  • Kevin Higgins

    Contributing sermons since Dec 28, 2002
Kevin's church

Oakridge Baptist Church
Denison, Texas 75021

About Kevin
  • Education: Graduated from Texas Baptist Institute & Seminary in Henderson, TX. in May, 2003 with a Bachelor of Theology.
  • Experience: I have over 21 years of ministry experience. I have served as youth director, Christian school administrator and in pastoral roles. My pastoral experience was at Mt. Bethel Baptist Church in Gary, TX, Woodlawn Baptist Church in Denison, TX and at Ogden Baptist Church in Ogden, KS.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I enjoyed preaching them. I hope you will make them your own and enjoy them as much as I did. And don't hold me to what I said. By the time you read them I may have changed my mind about what I thought. Keep studying and be true to the Word and your commitment to the glory of Christ.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: No particular sermon, just watching my pastor live the ones he preached.
  • Family: I am married to Camey. We have 3 daughters: Kassidy, Jessica and Katherine along with our miniature dachshunds, miniature donkey, chickens and cat.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Well...she lives with me, so I have to live them now.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: I was asked if I believed what I was preaching. When I said yes, the pastor friend said, "Then preach it like you believe it with passion and conviction."
  • Books that have had an impact: Wild at Heart by John Eldridge; Marriage on the Rock by Jimmy Evans; Desiring God by John Piper; Your God Is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan and most recently Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman.
  • Hobbies: Enjoy reading, fishing, walking and spending time with my family.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Make sure of your relationship with Christ, because when its all said and done, nothing else will have mattered.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Well there was the time my fly was down...or the time I stepped into the fellowship hall before I preached to blow my nose and forgot the lapel mike was still on...maybe the time I was baptizing a woman and said "by the authority vested in me I now pronounce you..."
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  • Ambassadors For Christ

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Every believer represents Christ in this world. This text shows a few ways to represent Him better.

    2 Corinthians 5:11-21 Ambassadors for Christ Oak Ridge Baptist Church October 27, 2019 Introduction Today I want to challenge you with one simple idea. I want to plead with you to give your life to Christ. If you’ve never trusted Jesus Christ as your savior, I plead with you even now to give your more

  • Defending Unity

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2013

    God's people have been called to understand the importance of and need to defend the unity of our churches.

    Have you seen the trailers for the new Lone Ranger movie that’s coming out? Johnny Depp is playing Tonto? It looks interesting…maybe not a faithful twist to the old Lone Ranger we grew up on but interesting nonetheless. I heard a story about how Tonto and the Lone Ranger were riding more

  • Unlikely Servants

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    God uses the unlikely of this world to accomplish great things.

    ME Easter Sunday is resurrection Sunday, but the truth is that every Sunday is resurrection Sunday – if it weren’t for the resurrection of Jesus Christ we’d have no reason to be here today and all of this that we do is in vain. But He did rise from the dead. Jesus said He had more

  • I Resent That!

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2013

    Resentment is a real part of our lives that must be recognized and dealt with in God honoring ways.

    Welcome everyone and thank guests for joining us. I want to warn all of you right up front that my message today is a little longer than usual so I pray you will settle in and let God speak to you. Do you believe God is sovereign? That He knows all things? I believe He does...I believe He knew more

  • Follow Me

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2013

    Each of us has been called to follow Christ, but we need to consider what that means and what it will cost us.

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