  • Randy Brooks

    Contributing sermons since Jun 2, 2007
Randy's church

Till the Land Ministries
Mountain View, Missouri 65548

About Randy
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Newest Sermons

  • Hell, What Its Like And How To Get There

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    This preacher doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell.

    Luke 16:19-30 An elderly couple passed away and found themselves at the pearly gates. Peter was there to welcome them. First he showed them their mansion. The man overwhelmed by the sheer luxury of it all asked, "How much does this place cost per night?" Peter replied, "Sir, this is Heaven, it more

  • A Covenant Relationship With God

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    A lasting and enduring relationship with God.

    I heard a story about a train traveling through the night in a very violent rainstorm. The lightning flashes were almost blinding, the rain hitting the windows was deafening and the strong gust winds rocked the train from side to side. When the lightening flashed and lighted up the darkness, the more

  • Asking For Godly Wisdom

    Contributed on Jun 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Seeking Godly wisdom for every situation of life.

    1 Kings 3:1-15 A preacher’s little boy inquired, "Daddy, I notice every Sunday morning when you first come out to preach, you sit up on the platform and bow your head. What are you doing?" The father explained, "I’m asking the Lord to give me a good sermon." The little boy more

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