Summary: Children’s responsibility in the home.


You know, God pretty well has this old world figured out. The Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” If we were to continue to read through the remainder of Genesis chapter 1 we would find that God created the planets, the stars, the dry ground, the plants and animals and everything else that goes into making the world as we know it.

Now, when God made all of this stuff, He didn’t just let it go and do whatever it wanted to. He didn’t just create the world and then let it be. No, God established some rules, some guidelines, some laws of nature to make things work. For instance, it’s God who invented this whole gravity thing. Can you imagine what the world would be like without gravity?

Can you imagine what it would be like trying to drink without gravity? You go to take a drink and your milk goes up your nose. You’re eating grits and you sneeze, now I don’t know how many of you have experienced that event, but let me tell you from experience, it’s not a pleasant experience. Anyway, you sneeze with a mouth full of grits, and you end up hitting someone’s glasses a hundred miles away. Poor guy’s sitting there on a park bench when all of a sudden these grits come flying out of no where and nail him.

And imagine what would have happened if God hadn’t made it where water expanded when it froze. Did you know that water is the only liquid, it is the only substance that expands when it freezes. You know, cold things usually sink and warm things rise, but since water expands when it freezes, it stays on the top of lakes, ponds, rivers and such when it freezes. That’s kind of neat. I mean, can you imagine trying to ice skate when the ice is on the bottom of the lake? It’s make hockey kind of difficult wouldn’t it?

Think of all the laws God placed in the world to make this whole place work. The only reason the earth doesn’t float off into space away from the sun is because of gravity, and yet if it wasn’t for centrifugal force and inertia keeping us out here, gravity would pull us into the sun and we’d all burn up.

And tell me, what would we do without evaporation and condensation? Man, you think the drought we’ve been experiencing is tough, it’s nothing compared to what the place would be like if God hadn’t figured out all of that watering the earth stuff.

No, God knew how the place was supposed to work so He made laws to make the place operate like He wants it to.

Well, the world is not the only thing God invented. He also invented marriage, the family and the home. He is the One who created Adam and Eve. He’s the One who told them about how they were supposed to be one. He is the One who invented the home.

Now, just as God created the world and then put laws into place to make it all operate correctly, He also put in place certain laws for how people in a family are to function.

Over the past couple of weeks we have examined some of the laws and responsibilities God has put into place to make the home, the family, operate. We have looked at the foundation God requires in the home, if it is going to survive; that is that the home be built with God. Remember, the Bible says, “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it."” A successful home must have the right foundation. We have examined the roles and responsibilities God has given to husbands and wives to one another; we have examined the roles and rules for being good parents. This morning, we would like to look at the role children are to play in the family. We would like to look at God’s plan for them.

Open your Bibles this morning and turn with me please to Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 1. Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 1, as this morning we see together, “How to deal with your parents, regardless of your age.” Ephesians chapter 6 and beginning in verse 1.

- Read Ephesians 6:1-3

In these 3 verses, we find the basic responsibilities of children to their parents. We find the place of children within the family. Now, we could look at many different things that go into being a good child, but it all boils down to the two commands given in these verses; the two commands that will allow you to deal with your parents regardless of your age. Number one, God says that children are to obey their parents.


Now, before we progress any further, let’s think for a moment about who we are talking about when we say “Children.” The word translated here as “children” does not mean infant. There are other words which mean the same as infant. No, the word “children” here is a general word for off spring. It’s just talking about children in general, no age is in view. From birth to young people, as long as they are under parental care and control, you are their child. Children equals off spring.

Equally, we need to think about what the word parents means. Parents refers to birth parents, it means adopted parents, and for the second part of the command, it also refers to in-laws. When you get married, your spouse’s parents become your parents.

> Genesis 2:24 For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.

One final definition, and that is for the word “obey.” To obey means not only to “listen to” your parents, but it means to “listen to as realizing you are under their authority.”

In other words, children, if you are at home, under the watch care of parents, step parents, adopted parents, guardians or whatever, you are to do what your parents tell you to do. You are to be obedient.

Colossians 3:20 says that you are to be obedient to your parents in all things. If you are home, under their authority; if they are responsible for you, providing for you, and watching over you, you are to obey them in all things. That includes the way you dress, the places you go, the people you hang out with, the things you watch on TV. I don’t care if they are old and things have changed since they were in school. I don’t care if your parents are so old they attended school with Wallace. I don’t care if they are so old-fashioned that they think the pilgrims were hippies. I don’t care if they watched the original “I Love Lucy Shows” before they were reruns. I don’t care if Gilligan was still paddling a canoe in summer camp when they were growing up. It doesn’t matter. The Bible says, “In all things,” you are to obey your parents.

Now granted, things have changed since your parents were in school. The schools have changed. Some of your parents can remember before the first man orbited the earth. Some of them served in the Vietnam War that you study about in school. Things have changed and your parents may not have kept up with the times, but you still have a responsibility to obey them, and I believe there are several reasons you are called upon to obey your parents.

Reasons to Obey Your Parents

1. It Pleases God –

> Colossians 3:20 Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.

The first reason you are to obey your parents is because it pleases God. In the Bible, children are told by God to obey their parents. Whenever we are obedient, whenever we do what God tells us to do, it pleases God.

