  • Casey Sabella

    Contributing sermons since Dec 30, 2005
Casey's church

Motion Church
Waterbury, Connecticut 06705

About Casey
  • Education: Most of my education is OJT. Graduated high school and went through an in-house training and mentoring program over seven years prior to ordination.
  • Experience: I started planting churches before I knew what that meant in several cities throughout Connecticut decades ago. Author of two books, (currently being updated). Been Sr. Pastor of this last church we planted for 14 years.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I am 60 and counting. I have served all my adult life in ministry and thrived. If you think it is because life has been easy, you're way off. Jesus really is who he says He is and my sermons are born of getting real with God. If you can use them to further the Kingdom, be blessed. I have a weakly podcast on ITunes and Stitcher Radio called Minister's Toolbox designed to encourage leaders. Be welcome to listen.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Can't recall it's title, but my life was recently impacted significantly through the preaching of Skye Jethani at a conference a few years back. My current podcast on ITunes came about by the changes I made after hearing his sermon.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: One of the late John Osteen's favorites concerned a bird in a cage that sang all the time. One morning, he was inadvertently sucked up into a vacuum cleaner. When the little guy was rescued and cleaned up, he returned to his perch but never sang again. Osteen likened it to people who have lost their song due to the challenges of life. Very powerful.
  • Family: My wife Patti and I have been married 32 years, raising two (married) daughters and two sons (1 married). Together with their spouses, they all serve with me in ministry. We are also blessed with three grandchildren and counting!
  • What my parents think of my sermons: They are deceased, but I had the pleasure of a blessing from both parents after hearing me preach.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Sometimes she wonders if the preacher and her husband are the same guy! She prefers my teaching over anyone else; at least that what she tells me.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Be yourself in and out of the pulpit. Avoid using (or craving) a title. Be brief (30 minutes tops) and keep people wanting more. When people are checking their watches all the time, they are sending you a telegraph. Use an outline and stay on topic. Use this site for illustrations, videos and all the other resources to supplement what you preach.
  • Books that have had an impact: Futureville, (Jethani)The Slight Edge, (Olson) Reformission Reverend (Driscoll - the book was great; sorry about his recent troubles) What's So Amazing About Grace (Yancy) Good To Great (Collins) The Spiritual Man (Nee)
  • Hobbies: Writing, Teaching, Podcasting, Reading, Hiking and Traveling when possible.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Don't play with God. Everyone else around you may be comfortable with a surface relationship. We all will give an account. Make sure that yours is with joy. Make sure you finish well.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Actually happened to a friend of mine many years ago. In a time of worship, he began to say the words to the song the worship band played at the time. It was called, Shine Jesus Shine. As he repeated the words, the stanza came to say, "...set our hearts on fire." He jumbled his words and said, "...set our farts on fire." Not realizing what he'd said, a strange silence came over the crowd before cacophonous laughter. Needless to say, the mood could not be recaptured!
  • What I want on my tombstone: Pepperoni and mushrooms
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  • Who Is The Real You?

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