  • Matthew Davaughn Cox

    Contributing sermons since Jun 15, 2016
Matthew's church

Universal Life Church
Athens, Tennessee 37303

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  • Do You Want The Victory?

    Contributed on Aug 8, 2016

    Today's sermon outline will talk about gaining the Victory!

    In today's passage Psalm 149:4 we learn that: In order for us to have the victory we must: 1. Be one of the Lord's people. 2. Be humble 3. If we do these two things the Lord will crown us with Victory! more

  • Will Heaven Be Your Home?

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2016

    We will look at the John 3:16 text.

    We can take this away from the John 3:16 text: 1. God sent his only Son to die for the sins of the world. 2. If we believe this then heaven will be our home. 3. If we neglect to believe this then hell will be our home. more

  • God Did It

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2016

    Who created the world?

    Today's scripture text Genesis 1:1 teaches us that: 1. God created the heavens and the earth. 2. If it had not been for God we would not have a heaven or an earth. 3. So no matter what some people may say always remember God is the creator of heaven and earth. more