God wanted His Son Jesus Christ to set the way, to set the trend for the new church. So, Jesus went down to where His cousin John the Baptist was preaching and baptizing folks, and Jesus was baptized. Did Jesus need to be baptized in order to picture the new life? No! He was living it. Did Jesus need to be baptized in order to wash away His sins? No! Jesus had never sinned and the Bible says that water does not wash away sin. Did Jesus get baptized in order to become a member of the church? No! The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Head of the church. He is the One who invented and created it.

So why was Jesus Baptized? Because God, His Father, wanted Him to be. God wanted Him to set the pattern for Christians. When Jesus did what His Dad wanted, God spoke from heaven and said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Jesus did what His Father wanted, and God was pleased.

Let me tell you my friend, God has a plan, a blue print for the family as well. He says, Children this is your responsibility within the family. Obey your parents. And when you do that, God is pleased.

You should obey your parents because it pleases God. Second, you should obey your parents because it is commanded. It is commanded. Look there again at Colossians 3:20.

- Read Colossians 3:20 -

2. It is Commanded

> Colossians 3:20 Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.

In this verse, and other places in the Bible, God commands children to obey their parents. Now, I know that may not seem like a big deal. Disobeying your parents isn’t that big a deal, it isn’t that big of a sin is it? I mean, everyone messes up, so it isn’t all that serious is it? I want you to know that all sin is serious and God doesn’t play about any of them. Turn with me please to 2 Timothy chapter 3 and verse 1.

- Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Did you see one of the groups of sinners God includes in this list of ungodly people? He includes those who are disobedient to parents. God says, this is one of the signs of the end times. These are the types of ungodly people who will live in the last days. They are people who are disobedient to their parents. There at the end of verse 5 He says, “Avoid such people!”

My friend, disobeying your parents is a sin, and it is a biggie. God doesn’t mess around with that stuff.

You should obey your parents because it pleases God. You should obey your parents, because it is commanded. Thirdly, you should obey your parents because it is rewarding.

3. It is rewarding

> Proverbs 1:8&9 Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching; indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head, and ornaments about your neck.

- Ephesians 6:3

Obeying your parents is rewarding as well. God promises to bless those who obey their parents. For one thing, God will bless you with a better home and happier family. But also, believe it or not, your parents have lived a while longer than you. They have picked up a few things along the way. So you are rewarded when you obey your parents, because often, you can learn from their mistakes and keep from repeating some that they’ve made.

Obey your parents because it is pleasing to God, because it is commanded, and because it is rewarding. But God gives a second command to children as well. He says, “Children, honor your parents.”


- Ephesians 3:2

Now, this verse applies whether you are under your parents roof or not. This verse applies to your parents and to those that come with the package when you are married. God says, “Honor them.”

Three Ways to Honor Your Parents

1. Speech

> Proverbs 31:28 Her children rise up and bless her; her husband also, and he praises her . . .

First, you can honor your parents with your speech. Listen, no parent is perfect. None. Those of you who aren’t parents will discover that when you become a parent yourself. But, that doesn’t mean your parents don’t have good points. Find the good things and point those out. Find the good things, and thank them for those.

Honor them with your speech when you talk to them and when you talk about them. Honor them not only to their faces but also honor them in the eyes of their friends. Honor them with what you say to them and also with what you say about them. Honor your parents with your speech.

Second, honor them with your money.

2. Money

- Matthew 15:3-6

> 1 Timothy 5:16 If any woman who is a believer has dependent widows, let her assist them, . . .

It saddens me when I see people who will indulge their every desire, but who leave their parents dressing like rag dolls and living in unrepaired shanties. Honor your parents with your finances. Help them out when they are in need. Jesus thought it was important.

You can honor your parents with your speech. You can honor your parents with your money, and you can honor your parents with your actions.

3. Actions

> Proverbs 27:11 Be wise, my son, and make my heart glad, that I may reply to him who reproaches me.

> Proverbs 15:20 A wise son makes a father glad, but a foolish man despises his mother.

After my Dad passed, many people came up and told me stories about my Dad. They told me what a great guy he was, how he had helped them and such. I knew a lot of it, but I learned even more about what a great guy he was because he didn’t talk himself much. But, of all the stories I heard, none touched me more than when I had people tell me how proud my dad was of my brothers and I. Those he worked with said he used to talk about us a lot.

Folks, live a life that will bring honor to your parents. Keep your priorities right.

When they get old and down, don’t forget them. Write to them. Talk to them. Take them out to eat, or out to get coffee. Spend time with them. Often, your parents want nothing more from you than some of your time. Honor them in the way you live and in the way you treat them.

I read some time back, of a family in Pakistan. It seems that the grandmother lived with the family. As she got older, she became more and more feeble. She dropped her plate a number of times, and she time she did, it broke. Her grown daughter, frustrated, sent her young daughter to town to buy her grandmother a wooden plate to eat off of so she wouldn’t break it.

To her surprise, the daughter came back with 2. When her mother asked her why she had bought 2, her daughter answered, “1 for grandmother and the other I’ll save for you when you get older.”

Adults, honor your father and your mother, because what your children see you do is what they will probably do to you in return.