  • Charles Lindquist, Jr.

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Charles's church

Jordan Memorial United Methodist Church
Ramseur, North Carolina 27316
(336) 824-2252

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Newest Sermons

  • "Who Do You Say Jesus Is"

    Contributed on Aug 28, 2002
    based on 444 ratings

    Jesus asks His disciples who people say He is, then asks them who do you say I am?

    LET US PRAY: Lord, breathe Your Spirit upon us at this time. Bless now the words of my lips and the meditations of our hearts – give us an understanding of Your Holy Word and lead us in the way You want us to go. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Jesus and His disciples ventured into the more

  • Jesus Feeds 5000

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2002
    based on 166 ratings

    Jesus feeds 5000 men plus women and children with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.

    This story, the feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle Jesus preformed that is recorded in all four Gospels. Therefore we can conclude this to be a very important occurrence. It occurred during the Passover season about one year before Christ’s death (John 6:4). Wherever Jesus went more

  • The Storms Of Life

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2002
    based on 128 ratings

    Even though we accept Christ and have faith, we still encounter storms.

    A little background might be helpful in understanding our Gospel lesson this morning. Everywhere Jesus went multitudes of people have been following Him. Now remember, Jesus just suffered the loss of John the Baptist, His disciples had just returned from the mission trip He had sent them on. And more