  • David Smith

    Contributing sermons since Jul 16, 2009
David's church

Morningstar Ministries
Napanee, *Province/Other K7R 1V5

About David
  • What I want on my tombstone: He will be missed by the poor!
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  • Crossroads

    Contributed on Mar 20, 2011

    God ordered Abram to leave Haran (which means "crossroads") and journey to an unknown land that he would guide him to - this was the crossroad of Israel's begninning.

    2nd Sunday of Lent - Genesis 12:1-4a Well I must admit when I first read over the lessons for today, I said to myself, Richard knew what he was doing being away this Sunday. What more could I possibly say about Abrams walk of faith with God? What could I say about “being born again” more