million! Delegation and release for reproduction is essential.

C. Applic: In 2024 after we see people redeemed, see their lives restored, let’s recruit and release them for ministry to change this community for Christ! Amen!