Summary: This message teaches us of the 3 appearings of Jesus Christ: As Prophet; as Priest; and as King.

“The Three Appearings of Christ”

Hebrews 9:24-28


Dr. Steven G. Cook

I. Introduction

A. Read – Hebrews 9:24-28

B. In the Jewish economy, there were 3 offices that were vital to the Jews: Prophet; Priest; King

C. Throughout Jewish history, we can see that God instituted the offices of the Prophet – one who represented God to the people; Priest – one who represented the people to God; and ultimately, when the Jews failed to recognize Jehovah God as their rightful King of a Theocracy, God allowed men to hold the office of King – the divine authority concerned with the ethical and moral welfare of the people in regard to God.

D. No one individual ever held All 3 Offices, though Samuel did hold two of them – prophet & priest, and Saul erroneously assumed the offices of both king and priest.

E. Also, we should notice that the men who held these offices in Israel fell far short of what God desired they be to the Jews.

F. The offices were to be “foreshadowings” of the Promised Messiah who would fulfil Genesis 3:15; but like all foreshadows, they cannot compare to what they depict.

G. In our text, we find 3 Appearings of Christ which reveal to us that Christ alone is worthy to hold all 3 offices and that He alone does not fail as did those that foreshadowed Him!

II. Christ Hath Appeared (Heb. 9:26)

A. Here we find that Jesus Christ “appeared once in the end of the world (ages) to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself”.

B. This is the “Appearing” that is now being celebrated by most of the world – How tragic that they do not fully realize the significance of this great appearance!

C. It is this appearance that reveals to us Christ the Prophet!

D. 2,000 years ago, in a little town called Bethlehem, a virgin espoused to Joseph gave birth to a son whom she called “Jesus” for “He shall save His people from their sins!”

E. Truly, He was the fulfillment of the Isaiah 7:14 & Matt. 1:23 – “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”

F. Christ came representing God before man – a Prophet!

G. Lk. 24:18-19 – After His resurrection from the dead, Jesus conversed with two disciples on the road to Emmaus; Cleopas questioned Jesus, not knowing it was He, calling Jesus of Nazareth “a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people”.

H. 1 Tim. 3:16 – “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh…..”

I. Titus 2:11; 1 Tim. 1:15; Jn. 3:16-17; 1 Jn. 2:2; Heb. 9:26 – All of these verses establish the fact that the purpose of Christ’s 1st Appearing was to represent God to the people – A Prophet!

J. Many times Christ foretold others of His impending sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary, yet few believed Him.

K. However, as a further proof that He truly was a prophet, He was crucified just as He said!

L. All of this occurred during the First Appearing of Christ!

III. Christ Doth Appear….. (Heb. 9:24)

A. Here we read that “Christ now appears in the presence of God for us!”

B. This “Appearing” reveals to us Christ the Priest!

C. The writer of Hebrews teaches us that Christ is far greater than all of the earthly priests of Israel’s history!

D. While it was necessary for Israel’s priests to enter the Holy of Holies once a year with blood to offer a sacrifice for the sins of the people, it is NOT NECESSARY for Christ to offer any more sacrifice for sins!

E. When Christ died on the cross, His blood was greater than that of bulls, goats, and lambs!

F. However, Christ did not STAY in the GRAVE!! Hallelujah! He ROSE FROM THE GRAVE just as said He would!!

G. 40 days after His resurrection, Christ ascended up into Heaven where today “He Appears in the Presence of God FOR US!!” – Our Priest!!

H. Christ set forth the sacrifice of Himself as the ultimate sacrifice for the sin of mankind; He rose again and by so doing was “declared to be the Son of God with Power”; and “Christ hath entered into heaven itself, NOW to Appear in the Presence of God for us!”

I. As our Great High Priest – Christ has done and is doing three things in particular – 1) He offered Himself as a propitiation for our sins 2) He reconciles the sinner to God by the same sacrifice of Himself 3) He intercedes for His redeemed people

J. Heb. 7:24-27; 2 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 9:11-15

IV. Christ Shall Appear….. (Heb. 9:28)

A. Here we read “And unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time….”

B. Praise God! Christ has appeared the first time when He came in the office of a Prophet representing God TO the people! He IS appearing NOW before the presence of God FOR US as our Great High Priest! We are taught in the Word of God here that Christ SHALL Appear one glorious day as KING OF KINGS!!

