Summary: We can learn alot of curing depression when we look at what God did for Elijah phyisically speaking

I Kings 19:3-18

Depression: How to cure it Physically


A. We are going to continue our study on depression

B. This week were going to talk about how to treat depression using physical methods

C. As I was studying this week what methods God used to treat Elijah depression I had came to a valid conclusion

D. Well we are talking about depression, what we will learn today can be applied to just about any illness we might have, You will soon realize why

E. You will also find it very interesting at the methods God used on Elijah

F. You will notice that it pretty much lines up with what doctors are telling us

G. The funny part is that this book was written 3000 years ago

H. Proving once again that God is smarter then humans

I. But as we study this I encourage you again to listen in either two ways

a. One as a person who is suffering from depression

b. Two as a person who is trying to help someone who is depressed

J. You will notice that every method we will talk about comes right from the text.

K. We will be looking at Verses 5 through 8 today, let us read them.

I. Sleep

A. Explanation

1. Last week we talk about everything that Elijah went through

2. The whole water on the Alter

3. Praying for rain

4. Running for his life

5. We said that he was exhausted by the time he got to the Broom tree

6. You know what if you were him you would be exhausted too

7. Notice the first thing he did after he got there


B. Application

1. It seems so basic sometimes but we often forget

2. Sleep is essential

3. I can not tell you the scientific reasons why but I do know that if you do not get proper sleep you can easily sink into depression

4. When you are depressed, you do not feel like sleeping

5. One of the most important things that you can do is make yourself get proper sleep

6. If that means taking a sleeping pill by all means take one. Sleeping pills are not sinful

7. A little word of caution find one that is not habit forming. You don’t want to take one forever

8. Sleep is so very important. A healthy sleep schedule will go a long way on the road to recovery

C. Illustration

1. Do you know who struggles the most in this area. It is the people that work night term. Mike you are an amazing person 25 years you have been working nights. Mike has figured out how to get his proper rest after work. However, when I was working night term one summer, I got to see a number of people who were down, depressed. No wonder they were not sleeping the way they should. Sure you can do it for a couple of months but after a while, without proper sleep you will wear down

2. Sleep. When suffering from depression, get proper rest.

3. By the way an ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure, protect yourself and get proper rest.

II. Touch

A. Explanation

1. So Elijah is sawing logs.

2. I imagine he is in a really deep sleep, you know the type that is just really nice

3. You are not dreaming, your not tossing, you wake up with sheet marks all over your body. You wake up saying, wow, that was a good night rest

4. Well Elijah is in the middle of doing that, when (Read 5) an angel TOCHED him

5. Did he give him a hug?

6. Did he pat him on the shoulder?

7. Shake him?

8. I don’t know, but I know he Touch Him

B. Application

1. Touching is one of the most amazing phenomons

2. Scientist and doctors are just figuring out what June has known for a long time 

3. Touching helps us

4. This point is mainly for those who are trying to help someone through depression

5. Touch is so important.

6. Give someone a hug, give someone a pat on the back, shake his or her hand. Rub their head. Just touch them

C. Illustration

1. I was at a conference a while back the speaker was telling a story about how before a service he was talking to people not thinking much of it, walked by a lady put his hand on her back and continued to walk and talk to other people, he touched her for about ½ of a second. She wrote a letter to him. It turned out she was facing surgery the next day and was scared. When the guy touched her she knew she would be ok.

2. That guy had no clue what was going on in her life. But that simple ½ second touch meant so much to her.

3. I’m not saying you have to hug everybody, just touch them. Whatever way you are comfortable doing so.

4. When you visit people in the hospital, touch them.

5. Can I give you a challenge? The challenge is to make sure that on any given Sunday no one leaves this church without being touched at least once.

6. Hug, handshake, pat on the back, whatever it takes.

III. Food

A. Explanation

1. After Elijah woke up and said wear am I? And then remembered his name, and got his balance, you know the typical morning for most of us.

