  • Chris Carroll

    Contributing sermons since Nov 22, 2006
Chris's church

Castalia Baptist
Castalia, North Carolina 27816

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  • Giving The Perfect Gift Part Ii

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    On that first Christmas, God gave the perfect gift in the form of Jesus the God who Saves. And we know that the gift He has given us has the name Jesus or Joshua which means Jesus Saves and that He will is great and is the Son of the Most High and is the

    Friends, God has given the perfect Christmas gift, and now it is our turn to give back to Him. Sure we could spend our time this morning wondering how God was able to cause a ordinary girl to become pregnant through the Holy Spirit. But to be honest, I don’t know how he did it. And Mary did not more

  • Giving The Perfect Gift

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We open up our Bibles once a year at this time to read the Gospel accounts of Jesus coming from the portals of heaven to lie in a bed of straw on this earth. Yet, to be honest isn’t it so much more than that? Isn’t there something more majestic about the

    Everyone loves to receive gifts at Christmas time. And I am sure that as Christmas approaches we are wondering what lies behind those wrapped presents. I remember as a child that these 4 weeks of advent were so difficult. I would go by that tree about 30 million times a day looking at the box and more

  • A New Year A New You Part Ii

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    . So often when we read our bibles or hear a Sunday school lesson or message we learn about the truths of God’s Word and we hear how to apply it but we forget or get to busy and put off the application part of the lesson. But as we begin a New Year let’

    A New Year A New You Part II Story is told of a pastor who was making a call to a visitor that had visited the church and so he called and a little boy answered and the preacher said hello who is this and in a whisper he heard the voice that said Jimmy. And the preacher said well Jimmy is your more

  • A New Year A New You Part I

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    New Years is always the perfect opportunity for us to reflect on the past to recommit to the present and to plan for the future. The great intellectual giant Socrates once said “an unexamined life is not worth living.” And so at the end of 2007 and the

    A New Year, A New You. Part I Well Christmas came upon us so fast and now it has passed. And now comes the season of Deck the Halls with piles and piles of bills to help us remember what we did this Christmas season. Maybe you heard the story of the young college student and she came running more

  • Stop Focusing On Your Buts

    Contributed on Nov 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Pride by far is one of the most deadly sins. Pride acts as the gateway to just about every other sin, and Pride acts as a barrier between you and God, and your will and God’s will.

    There were these 2 ducks and a frog that lived together in a pond on a farm. They were the best of friends. You could sit there and watch them all day as they would play together in that pond. However they began to have a drought like we have had and the pond was drying up and they knew that more

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