  • Kenneth R. Jenkins

    Contributing sermons since Oct 10, 2017
Kenneth R.'s church

First Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
Savannah, Georgia 31401
(912) 232-5865

About Kenneth R.
  • Education: Savannah State University South College University Southern New Hampshire University (currently a studying)
  • Experience: Licensed to Preach 29 July 2012 Sunday School teacher
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: These sermons are as simple as possible.
  • Family: Two brothers, Kevin and Vinson. One sister, Mertice. My parents are still living. I am married with no kids but lot's of nieces and nephews.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Surprisingly, my dad first heard me and was amazed.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife loved hearing me preach my messages.
  • Books that have had an impact: Bible, World Book Encyclopedia, poetry from Gwendolyn Brooks, Robert Frost and Dr. Seuss.
  • Hobbies: Watch television, listening to The Bible Broadcasting Network at night at 11:00 Pm to listen to the radio drama "Unshackled". Playing electronic baseball. My favorite team is the Chicago Cubs.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: REPENT
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: A baby making noise as if they are responding to my sermon.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Poet, Preacher and Husband
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Newest Sermons

  • Love

    Contributed on Jan 24, 2024

    Love is the most overrated word ever. Poets and artists use this word to express themselves while songwriters wrote songs on it, but this small but powerful word lost its meaning.

    There are four Greek words for love: EROS: sexual love or a passionate way of showing love. “EROTIC” arrived from this word. This is a love between a man and his wife. “Wives, submit yourself unto your husbands, as unto the Lord” Ephesians 5:22. PHILEO: which means “to have a special interest more

  • Warning Signs

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2023


    INTRODUCTION This morning, we are going to take from our text this subject, “WARNING SIGNS” . Did you know that God is forever warning us each and everyday until the day of Jesus' coming? Did you know that these warnings are all around us and are real? The Weather Bureau gives out warnings more

  • Shine Jesus Shine

    Contributed on Dec 26, 2023

    Are you walking in the light or in darkness?

    There has been a question that has been in my Spirit. How important is light in a world so dark? By asking this question where a country is divided by race, culture and yes even political affiliation. Where nations are forbidden Christians to witness the True Gospel of the True and Living God. more

  • "Seven Things God Requires Of Us”

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2023

    Don’t be shaken to be stirred up by Satan’s tricks and schemes but stay anchored in Christ our Savior and our Lord.

    INTRODUCTION I would like to preach by the help of the Holy Spirit from the subject, “Seven Things God Requires of Us”. If I could reword this text it would be, “Seven Things God EXPECTS of us”. David, the Psalmist points out to all of us that there are seven things God requires of us. It more

  • Go Run And Tell That

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2023

    Don’t let the trials of this life get you all out of sorts but go to the one who can save you and set you free from all your sins.

    “Go Run and Tell That” Matthew 8: 28-34 Have you ever found something, and you just want to go and tell someone? How about you did something that was so great and sometimes extraordinary that you just can’t keep it to yourself? Well in this story there was a man who more