  • Rhonda Feurtado

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Rhonda's church

St. Andrew's UMC
Sterlington, Louisiana 71280

About Rhonda
  • Education: B.A. from the University of New Orleans M.Div. from Asbury Seminary
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My parents have always been supportive of my ministry, and loved my sermons... but also offered creative feedback. My Mom has even used some of my sermons as a guide when she has been called upon to preach.
  • Books that have had an impact: "The Contemplative Pastor" by Eugene Peterson was one of the most challenging books I have read lately. It causes one to really examine motives for ministry and our perpetual "busy-ness".
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: No matter who you are, where you are, or what you have done, God loves you, and is constantly seeking to draw you closer to Himself.
  • What I want on my tombstone: She went where she was sent!
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Newest Sermons

  • The Splintered Throne

    Contributed on Dec 13, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This is a sermon used on Christ the King Sunday, looking at our King on a cross and what it means for us

    The splintered throne Today is not just the Sunday before thanksgiving, it is the last Sunday in the Christian year, which centers around the theme of Christ the King. This time of year gets to be very busy – more

  • Peace...strength To Hold On

    Contributed on Dec 13, 2013

    This is a sermon for the second Sunday of Advent, focusing on God's peace. It is part of a 4 week series from "rethink Church"

    Peace…strength to hold on Many of our Christmas songs have something in common, let’s see if we can find it in these samples of lyrics– “peace on the earth good will to all, prince of peace”, “sleep in heavenly peace”, “peace on earth and mercy more

  • Changing Our Name

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God changed Abram's name when he made the covenant with him. In the Bible, changing of names often indicates something significant happening in a person's life. When we let God into our life, things are different. God wants to enter into covenant relation

    Changing our Name Do ya’ll remember the show “let’s make a deal”? That was kinda fun, seeing who would wind up with the best deal from what they traded. They all traded hoping to get something better in exchange. How many of us try to make a deal with God in much the same more

  • Your Nail

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at various nails we carry in our lives, much like the ones that nailed Jesus to the tree. It can be used on Ash Wed. or maundy Thurs. If used at ash Wed., each participant is given a nail to carry with them throughout lent to remind them

    YOUR NAIL A nail can be an uncomfortable thing to confront. If you are not careful about how you handle it, it might cut or scratch you, or even puncture your skin. Then there would be blood on your hands…as there was blood on our Lord’s hands… as a result of the nail. “His blood be on us and on more

  • God's Calm

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Storms of various kinds come our way in life, some threatening to overwhelm us or capsize our boat, but Jesus wants us to know that he is there and we can trust in in the midst of the storm.

    GOD’S CALM From the beginning, the primordial waters and sea were given great respect. The earth was at one point covered with waters, according to genesis and scientists. God tamed the chaos of the sea somewhat when land was created. God made a boundary for the seas with the land. Still, the more

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Newest Sermon Series

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • A Pastor Tells The Story Of Visiting A Refugee ...

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2009

    A pastor tells the story of visiting a refugee camp at Eglin air force base in the 1970s just after the Vietnam war where he found hundreds of refugees huddled under tents. Some were learning English, some were filling out government forms, some being taught to cook. Children were playing games. In more