Church Media Sets
  • The Christian Worldview

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    3-part small group video series that examines what Christians believe about the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe using the Bible as the source. Join Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, as he draws out what the Bible teaches about God and his message to humans. The many stories in Scripture tell one Big Story that has three parts: Creation, Fall, and Redemption, which Jeff explains in detail, concluding with the importance of the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ.

    This church media set includes:

    • Intro To The Christian Worldview

      Small Group Study
      Produced by Summit Ministries
      based on 2 ratings

      In this session you'll be joining Jeff Myers; author - speaker - and president of Summit Ministries in part 1 of this 3 part series exploring the Christian Worldview.

    • The Christian Worldview: Part 1

      Small Group Study
      Produced by Summit Ministries
      based on 1 rating

      In this session you'll be joining Jeff Myers; author - speaker - and president of Summit Ministries in part 2 of this 3 part series exploring the Christian Worldview.

    • The Christian Worldview: Part 2

      Small Group Study
      Produced by Summit Ministries
      based on 2 ratings

      In this session you'll be joining Jeff Myers; author - speaker - and president of Summit Ministries in part 3 of this 3 part series exploring the Christian Worldview.