C. On that glorious day, our salvation will be complete! Our faith will become sight! Christ will be crowned as the rightful King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!

D. Is it any wonder that when the wise men came on that day to present their gifts to Christ that they brought Gold, Frankincense, & Myrrh???

V. Gold, Frankincense, & Myrrh (Matt. 2:1-11)

A. This incident probably occurred approximately 2 years following the birth of Christ – Notice that they came “into the house”; “when they saw the young child with Mary his mother”.

B. It is most interesting to study the gifts which they brought to Jesus – Gold, Frankincense, & Myrrh.

C. These three (3) gifts depict the same 3-fold Ministry of Christ as Prophet, Priest, & King!

D. As it has aptly been said, “Gold – a Monarch to declare; Frankincense – that God IS There; Myrrh – to tell of His death and burial!”

E. Let us reverse the order of these 3 gifts to better see the picture.

F. Myrrh – The Office of Prophet

1. Myrrh suggests sorrows, griefs, fears, tears, and separation.

2. It was a substance extracted from balsomod endron myrrha tree; bitter in taste; and was used for various reasons.

3. It was used as a perfume for sacrements and embalming.

4. It was used as an antiseptic; said to have medicinal powers.

5. It has the same root word in which Smyrna – the suffering church of Revelation 2.

6. Myrrh was the symbol of the sacrifice of Christ – the surrender of a bruised and broken body offered on the behalf of us all.

7. What does such an offering mean to the Redeemed?

8. It should represent the death of self; We ought to be willing to suffer for the cause of Christ; We ought to willingly offer ourselves to God (Rom. 12:1-2);

9. As born-again saints, we ought to be willing to spread the Gospel of Christ to a lost and dying world!

G. Frankincense – The Office of Priest

1. Frankincense was imported from Arabia; a white, fragrant tree gum procured by slitting the bark.

2. It was used to produce “incense” used in anointing oil for sacrifices.

3. The “incense” offered with the prayers of the saints should be translated “frankincense” – for it was very costly.

4. To the redeemed, our gift of frankincense should mean our sacrifices also should be offered with the fragrant frankincense of our love, surrender, and prayers.

5. Service, prompted by sincerity and love, will always be “an odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice well-pleasing unto God.”

H. Gold – The Office of King

1. Gold is a gift for kings!

2. Esther knew that the golden scepter was the emblem of a king’s authority and will; Solomon was most lavish in his display of gold, evidence to all who visited his palace of his kingly position and wealth; God also used gold as a type of rich and noble character that Christ alone can make possible – Read – Rev. 3:18 “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich…”

3. The magi from the East, in presenting Christ their gifts of gold, wanted not only to give Him their best, but also recognized in Him the King of Glory!

4. To the saved of today, we ought to give Christ our very best! Our material gold, money, rightfully belongs to Him, but what of our time, talents, and efforts??

V. Conclusion

A. G. H. Knight wrote – “It costs less sometimes to give my gold than to give my sympathy. Gold may be given even when the heart is cold; but frankincense and myrrh can only be given by a heart that is warm. The gold without the frankincense and myrrh will not glorify my Lord, and ought not to satisfy me. And yet these last without the gold, if I have gold, will be valueless in His sight. We must go through the world with loving hearts, kindly words, and open hands.”

B. Poem:

As they offered gifts most rare,

At the manager rude and bare,

So may we with holy joy,

Pure and free from sin’s alloy,

All our costliest treasures bring,

Christ, to Thee, our heavenly King.

C. Prophet – “In the end of the world hath He appeared”

God’s Word declares that Jesus came

A Prophet of God’s Grace.

To take away sin “hath He appeared,”

His love to redeemed the race.

D. Priest – “Now to appear in the presence of God for us.”

The Word reveals that Christ now lives

As Priest before God’s Throne.

He is for us “now to appear.”

By faith, we’re not alone.

E. King – “He shall appear the second time.”

God’s Word foretells our Lord wil come,

A King to show God’s power,

A second time “shall He appear,”

Our hope, in earth’s dark hour.