Summary: This is a message on missions.

Title: Developing a Mindset for Missions Scripture: Mt. 28:16-20

Type: Topical/Expository Where: GNBC 4-21-14

Intro: “Charlie Brown always had a crush on the little red- haired girl. He would follow her home at a distance and want to talk to her, but he never did. Linus once asked Charlie B if the little red haired girl liked him and he said that he did not know because he never asked her. Too often, we follow Jesus from afar and maybe have a crush on Him, but we do not sense His love or the message He would have us give the Lost because we do not spend time with Him and don’t know His will. We need to spend time with Him because He will give us courage and insight. Charlie Brown didn’t have courage to talk to the little red haired girl. The disciples were scared and full of doubts. We fear telling the lost about Christ. When we spend time with Him we’ll begin to experience the truth of all power is given unto Him in heaven and in earth.” (Dr. Ronald Shultz) Spending time with Christ and realizing what His Word says, will help us to develop a mind for missions.

Prop: In Mt. 28:16-20 we’ll notice 5 essentials necessary to develop a mind for missions.

BG: 1. What do I mean by “missions”? Concern for the lost and spiritually separated from Christ.

2. Mt. 28:16-20 is commonly referred to as “The Great Commission”. Christ calls His disciples to

3.Given by Christ to disciples before He ascended to Father. What we are to be about.

Prop: Let’s look at Mt. 28:16ff to realize 5 essentials necessary in developing a mind for missions.

I. A Mind for Missions Requires a Personal Faith in the Deity of Jesus Christ. vv.16-17

A. This Passage Highlights a Curious Phenomenon Amongst the followers of Christ.

1. It would appear that even after the resurrection some of Christ’s disciples believed in and worshipped Christ, whereas some did not. Now, certainly we know that for a week that was the case with Thomas as he struggled between the goalposts of faith and unbelief. I find it interesting that in all of the Gospels and in Acts the Great Commission is preceded by a reference to the fears or doubts of the disciples regarding the Lord’s resurrection. This was not an overly confident group at this moment in time. They still had doubt and fears. And yet it is only Matthew who chooses to stress the authority of our Lord as an introduction to the Great Commission.

2. The follower of Christ who even begins to consider missions must make a distinction between Worship and Doubt. Most of the disciples were at the place of worship, but obviously, even here, at the end of the post-resurrection appearances of Christ, some still struggled. Strugglers aren’t going to go to the ends of the earth. Committed will.

B. To Begin to Develop a Mind for Missions One Must Be Fully Convinced of the Deity of Christ.

1. Personal Faith in the Deity of Christ will lead one to Worship Christ!

a. Illust – John Piper once said the following: “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more.” (p.11 “Let the Nations…) This paragraph profoundly changed what I viewed as the goal of missions. Ultimately missions isn’t about church planting, Bible translation, evangelism, education… Piper pointed me to something bigger: the goal of missions is nothing less than the worship of God.

b. If you aren’t saved and don’t know Christ, you could care less about the teeming millions lost without Christ because you are one of those very lost and dying souls!

2. Worship is in Fact the Fuel of Missions: Again, to quote Piper: “Worship is the fuel of missions. Passion for God in worship precedes the offer of God in preaching. You can’t commend what you don’t cherish. Missionaries will never call out “Let the nations be glad!”, who cannot say from the heart, “I rejoice in the Lord… I will be glad and exult in Thee” Missions begins and ends in worship!” (p.11)

C. Applic: Missions flows from a heart that seeks to worship Christ. If you don’t worship Christ, Missions will be the furthest thing from your mind.

II. A Mind for Missions Requires Confidence in the Authority of Christ. v. 18

A. Christ Commends His Authority as a Foundational Element of Missions.

1. What is authority and why is it important to my involvement in missions?

a. Illust: What is authority? the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. (It is different from physical strength or power. Illust – 120lb policewoman with upraised hand can stop an 18 wheeler loaded up to 80K lbs. Strength? No! Authority!) Missions is the authority of Christ extending and overcoming territory once held captive by the devil.

b. It should not really be surprising to the reader of Matthew’s Gospel to find this emphasis on the authority of Jesus. After all, Matthew presents Jesus as the “King of Israel” or the “King of the Jews.” Kings have authority, and the greater the king, the greater his authority. Therefore we see the authority of Jesus being emphasized or challenged throughout this Gospel.

2. Matthew has chosen to call attention to the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ at the end of his Gospel, just after the account of His resurrection, and just before the giving of the Great Commission. I believe that Matthew’s wording makes the authority of our Lord the basis for the Great Commission. And so the questions for which we should seek the answers are these:

“What is the nature of the authority of Jesus Christ?” “What is the relationship between the authority of our Lord and the Great Commission?”

