  • Donald Rapp

    Contributing sermons since Oct 24, 2006
Donald's church

Scipio Baptist Church
Union Springs , New York 13160

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  • Entrance To The Kingdom Part 1

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2011

    How does one enter the Kingdom of God?

    Entrance to the Kingdom Part 1 The Book of Mark Mark 10:13-16 I.Introduction: A. There has been a lot of discussion about what it means to be a Christian since Barack Obama took office as president. 1. I think that is a good thing because it gets people talking about the most important issue more

  • Divorce And The Bible Part 4

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2011

    How to address Marital problems

    Divorce and the Bible Part 4 The Book of Mark Mark 10:2-12, various I. Introduction: A. We have defined the ideal for marriage as revealed by God, Jesus and the apostle Paul – it is the union between one man and one woman for life. B. We have seen that divorce is a destructive action which has more

  • Divorce And The Bible Part 3

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2011

    A New Testament take on Divorce

    Divorce and the Bible Part 3 The Book of Mark Mark 10:1-12 I.Introduction A. A few weeks ago we started to explore what the bible has to say about marriage and divorce. B. Our study revolves around Jesus’ teaching on the subject in Mark 10. C. As I have said before this is a difficult more

  • Divorce And The Bible Part 2

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2011

    Divorce is a violation of God's ideal

    Divorce and the Bible Part 2 The Book of Mark Mark 10:1-12 I.Introduction A. Last week we began our study on this issue of divorce by looking at the marriage relationship from God’s perspective. 1. We found that marriage, the way God intended it, is to be a life long commitment between more

  • Divorce And Remarriage

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2011

    Divorce was just as big an issue in the first centruy as it is today

    Divorce and the Bible The Book of Mark Mark 10:1-12 I.Introduction A. The 10th chapter of Mark is 45 verses long and it is jam packed with instruction for the disciples and us. B. Remember that Jesus is heading for Jerusalem and ultimately His sacrificial death. 1. By this time He has pretty more

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