2. Then he noticed that the angel had left him a cake

3. Now I am sure this is not the type of cake that you are thinking about

4. This is not a birthday cake

5. This cake of divine Origin (Or better put, that God made) I am sure was very nutritious

6. I am sure it had all the nutrients that humans need

7. Everything packed into once complete recipe

B. Application

1. Nutrition – Proper eating is correct

2. When were upset, or depressed if you will, there is a natural tendency to either eat more then normal or not eat at all

3. But to cure depression, you need a healthy diet.

4. You need to make sure you are getting proper nourishment

5. Your body will react funny when you do not get the right food

6. If you are helping someone who is depressed go a head and ask them what they have been eating lately, make sure as best as you can that they are eating properly

7. There is plenty of information out there on having a balanced diet.

8. Nourishment is essential for curing depression

C. Illustration – Play Dr. Shepson Dinte Moore story

IV. Water

A. Explanation

1. Not only did God bake Elijah a cake, notice the next part, and a jar of water

2. Our body is made up of 75% water

3. Water is essential to healthy living

4. When you sweat, you loose water

5. When you do anything you loose water

6. You need water to maintain healthy living

B. Application

1. When you do not get enough water, your body starts to fall apart, that depressing huh?

2. Well that falling apart is not good for your depression, that will make it worse

3. Therefore you need to make sure you are getting plenty of water.

4. Pop and Coffee are not water! In fact they actually cause dehydration

5. I am not saying don’t drink them, I am saying make sure you still drink water

C. Illustration

1. One of my favorite physical objects in this church is down stairs, the water fountain. Upstairs is always dry, especially in the winter, so because it is dry I drink a lot of water. I have become addicted to drinking water. That is not a bad thing it is good for my body.

2. I want to encourage you to choose water at meals, or throughout the day drink a glass of water. It will do you a lot of good

3. Your body needs water to function properly

V. Exercise

A. Explanation

1. After Elijah slept and ate, basically recovered from the abuse that he had given his body the next think God makes him do, is what?

2. Traveled forty days and nights

3. You know what traveling forty days and nights is?

4. Exercise

5. After he got his rest and food, he exercise

6. He needed that exercise

7. That Physical activity

B. Application

1. When you exercise your body realizes certain chemicals that make you feel better

2. Getting that heart rate up and using your muscles has more benefits then just physical

3. It will make you feel better

4. If you stop and think about it, depression is less common amongst athletes then couch potatoes

5. I am not going to tell you what exercise is better for you. Ask your doctor. He will tell you what to do I am sure

C. Illustration

1. When I am feeling a little down, sick, sad, whatever, there is nothing better then a game of racquetball. Sure it is physically a good workout, but more importantly it lifts my spirit. Makes me happy.

2. If you know someone who is depressed, make them exercise, do it with them

3. Go for a walk together, play racquetball, doesn’t matter what you do.

4. Exercise will help you cure depression

VI. Light

A. Explanation

1. When he was traveling/exercising, he headed south from Beersheba towards Mt. Horeb, (some people feel this could have also been called Mt. Sinai)

2. The trip is about 200 miles, however, the trip is basically all through the dessert.

3. Here is the point, when your in a desert, things are very bright

4. You have a lot of sunlight, because there is not a lot of clouds

5. The sand naturally reflect the light

6. So here is Elijah walking through one of the brightest places on earth

7. Sunlight is important. WE need sunlight to survive

B. Illustration

1. Most of us know that more people become depressed in the winter. I remember watching northern exposure, the old TV show, and they had an episode were all the town people were talking around with the artificial sunlight things. The doctor realized that people did not get enough sun up there and hence they were depressed, sure enough it worked people felt better just because of the sunlight

C. Application

1. We need sunlight. Again there is something in the sun that we do not fully understand that helps us feel uplifted

2. If you notice that your friend is depressed, and you stop by their house and see that it is dim, the blinds are closed, and there is just no light

3. Open the blinds, turn on some light, let that light shine

4. If you are depressed, go outside, even if it is just to read a book

5. Expose your self to the son, it is good for you

6. We need sunlight!


A. It is funny when you look at What God did for Elijah physically

B. They are just practical things

C. Things that we often take for granted

D. But it is hard to heal when were not taking care of our bodies

E. I don’t care who you are if you do not take care of your body depression will creep in

F. If you are suffering through depression right now, please, I urge you

G. Make sure you are taking care of the physical stuff

H. Make sure you are doing what you are suppose to be doing physically

I. If you are trying to help a friend, it is your job to make sure they are doing what they are suppose to and

J. Touch them!

K. Next week we will be talking about how to deal with the psychological nature of depression,

L. But I want you to notice something, what has God said to Elijah so far?

M. Nothing, he waited to get into the counseling side of it, he showed Elijah how much He cared and took care of his immediate needs

N. Show the person you are trying to help how much you care, make sure the physical needs are meant

O. Then work on the other stuff.

P. That was God strategy, that should be our strategy.