B. The Christian Must Be Convinced of the Authority of Jesus Christ.

1. Consider the claims of Jesus to the areas of His authority:

a. Illust – Joshua Abraham Norton (1818 – 1880) was a resident of San Francisco, California, who in 1859 proclaimed himself "Norton I., Emperor of the United States", commonly known as Emperor Norton. Norton had made a successful living as a commodities trader and real estate speculator. However, he was financially ruined following a failed bid to corner the rice market. In September 1859, he proclaimed himself "Emperor of the United States". Norton had no formal political power, but was treated deferentially in San Francisco nevertheless, and currency was issued in his name and was honored in some of the stores he frequented. Most people considered Norton insane or at least eccentric, but enjoyed participating in the good-natured spoof. Well placed friends gave Norton free ferry and train passage and a variety of favors, such as help with rent and free meals, from well-placed friends and sympathizers, the city's merchants also capitalized on his eccentricity by selling interested tourists souvenirs! Now. Norton was either insane, eccentric, or REALLY smart! But he had absolutely NO authority. People simply feigned it.

b. What about Jesus? Did Christ claim to have authority over and did He prove it? Matthew’s Gospel is a Gospel demonstrating the Authority of Christ – Chapter 1 – lineage demonstrates rightful heir to David’s Throne. 2. King of Jews as proclaimed by Maji 3. John announces to repent for KOG is near 4. Devil attempts to offer Christ what is already His (Heaven and Earth) Chapt. 8 the Centurion recognizes Christ’s authority Chap 11 He has authority to reveal the Father to those He wishes. Luke 11 – Authority over sickness and demons. Mt. 12 – Triumphal Entry as Messiah Mt. 16 – authority over the Church – Keys to the Kingdom Mt. 17 – Authority attested to by the Father In other sections of the Bible Jesus claims to have authority over Pilate in Jn. 19. He claims authority to forgive sins and give the Holy Spirit – Jn. 20. He claims authority over life and death in John 10:18 in which He says He can lay down and take up His life again.

2. Does Christ have authority over your life Christian? V.18

a. Christian, look again at v. 18 what modifying word precedes “authority”? ALL. Totality. Christ’s authority is over all because He is King over all.

b. Illust – Does Christ have rule and reign over your life? Illust – I was a Freshman in college back in hometown for a weekend. Rev. Kerry Bowman was preaching. 200 college aged young people. Does Christ have rule and reign over every are of your life? Are you willing to commit to serving Him any way He sees fit? At the end of the day I am pretty simple. I was lost and going to hell. Jesus saved me. I owe Him everything. He has a right to anything. I went forward. Exactly one other person came forward that night. Let me ask you: Does Christ have authority over your life Christian? Dating? Major/Career? Finances (Tithing?), Stuff? Children? Call to serve Him cross-culturally?

C. Applic: Who is Jesus to you? What authority is resident w/in the Person of Christ?

III. A Mind for Missions Requires a Willing Response by His People. V. 19

A. Missions Requires Movement: “Go!”

1. Missions Requires Hearts that are Will to Be in Step with as well as Step Out with God.

a. “Go ye therefore…” – The Greek word literally means: “As you are going” or possibly better “Having gone”. What’s the implication? Movement! Get on board with what Christ is doing! As a church we want to see 1/3 of our people involved in foreign missions every 3 yrs and ½ in local missions every 3 years. Requires movement.

b. Now, “Go” is not the main verb in the verse. Rather, it is “Make disciples”. “All three of the other verbs are participles. However, they are not unimportant to what Christ is saying here. Without the action of the participle having taken place it would not be possible to carry out the command. The participle proposes the way for the fulfilling of the main verb and in this way also has the form of an imperative.”

2. What things in our lives inhibit us from obeying the participle: “Go”? Fear (Missions aren’t for sissies.). Disobedience – ever heard of Jonah?. Money (Read Rom. 10:14-15). Worldly Distractions. Illust: Lk 9 – Men came up to Christ proclaiming they would follow him. 1st – Let me go and bury my father. 2. Another – Let me go and say goodbye to my family….

B. A Mind for Missions Requires Adherence to the Master’s Plan vv.19-20

The Church Need Not Attempt to Reinvent God’s Plan for Missions.

1. The plan: “Make disciples of all nations” (I.e. disciples and nations)

a. Christ’s Plan: Make disciples- matheteusate – This is the main verb of the passage. The other three (go, baptize, and teach are all participles.) Only use in the NT. Literally, disciple the nations. A disciple was a learner who followed a teacher.

b. Illust – Past week I saw where Richard Dawkins, commonly referred to as “Darwin’s Pitbull” was quoted in an interview that he likes living in a Christian nation (UK). And would not want to see it replaced by Islam. He likes the benefits of a nation that is rooted in Christian law and the ethics that have been influenced by Christianity. He likes the beauty of the cathedral and the comfort of Christmas Carol and Hymns. He enjoys its benefits without any commitment to its Christ. “Making disciples of nations” doesn’t mean we strive for a nice, middle class, society where everyone gets along. No! It means we desire to see people group movements coming to Christ with every individual in those groups being discipled and radically committed to the message and cause of Christ.

2. Extent of Christ’s Plan: Of all nations –

a. ethne – from which we get term for ethnic groups. Now think about this, “all nations” cannot be reached if we do not go! Rev. 7:9 declares: “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands…”

b. The Joshua Project for World Evangelization has stated: “The latest estimates suggest that approximately 7,400 people groups are considered unreached. That means over 40% of the world’s people groups have no indigenous community of believing Christians able to evangelize the rest of their people group. Over 42% of the world’s population live in these over 7,400 people groups.”

