  • Dave Kinney

    Contributing sermons since Apr 28, 2004
Dave's church

First Baptist Church of Angels Camp
Angels Camp, California 95222

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  • The Mayan Mystery”

    Contributed on Aug 22, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Is 12.21.12 the year that the comic clock ticks for the last time? Newsweek wrote, “The belief that the year 2012 will mark a global transformation is widespread.”

    Powerpoint Slides Available Over the last few decades Americans has been hit hard with a big idea that is summed up in one word – “Change”! From politics to health care, from social security to education, from the economy to morality, “change” is the operative word! more

  • A Revival Prayer

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    Let me ask – if we were to start this nation all over again today, do you think we would put “In God We Trust” on our currency? Are we a nation still under God?

    Let me ask – if we were to start this nation all over again today, do you think we would put “In God We Trust” on our currency? Are we a nation still under God? It was a cold winter day on January 20, 1981, the clouds threatened to snow any minute. This was the day when Ronald Reagan was sworn more

  • Our Three Fold Victory

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2009
    based on 27 ratings

    If we can get these 3 principles applied to our daily lives – we will see God differently and experience grace more dynamically!

    If Satan can get you and me to doubt God then we will always doubt life! If he can get us to think negative about God then we will always think negative about life. Why is this fact so true – because if he can get you to go negative and doubting then Satan can do almost anything with you and more

  • Freedom From Fear

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2009
    based on 34 ratings

    All of us have to face death, but not all of us have to fear death. A valley is not a dead-end or a cul-de-sac, but rather a tunnel opened on both ends.

    The late great trumpet player Louie Armstrong tells a story about while growing up in Louisiana, having to go down to the pond and getting water for Allie May. He gets down there and is about to scoop the water out of the pond and all of the sudden coming out of the water are these two huge eyes more

  • The Reality Of Restoration

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2009
    based on 20 ratings

    No matter what your experiences in life, God is always ready and willing to restore of lives. Someone has well said…“God composts life’s sour fruit! He restores withered and worn-out human hearts with His out pouring Spirit!”

    Circle which one describes your life now: As an off-road experience As a crossroads experience As a newly paved road experience No matter what your experiences in life, God is always ready and willing to restore of lives.Someone has well said…“God composts life’s sour fruit! He restores more

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  • Material Gains Are Not Enough

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2009

    MATERIAL GAINS ARE NOT ENOUGH William Bennett is a great American, Secretary of Education, and a compelling writer. He wrote in wrote in his best seller, America: The Last Best Hope, "Material gains will never be enough for America, if we achieve full employment, have great economic growth, have more

  • Phillip Keller Writes Of His Experience Of ...

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Phillip Keller writes of his experience of shepherding: "This reminds me of my encounter with cougars. On several occasions these cunning creatures came in among sheep, creating great havoc in the flock. Some were killed, their blood drained and livers eaten. Others were torn open and badly more

  • Dennis The Menace Was Caught Causing Trouble ...

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2009

    Dennis the Menace was caught causing trouble around the house and his mother had all she could take from him and said to him, "Dennis the way you’re behaving, how do you expect to get into heaven?" To that Dennis said, "Well, I’ll just keep slamming the door more

  • The Aged Atheist

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Dr. Jess Moody once wrote with biting sarcasm, "What do aged atheists have to talk about, as they sit around waiting to die? Do they discuss the legacy of morality, decency, integrity, and spiritual sensitivity they have given to their children? Or the good atheism has done the world: the more

  • Just As Afraid Of You...?

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2009

    JUST AS AFRAID OF YOU...? The late great trumpet player Louis Armstrong tells a story about while growing up in Louisiana, having to go down to the pond and getting water for Allie May. He gets down there and is about to scoop the water out of the pond, and all of the sudden coming out of the more