David's church

Garberville church of Christ
Garberville, California 95542
707 223-8157

About David
  • Education: Bachelor of Science in Religion from Eastern New Mexico University. 1974 graduate of Sunset School of Preaching
  • Experience: I began preaching in 1967 and have preached for churches in Texas, New Mexico, and California. Moved to the Northern California mission field in 1977. I have been self supporting most of my ministry.
  • Family: Married Starla December 23, 1972 3 children (1 son and 2 daughters) 7 grandchildren.
  • Hobbies: Wood working (furnature making and carpentry) Leather carving.
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Newest Sermons

  • Don't Circle The Wagon Yet

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2016

    God did not ask his people to withdraw into their own little group or church and not reach out to the lost

    Don't Circle the Wagons Yet Text 2 Corinthians 10:1-7 Introdution: Do you remember the TV show Wagon Train? That show and all the TV shows and movies that showed the western expansion by wagon train always showed the wagons moving into a defensive position that made forward movement impossible. more

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