3. How is that Plan Implemented?

a. The plan is implemented to individuals and nations by baptizing and teaching. Individuals are both baptized and taught. Baptism is the formal identification with Christ and entrance into the body of Christ. Baptism in the NT was only EVER on profession. There is absolutely NO examples of anything else. What Name are they to be baptized into? The Trinitarian Name of Father, Son, and HS. Catechism is important but should be a compliment to one’s personal trust in Christ, not a substitute for trust in Christ. Teaching them to observe. To obey. Be obedient.

b. We must resist the temptation to equate entertainment with disciple-making. Illust: Many in the Big Eva beware!. Superbowl Sunday told of abominable event at Mega Church in Cincinnati, OH. Just got topped this weekend at John Lindell’s 6-campus James River Church in Springfield, MO. His “Stronger Men Conference” was apparently a showcase of Charismatic Chaos with absolutely no discernment. The conference began with a gay male pole dancer/stripper named Magala, tearing off his shirt, swallowing a sword with demonic looking red light show finishing hanging upside down in as an inverted crucifixion. We don’t “disciple” by imitating decadent pop culture of a fallen nation. Rather, we disciple believers and nations by baptizing and teaching them truths of the Trinitarian God of the Bible.

C. Applic: The word “missions” comes from the Latin verb missio, which means "to send." Missions is the work of the church to send people around the world (As well as next door) to preach the gospel, disciple people, and plant churches. Because it is a sending work, it is an imitation of God Himself in sending His emissaries into the world to preach the good news of salvation and instruct people in His truth. One way we fulfill the command to be imitators of God is to engage in missions (Eph. 5:1).

IV. A Mind for Missions Requires Confidence in the Continuing Care of Christ. V. 20

A. The Christian Can Have Assurance of Christ’ Eternal presence. (No nation hidden from him.-I have done missions several nations. Jesus was always there.)

1. Christ is With You Eternally.

a. In these few verses we have seen 4 “Alls”. All authority v.19. All nations v.19 All commands vs. 20, and here, the final is the source of comfort and confidence for the Christian: All days – v. 20 “I am with you always…” (Confidence when go thru difficult time if someone can go with you!)

b. Christian, what a comfort it is for you and me to know that Christ is with you ALWAYS! Ilust: What a wonderful way to conclude this gospel. The story of the God who came from heaven to earth wraps up with the assurance, "And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matt. 28:20). Though Jesus was about to ascend, His incarnation continues. He who is Immanuel, God with us, promises continue to do so.. Jesus would soon return to heaven while His disciples went out in world missions. However, they were not going their separate ways. Distance could not part them then or now. Christ is with us!

2. When We Die to Self we Live to Christ.

a. You do realize there are two categories for human beings, right? Dead living people (Eph 2:1 – And you were dead in your trespasses and sins.” and living dead people. Col. 3:3 – “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” - When the prodigal son came home the father said to the older brother, “Don’t you know your brother who was dead is alive?” (Luke 15:32). How did that happen? It happened by a new birth. The Spirit gives life.

b. The Christian comes by faith to Christ. His old life dies, His new life is hidden in Christ. (READ ROMANS 8:35,38-39) Nothing! What are you scared of? Nothing!

B. Confidence in the Continuing Care of Christ Gives Cause for Assurance!

1. “I am with you all the days.” Which days? We often feel so lonely. Our days get so dark that at times we cannot even think about God. We get discouraged by all the foolish things we have done. Yet even the darkest days are days God has given to you. Remember this. Every day that you have lived belongs to your days. All those years, those hours, those times you spent that seem wasted, all your experiences, all your joys, all that gives you courage for life, all that depresses you, saddens you – all this belongs to your days. But it is into these very days and hours that your dear Savior enters. If some of your days are soiled, he shall clean them. If they are dark, he shall shine his light on them so you may have joy again. In your happy days too, look, he is present. He stands by you every single day. Perhaps you haven’t noticed him, yet he has been and is with you through all your days. All your days are in his hand. Your future days too! Gives confidence not only for daily living, but cross cultural missions!

2. Illust: William Carey (18-19th cent)is popularly referred to as “The Father of Modern Missions” “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” He was an English Christian missionary, Baptist minister, translator, social reformer and cultural anthropologist who founded the Serampore College and University, the first degree-awarding university in India.[1] His beginnings were very humble. Became apprenticed to a cobbler when was young. Limited formal education. Yet He served a mighty God! He went to Calcutta in 1793, but was forced to leave the British Indian territory by other Christian missionaries.Had two wives and at least 3 children die. Hardships. Not everyone friendly. Culture decidedly against him. Demonic opposition. In his life would translate the Bible into 6 languages and portions into another 29 dialects! (See Mark Roques article!!!)

C. Applic: We develop a mind for missions when we: Worship the Risen Christ, have unreserved confidence in the Authority of Christ, when we Go and adhere to the Plan of Christ, and finally, when we have complete confidence in the continual care of Christ.