Summary: Things are changing rapidly. We need something that does not change, and that is God

Galatians 1:6-10

Finding the constant in a constantly changing world


A. Who here actually like change?

B. As I was thinking about change I thought of one group of people who actually do like change

C. Wet Babies!

D. We live in a world were we see change every day.

E. I think about all the changes that have happened here at Bakerstown in the last 2.5 years.

F. Change change change, happens all the time

G. However there is one things that does not change

H. One things that never has changed

I. One thing that never will change

J. That is the Gospel

K. The Gospel is the Constant is a constantly Changing world

L. Today we are going to look at the unchanging message of the Gospel specifically

a. The Gospel needs No Additions

b. Only the Gospel Can Save Men from their Sins

c. Distorting the Gospel is Serious Business

d. Only the Gospel produces Changed Lives

I. The Gospel Needs no Additions (6)

A. Explanation

1. When Paul left the Ephesians Church they were on fire

2. Everything was going good, they were fulfilling the five purpose of the church

a) Worshiping, Reaching, Growing, Serving, and Connecting

b) They were preaching the Gospel

3. Paul was encouraged, was waiting to hear the good reports that he figured would be coming

4. Well when Paul heard what was happening in Galatians, he flipped

5. It seemed like overnight they went from preaching the Gospel of Christ

6. To preaching some sort of different Gospel

a) Which Paul says “Is really no gospel at all”

7. Paul is just shocked beyond belief that they could be doing this

8. He was their when they accepted the Grace of God with no strings attached

9. And no look at them… Abandoning the One True Gospel

B. Application

1. How can we apply this to our lives?

2. If Paul received an update from the Church of Bakerstown how would he respond?

3. Would he start flipping out on us like he did that Galatians?

4. Are we deserting the Gospel?

5. Are we adding requirements to the Gospel that are not there?

6. For example can you find me the verse that says, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”? -- That is adding to the Gospel

7. For example can you find me the verse that republicans like to quote “God helps them who help themselves?” – That is adding to the Gospel

8. For example can you find me the verse that says you must were a suit or a dress to Church? -- That is adding to the Gospel

9. As long as you have faith you will go heave right? NO, your faith must be in the saving grace of Christ. Anything that deviates from that is a different gospel which is really no Gospel at all

10. “God can not forgive him, he killed all those people” – That is adding to the Gospel

C. Illustration

1. Let me be very clear on this. Let me give you the Gospel. Listen carefully, here it is






2. You add to that you are distorting the Gospel

3. You take away from that you are distorting the Gospel

4. Are you living, breathing, and speaking the true Gospel?

II. Only the Gospel Can Save Men From Their Sins (7)

A. Explanation

1. What was happening in Galatians was there were people who were preaching salvation that was not the Gospel

2. You must understand something, often we get this idea that people who are the false teachers are these evil people dressed up like the devil complete with horns and a pitch fork

3. That is not that case.

4. Most false teachers look, act, and sound believable

5. It would be no problem to get rid of someone who seems totally off the wall

6. But the people who will do the most damage are those who are “just a little different”

7. Those who are skilled in the Bible and are able to misuse Scripture to prove their point

8. These are the people Paul is talking about

9. These people are causing great confusion in the Church

10. By far these are the scariest people we run across

B. Illustration

1. The other day I was sitting in my living room of my house and someone came to the door. My mom was there and looked real quick and said it look like it is someone from the Mormons. As I looked real quick I realized it was not a Mormon rather it was my close friend Tom

2. Why did she think that, it was a young guy all dressed up looking pretty?

3. False teachers do not give the appearance of being false teachers, ask them to tell you the Gospel and if it not the definition you just heard, their wrong!

C. Application

1. Let us apply this to our lives.

2. You know what the saddest part about those who teach and follow these “false Gospels – which are really no Gospels at all”?

3. When they die, they go to hell

4. When someone dies without accepting the Gospel they go to hell

5. God does not care what type of life they lived

6. Anyone who does not follow the Gospel ends up in Hell

7. Don’t believe me?

8. John 14:6 “ I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

9. Acts 4:12 “Nor is there salvation in any other, for no other name under heaven given among men, by which we must saved

10. The Gospel is the only way to heaven.

11. The Gospel is the only salvation

12. Nothing more, no additions, nothing less, no subtractions

13. The Gospel Only

III. Distorting the Gospel is Serious Business (8-9)

A. Explanation

1. Let’s clear something up here. Anger is not a Sin! Got that?

2. Paul is Angry! Paul is furious, Paul is ready explode

3. Paul invokes a curse on anyone, and he is even bold enough to include himself, who distorts the Gospel. (Read 8-9)

4. Now understand something we read these two verse and we sort of can see that Paul is really mad, I mean he says basically the same thing twice in a row just so that they do not miss what he is saying

5. However, in our polite English translation we lose some of the heat of these two verse

6. Eternally condemned – anathema. Now is this use of the word anathema just some over reaction by a frustrated individual?

