Summary: Three common statements that if overlooked, ignored or forgotten will bring the absence of God and a church that will only become a social club.

FB, Harrisonburg #1

March 3, 2024

Sunday Morning

The Intentional New Testament Church

Various Scripture

Intro.: Thank you so much Music Team. I want to begin my time by expressing to Bro. Robert and to Brad and to the PSC for giving me this opportunity to come and to serve as your Transitional Pastor. I understand the process necessary for all that to take place and we will know more tonight.

I don’t want to spend a lot of my time here this morning because I will share tonight more of my intentions and purpose for being here. But before I get in the message this morning I want to encourage you about this journey.

1) Don’t stop praying for your PSC, ((8 members/one a day and Brad everyday)) the church leadership and the different ministries that are still being fulfilled.

2) Don’t stop being faithful to SS, discipleship, giving, outreach.

3) Your former pastor Bro. Phillip was moved to another assignment in March, 2023 BUT God didn’t move.

As we begin this journey together I want to start this morning with some basic truths about the church. I want to call them Intentional Statements Regarding the New Testament Church. These are three common statements that if overlooked, forgotten or ignored will bring the absence of God and a church that will only become a boring social club.

Several months ago when I was here I preached on the dynamics of a healthy church from the book of Acts. 1) They prayed; 2) Their prayers brought unity; 3) Their unity brought productivity. I don’t expect everyone to remember those but I certainly want to remind us all about those dynamics of a successful church.

Now, several months later I want to build on those dynamics. I want to build from there by speaking about our purpose, or our mission or the vision of our church. I know pastors, staff and church leadership spend a lot of time discussing and writing mission and vision statements, including myself. But when it comes down to it I believe there are three main areas that we should pay attention to.

I don’t have a main Scripture text to read but I’m going to use several scripture passages. So I invite you to follow along in your written or digital format. Normally I will stay in one select passage but today I feel that it’s necessary to use several.

PRAYER – Boys, Young and Senior Age Men to Stand With Me

I. The Church Must Intentionally Look UPWARD

A. John 12:27-36a

1. In the darkest moment of history that was about to come, the Heavenly Father speaks about the only purpose Jesus came to this earth.

2. Jesus literally came to this earth over 2000 years ago to die.

3. His own crucifixion and death became the forefront of this narrative.

4. This verse has both literal and spiritual teachings.

5. Literally Jesus was born, lived, was crucified, died and was resurrected – today lives again seated at the right hand of the Father. (Easter message? – Easter is everyday)

5. Jesus has been lifted up from this earth and is in heaven.

B. CATCH THIS: As we look UPWARD we will always remind ourselves of the beautiful message from the Old Rugged Cross.

1. When we look up and think about heaven we will be reminded of our own salvation testimony.

2. When we look UPWARD we will go around during the week singing, “I once was lost, but now I am found. I once was blind but now I see.”

3. When we forget, overlook or ignore this message of hope we have become a noisy gong and a social club.

4. Oh dear believer, don’t look down and don’t look around but look UP – look up to the One who has saved you.

5. Illus.: Upward Ministry at FB, Harrisonburg. “Upward Sports is a non-profit 501 organization with the mission of "promoting the discovery of Jesus through sports".

6. “If I be lifted up. I will draw all people to myself.” Jesus

C. Carefully notice what Jesus is not saying --

1. If you lift up the pastor/preacher people will be saved.

2. If you lift up the music program many will be saved.

3. If you lift up the staff, deacons, SS leadership . . . . . . .

4. No, No, No – when Jesus is lifted up in the worship service, our Bible study classes/events, fellowships and sports ministries – when we lift up Jesus and the finished work on the cross – people will see our difference and give their hearts and lives to Him.

II. The Church Must Intentionally Look OUTWARD

A. Luke 19:9-10

1. As we make a priority to look UPWARD we also are to maintain a focus of looking out to our mission field(s).

2. We all know the famous seven last words of a church – “We’ve never done it that way before.”

3. Let me give you something worse: “Us 4 and No More.”

4. Do you hear the pride and selfishness in that statement?

5. Steps of not looking outward: . . . . . . .Fossilize???

B. Here is the danger of not looking outward for souls to be saved.

1. One of these days everyone of us in here is going to die.

2. I don’t know if anyone has ever told you that before but it’s true, it’s not fake news.

3. It is a proven fact that 100% of the people that are born are going to die at some point.

4. Louisiana population of 4.6 million people it is estimated that 70% (3.2M) people do not have a relationship with Christ.

5. FB, Harrisonburg has a population of 1,319 within 3 miles of our church; 1,640 within 5 miles; 5,105 within 10 miles.

6. When we stop looking UP and take our eyes off the cross of Jesus Christ – we will become blinded when we try to look outward.

7. Illus.: Deer Hunters use scopes on their rifles.

8. We should have a laser like focus on every lost person in Catahoula parish who are lost.

C. Just as God didn’t leave you when your pastor left, the work of the cross (salvation) didn’t stop either.

1. TODAY salvation is available to anyone, someone, anybody, everyone, everybody, all.

2. Don’t stop looking UP to Jesus but also don’t stop looking out for people to be saved.

3. As I look up to the cross I also look out over this audience in prayer asking God to save one soul.

4. Your family member, co-worker, classmate at school, and even a stranger needs to know that Jesus loves them and that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

III. The Church Must Intentionally Look INWARD

A. We must complete (satisfy) our Inward ministries.

1. Now at this point you may be thinking, “Bro I’m going to get cross-eyed looking in all these directions.”

2. Well I am needing to make a point and use my limited illiteration but I’m also speaking metaphorically.

3. In all these areas we look from our hearts but symbolically we need to look Upward, Outward and now Inward.

B. Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12.

1. Both of these chapters speak allegorically about the physical body and the spiritual body.

2. In essence, there are many parts (gifts) but one body.

3. “But now God has arranged the members, each one of them, in the body just as He desired.” I Corinthians 12:18.

C. God intends for every part/member of the church to help fulfill the mission of advancing the Gospel.

1. That includes me and that includes you.

2. From the nursery to the most mature SS class, from the choir loft to the kitchen, from the Awana ministry to the Upward ministry, from the Brotherhood to the Sisterhood.

3. God doesn’t call people into the local church just to sit, soak, burp and swell.

4. He calls us all to work in the body of Christ, fulfilling a ministry with the intention of sharing Jesus.

5. Very Personal: I’m not coming here to work for you or to do your work in advancing the Gospel.

6. I’m coming here as a shepherd to lead you, to work with you and to satisfy the ministries God called us all to do.

Conclusion: These three statements must not be overlooked, forgotten or ignored. For if they are the last person out needs to turn off the lights and lock up the church for good.

Keep looking UPWARD and glory in your own salvation of the cross, look OUTWARD for all who need a Savior and stay committed INWARDLY to the ministry the Lord has called you to fulfill – and when we make those statements intentional -- Jesus will be lifted up and people will be drawn to Him and be saved.
