Summary: It is amzing how Christ went from Hero to Villian in one week. This sermon look at Christ entering the city and the peoples reaction

John 12:12-19

Focusing on Christ Triumphal Entry


A. I may have been watching to much TV covering the War

B. Since the war has started I have been flipping channels between MSNBC, FOX News, and CNN.

C. What I find the most interesting things is how different people interpret different events.

D. I love when they show other countries reporting on the progress or lack there of the collation forces are making

E. I must admit my favorite is the Iraq minister of Information. He is great, I wonder how he can sit there with a straight face and say those things

a. Granted he is afraid if he doesn’t He will be killed by Sadaam

F. Today we are going to focus on Christ entering Jerusalem Triumphantly

G. Now this was during the Passover Feast, and during the feast, there were a lot of people who would come to the city of Jerusalem,

H. With this big of crowd there had to be different opinions about Christ

I. Today we are going to look at 4 different views people had about Jesus mentioned in our Scripture Passage

a. Sightseers

b. Conqueror Crowds

c. Peaceful Person

d. Frustrated Foes

I. Sightseers

A. Explanation

1. It is not every day when someone raises another person from the Dead

2. That just does not happen

3. However, There was a story out there about someone who did raise a person from the dead

4. This was major news

5. Everybody would go to the water cooler and you knew they were talking about this event

6. It was the top story on all the network news cast

7. Due to this popularity people wanted to see who this Christ guy was

8. They might have believed the story, maybe not, probably were just skeptical

9. However, like him or not, they all wanted a glimpse of this person

10. They wanted to see what all the fuss was about

B. Application

1. What does this mean for us today?

2. Our approach to reaching people for Christ is a little bit absurd

3. When we actually talk about Christ we think people don’t want to hear about it

4. These sight seers who came to see this person, did not come because they were committed to the Gospel

5. Did not come because they knew that Christ could save them

6. They came because they wanted to see what this Person is all about

7. They were curious

8. We have a choice as to what to do with them.

a) One we can ignore them, since after all they are just curious

b) Or two, we can let them be curious and come and find out for their selves who this Christ Person is

9. I serve a powerful God; I know that people will want to see who He is. If they are just wanting to find out who this God person is, let them. Once they realize who He is, they will want to serve Him

C. Illustration

1. Sales people have this figured out. I am quite found of the confidence that Old Spice has in their deodorant. You have seen the adds give it a try if you don’t like it we will refund your purchase and buy you a stick of your old deodorant. Why do they do that? They are confident that their product is that good.

2. What about you? Are you confident that Christ is that good?

3. Invite people to give Christ a shot. Once someone experience God to quote as song “I will never go back anymore”

II. Conqueror Crowds

A. Explanation

1. We notice in verse 13 they were shouting “Hosanna”

a) Hosanna is Hebrew for “Save us now”

b) The shout of the people would they be “God save the King”

2. The Jewish people were actually quoting Psalm 118:25-26

a) Now Psalm 113-118 was known as the Hallel-, which means literally Praise God!

b) Unlike our Hymnals, Jewish people were expected to memorize these Psalms, it was one of the first memory work that Jewish boys would learn in school

c) This particular Psalm, 118, was directly connected to the Feast of the Tabernacles, some feel it was written specifically for that occasion

d) At the feast of Tabernacles, worshipers carried bundles make up of palm myrtle and willow branches.

e) Everyday of the fest they would march around the temple singing this very psalm

f) Also this Psalm was characteristically known as the conqueror’s psalm

g) Back about 100 years before this, a guy by the name Simon Maccabaeus conquered back a couple of Syrian controlled areas, and they song the same thing

3. See they pictured the Messiah as a Conqueror

B. Application

1. What can we learn from this?

2. Understand these people realized Christ was special

3. However, they did not understand a some thing

4. They did not understand how this King was going to save them, but not use force

5. They thought of salvation as being delivered from this oppression that the Roman Empire had on them

6. Salvation folks, never promises to get rid of oppression

7. Finding God does not mean you will have everything at your finger tips

8. Finding God does not promise that you will have two kids, two cars, a 40 hr a week job working 9-5 making $500,000 a year, with a house with a picket fence

9. God promises Salvation

10. Salvation is spending eternity with God

C. Illustration

III. Peaceful Person

A. Explanation

1. We all have heard that Jesus came into the town riding on a donkey

2. Why? That is a fair question to ask.

3. Two reasons:

a) First you have to look at Zechariah 9:9, this is Christ’s deliberately claiming to be the Messiah

b) Christ was a great communicator.

c) He knew that he did not have a strong enough voice to address the crowd, there were no PA systems back then

d) So he purposefully choose to ride a donkey into town to claim in Messiahship

e) Also he choose a donkey over a horse for another reason

f) Donkeys were viewed as peaceful noble animal.

g) The horse was viewed at a war type animal

h) Therefore, Jesus knew that the crowd would be going crazy expecting this great conqueror so Christ comes on a donkey to show peace

B. Application

1. What can we learn from this?

2. God is not a God of violence He is a God of Peace

3. This world is anything but peaceful

C. Illustration

1. I do not like to watch the news sometimes, it scares me. You hear about everything that is going on. How this person shot this person, how this person robbed this person, fire, dieses, everything. If you listen to the news too long you start to get anxious, stressed out, worried, panicked ect.

2. Here is where God steps in.

3. He is a God of Peace

4. The Bible says. Come to me you who are weary and I will give you rest

5. I do not know how people make it through this world without knowing the God of Peace

6. I could not do it

7. God is there for us. To give us peace

8. In this crazy violent world. Turn to God. He is the only Hope of Peace with Have

IV. Frustrated Foes

A. Explanation

1. The Jewish authorities were there in the background while this was going on

2. They were starting to get extremely frustrated

3. Nothing that they did was stopping Christ from gaining popularity

4. And they did not like that

5. Jesus was aware that the Jewish authority did not like Him

6. Being all knowing He knew that they were determined to kill Him

7. Now must people would have canceled their plans and not gone to the city

8. Or at least gone in quietly.

9. But Jesus Came in anyway

10. And Came in with a loud roar!

B. Application

1. What does this mean for us?

2. It means that we have a God who Loves Us

3. For God So Loved the World that He gave His One and Only Son

4. God knew that Christ Would be Killed

5. Christ knew that He would be killed

6. But They both knew that this was for the better

7. They both knew what had to happen in order to bring Salvation

C. Illustration

1. The Lighthouse is going to have a hard week next week. I told you about the Town Houses that they are building, also during the same time they are getting new windows and such in Blanchard House and The parking Lot at the Lighthouse proper is getting paved. Let me just tell you next week will be a tough and busy week

2. But because of all the work that will be accomplished it will be for the better

3. Here is the thing; we are talking about having a difficult week where it might mean long hours.

4. Christ, more then a difficult week, He is about to Give Up His life.

5. Why? To offer us a better life!


A. Christ coming meant many different things to different people

B. Why did he do this?

C. He Loves YOU!

D. He wants a relationship with you

E. If you want a relationship with Him and your not sure how to do that ask me

F. Folk He Loves You!

G. That should make you want to praise Him, if it doesn’t I don’t know what it wrong with you.

H. Focus on what He did for you, and then praise Him

I. Pray

J. Crown Him with Many Crowns