Church Media Sets
  • Colossians

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    Download this Colossians-themed church media set and empower your community to live out their faith each new day as they continue to "set their minds on things above," and "put to death" the things of this world.

    This church media set includes:

    • Colossians | Putting On Christ

      Preaching Slide
      Produced by SermonCentral
      based on 1 rating

      The letter of Colossians takes us to the heights of Christ's glory and then applies the implications of His divine identity to the practical outworking of our faith in everyday life. In the very heart of the letter, Paul exhorts us that "as we have received Christ, so we are to walk in him, rooted, built up, and established in our faith." May this resource empower your community to live out their faith each new day as they continue to "set their minds on things above," and "put to death" the things of this world.

    • Colossians | Putting On Christ

      Motion Background
      Produced by SermonCentral
      based on 5 ratings

      The letter of Colossians takes us to the heights of Christ's glory and then applies the implications of His divine identity to the practical outworking of our faith in everyday life. In the very heart of the letter, Paul exhorts us that "as we have received Christ, so we are to walk in him, rooted, built up, and established in our faith." May this resource empower your community to live out their faith each new day as they continue to "set their minds on things above," and "put to death" the things of this world.

    • Colossians | Putting On Christ

      Countdown Video
      Produced by SermonCentral
      based on 3 ratings

      The letter of Colossians takes us to the heights of Christ's glory and then applies the implications of His divine identity to the practical outworking of our faith in everyday life. In the very heart of the letter, Paul exhorts us that "as we have received Christ, so we are to walk in him, rooted, built up, and established in our faith." May this resource empower your community to live out their faith each new day as they continue to "set their minds on things above," and "put to death" the things of this world.