  • Steven Cook

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Steven's church

Jewish End-Time Ministries, Inc.
Ironton, Ohio 45638

About Steven
  • Education: Marshall University - (1974-1976) Ohio University - B.S. Elementary Education (1978) Ohio University - B.S. Secondary Education (English) (1983) Bethany Theological Seminary - Master of Ministry (1995) Andersonville Baptist Seminary - Doctorate of Theology (ThD) (1999)
  • Experience: Pastor for 12 years. Currently serving as evangelism outreach director for Jewish End-Time Ministries. Conducted several outreach efforts in many countries, including the Philippines, Ukraine, Costa Rica, Cuba, England, France, Germany, Austria, Tanzania, Amsterdam, and Israel. Conducts many meetings worldwide including Israel & End-Time Prophecy Conferences, Revival, Missions' Conferences, Passover Seder demonstrations, and Jewish evangelism seminars.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: My sermons provide a skeletal outline, and are not intended to be exhaustive by any means. I claim no originality and I have preached all of these outlines at some time in my ministry. These outlines serve only as "a means to an end." I use them only to keep me focused and prevent me from chasing rabbit trails during my time in the pulpit. We must always allow the Holy Spirit lead in any sermon, lest we end up simply talking and not preaching!
  • One of my favorite illustrations: A pastor preached long. Later, as he stood by the door shaking hands with those leaving, a little boy noticed a cut on the preacher’s chin. Unable to resist, the child asked, "Preacher, what happened to your chin." The pastor replied, "Oh, this morning I was concentrating on my sermon, and I cut myself shaving." The boy quickly remarked, "Well, preacher, next time, why don't you concentrate on your shaving and CUT YOUR SERMON!"
  • Family: Dr. Steve Cook is married to the former Cosie Kelley of Ironton, Ohio, his faithful wife since August 1, 1975. They have two lovely daughters: Kelli and Kristen who. Dr. Cook and Cosie have 5 grandchildren, Jacob, Benjamin, Nathaniel, Kaysen, and Matti.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Dr. Myron Guiler, Marietta Bible College, Marrietta, Ohio, once told me that you cannot preach past your experience. He said to rely upon the Lord, bathe your messages in prayer, and don’t attempt to "sermonize" - simply preach the Word!
  • Books that have had an impact: "Heroes" by Dr. Harold J. Sala (OMF Literature, Inc.), has been an inspiration to me, especially in times of difficulty. D.L. Moody Collection, edited and compiled by Jasmes S. Bell, Jr. (Moody) has inspired me to serve with greater fervor. Two of the greatest commentators that have influenced my preaching is David Martin Lloyd-Jones and J. C. Philpot - a man who exegeted some of the most unfamiliar passages of Scripture and was able to uncover countless golden nuggets of truth.
  • Hobbies: Golf and writing
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Shortly after I first was called to preach, I was invited to preach an Easter sunrise service. I stayed up late the night before in order to be prepared. However, I over slept and woke up at 6:40 am. The service began at 6:30 am. I lived only a few miles from the church, so I quickly dressed, got into my car, my family not able to go with me in time, sped to the church blurry-eyed and pale from fright! My mother met me at the door, and she said that she was just heading to the restroom to p
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    Contributed on May 8, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

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  • Characteristics Of Motherhood

    Contributed on May 8, 2003
    based on 77 ratings

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  • The Gospel According To Leviticus 23

    Contributed on May 8, 2003
    based on 33 ratings

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  • The Rainbow

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

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  • Four Kinds Of Hearts

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2003
    based on 86 ratings

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