7. No, first of all if it was he would have not repeated it twice, 2nd of all if the Bible is fully inspired like our statement of faith says

8. The reason Paul feels this strong about false gospel is to add or subtract anything from the Gospel is to degrade the finished work of Jesus Christ.

9. Also Paul feels so strong about this because Paul knew that men’s souls were at stake.

10. He is not writing about some trivial theological point, such as Could Christ have sinned, he was writing about the Gospel

B. Application

1. Let’s apply this to our lives.

2. Make no bones about it folks, those who teach something other then the Gospel that we have been talking about all day today, will be eternally condemned

3. I don’t know if you have ever thought about being eternally condemned

4. To be separated from everyone who has ever loved you

5. To be separated from everyone who has helped you would

6. To be separated from everything and be in a state of constant torture

7. I know I would not like that and I cant imagine anyone who would like that

8. That is the result of teaching a ‘fake’ Gospel

9. Now before you begin to appoint yourself judge jury and executioner, it is not our job to eternally condemn the person

10. What happens there is between them and God

11. Our job is to make sure that false teaching does not enter our church and if it does we need to get rid of it

C. Illustration

1. You know my heart gets said when I think about those who followed David Koresh and those who were part of the Heaven’s gate cult who took their own lives in a twisted attempt to connect with extra terrestrial visitors who were hidden in the wake of the hale-bopp commit. They are going to have to face judgment for their actions, I would not like to be in their shoes

2. I am also concerned for those who preach a distorted Gospel called “the gospel of success or the prosperity Gospel. That is if you follow God, and give the “ministry” $100 you will live a prosperous life. If you are sick if you are poor it is because you do not have enough faith.

a) The problem with this gospel is that is ignores that fact that in Christian life there is sorrow, there is suffering, ad there is death. The key of the gospel of Jesus is not the avoidance of life events, but the possibility to overcome them.

IV. Only the Gospel Produces Changed Lives! (10)

A. Explanation

1. When you look at verse 10 you must keep in mind Paul’s life

2. He used to persecute the very message he is laying his life down for

3. He used to be “advanced in Judaism beyond many Jews my own age” (vs. 14)

4. He was being dubbed the next great Jewish leader,

5. He was the top prospect in Jewish circles

6. But then something drastically happened

7. He heard the Gospel

8. He accepted the Gospel

9. He stopped worrying about men’s acceptance

10. He start to whole heartily pursue God

11. He was a life that was changed

B. Application

1. Let’s apply this to our lives.

2. Make no bones about it (and I expect to see smiles on your faces) the Gospel changes lives

3. You will never be the same once you accept the Gospel

4. The Gospel produces changed lives

5. Have you ever listen to people’s life juries, or testimonies if you will?

6. You quickly realize in everyone you hear the phrase “Then God” or “But God” or “Now God”

7. It is that change that cannot be duplicated

8. It is that change that only the Gospel can do

9. It is that change that everyone is out their looking for

10. It is that change that drives people to ask isn’t their something more in this life

11. That something more is the Gospel

C. Illustration

1. The strongest argument for the Gospel of Christ is the personal testimony of someone who life has been changed by it. Charles Bradlaugh, an avowed infidel, once challenged the Rev H.P. Hughes to a debate. The preacher, who was head of a rescue mission in London, accepted the challenge with the condition that he could bring with him 1000 men and women would tell what happened in their lives since trusting Christ as their Savior. They would be people who once lived in deep sin, some having come from poverty stricken homes caused by the vice of their parents. Hughes said they would not only tell of their conversion, but would submit to a cross examination by any who doubted their stories. Furthermore, the minister invited his opponent to bring a group of non-believer who could tell how they were helped by their lack of faith. When the appointed day arrived, the preacher came, accompanied by 100 transformed persons. But Bradluagh never showed up. The result? Since they were all there anyways ready to share their testimony that did just that. The meeting turned into a testimony time and many of the sinner who gathered to hear the scheduled the debate turned their lives over to Christ!

2. The Gospel Changes Lives


A. Understand Paul is not up there trying to get a couple of Amen’s from some nice people

B. Paul is upset.

C. I think after today we should realize that Paul had a right to be upset

D. The question is where do you fit into the picture:

E. #1 Are you one of the people whom Paul is upset at? Have you been preaching or practicing a false “Gospel”?

a. If that is you, dump that false “Gospel” now, follow the only true Gospel the Gospel of Christ

F. #2 Are you in the same situation as Paul? Do you know of false teacher, do you know of those people who are adding or subtracting to the Gospel?

a. If that is you, you need to confront that person, you need to tell the proper authorities that they are teaching something other then the Gospel, and you need to make sure that you are not listening to them and try and rescue as many people from them as possible

G. #3 Are you a life that has not been changed? Since Christ has come into your life how has your life changed if at all?

a. If your life has not changed, you have not experienced The Gospel of Grace. The Gospel of Grace changes lives. If your life has not been changed come talk to me.

H. Things come, things go, people come, and people go. The Gospel does not come and Go, the Gospel Remains. Amen? (Let’s pray)