  • John Mayes

    Contributing sermons since Oct 12, 2005
John's church

Abundant Life
Grapevine, Texas 76051

About John
  • Education: Graduated from High School in 1979 from Cleburne, High School in Cleburne, Tx. Graduated from Abilene Christian University with a B.A. in Human Communications in 1983. Completed 27 hours toward an M.A. in Biblical and Related Studies from ACU.
  • Experience: Served on staff, full-time as a Youth Minister at the Western Hills Church of Christ and as the Pulpit Preacher at the Blue Ridge Church of Christ during the 1980’s. Since that time, I have been employed in our family business.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Can you summerize what I am trying to say with one simple, short sentence? Normally, that sentence can be found in each sermon. I like each sermon to have a main story, either from the Bible or a modern-day story. There should also be only one main point, with supporting points.
  • Family: My wife, Sharon and I are blessed with four very active children: Rachel, Jonathan, Sarah, Rebekah. Rachel is an Education major at Southwestern Assembly of God University in Waxahachie, Texas. Jonathan, 17, loves music, drama, and is about to get his private pilot’s license. Sarah, 15, is our comedian and wants to be a worship leader. Rebekah, 13, wants to be a doctor.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Most sermons are too broad and cover too many points to be remembered by the audience. We must be able to summerize each sermon in one short, simple sentence. In each sermon, we must challenge the church to DO something...a conduct response! And since Jesus told stories, we must become a story-teller. If the church remembers your stories, they will remember your sermons and the points you were trying to make.
  • Hobbies: chess, playes trumpet, teaches youth how to preach, loves fine arts: drama, human video, children’s lessons and puppets.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Once as a guest speaker in a small congregation, a man on the back row tried to get my attention while I was preaching. He mad motioned with his arms like he wanted to put a rope around my neck and hang me. First, I tried to ignor him, but his motions became more intense. Finally, I stopped speaking and gave him a very confused look. He then said, "Would you please reach inside the pulpit and pull out the rope with that microphone and hang it around your neck so that I can hear what you are saying?"
  • What I want on my tombstone: I’ll be back ! !
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Newest Sermons

  • You Can Discover Abundant Life

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2006
    based on 364 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to describe and explain the abundant life in Christ.

    Living an Abundant Life in Christ Introduction: Our world is full of unhappy and dissatisfied people. For this reason, people everywhere are looking for answers to the emptiness they feel inside. These people will try anything, if it might bring them some sort of satisfaction or happiness. more

  • Spiritual Insights From "American Idol"

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    What does "American Idol" have in common with the day of Judgment and Matthew 7:21? Both are "reality based"!

    Spiritual Insights from "American Idol" The show, "American Idol" is in it’s fifth season on FOX and is watched by millions of people worldwide. Every year thousands of hopeful contestants between the ages of 16 and 29 audition for the chance to become the next "American Idol". Immediate more

  • "Every Day I Screamed, Hoping Someone Would Hear Me".

    Contributed on Jan 28, 2006
    based on 45 ratings

    This is a modern-day story of the Parable of the Lost Sheep as reported in the Dallas Morning News, January 28, 2006.

    A modern-day parable of the Lost Sheep. In Matthew 18:12-14, Jesus tells the story of the Lost Sheep. When the man who ownes 100 sheep discovers that he has one missing, he leaves the 99 in search of the one that became lost. If he finds the lost sheep that wandered off, he brings it back to more

  • What Not To Wear

    Contributed on Jan 17, 2006
    based on 96 ratings

    Why would a king invite the good and the bad to a formal party and then reject one of his guest because he was not dressed as well as the others? Click here and find out!

    What not to wear. The Learning Channel, (TLC) has a program where a person gets picked to come on their show and receive $5,000.00 to use on a complete fashion makover. There is one catch: more

  • Noah And You

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2005
    based on 30 ratings

    Imagin that you are Noah and God just told you the shocking news of what is about to happen to the world. Guess what! History is about to repeat itself.

    NOAH AND YOU We have heard the story of Noah and the Ark since we were small children. Because of this, many conclude that this is just a children’s story and it does not involve us in any way today. How could it? This event took place several thousand years ago. What does Noah and the more

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