  • David Green

    Contributing sermons since Nov 1, 2007
David's church

Bristol Road Baptist
Weston super Mare, *Province/Other BS23 3EB
01934 418161

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  • Filled With The Fragrance

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Like Isaiah in the temple - the home at Bethany is filled with the fragrance of Mary’s anointing

    FILLED WITH THE FRAGRANCE JOHN 12 12 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honour. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. 3 Then Mary took more

  • Even The Demons

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The disciples return from a mission and rejoice that the demons submitted ... implications for halloween etc.

    “Even the demons….” A remedy for darkness 17 The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.” 18 He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the more