  • Scott Mathews

    Contributing sermons since Mar 21, 2004
Scott's church

Adventure Christian Church of North Natomas
Sacramento, California 95835

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  • 3 Hours

    Contributed on May 3, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    A part of the series, "12 Hours." A series on the last 12 hours of Jesus’life leading up to Easter.

    Adventure Christian Church of North Natomas by Scott Mathews 3/4/04 Luke 23:44-56 (p. 734) The Passion of the Christ 2:59:59 HOURS Scene 1: Darkness at Golgotha (v. 44-49). “It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth our” (v. 44). more

  • I Am Not Leaving You

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    Second in the Series "Before Christ" (B.C) A look at Malachi, and what was going on in the heart of God before Immanuel.

    Adventure Christian Church of North Natomas Malachi 2 - 3:1 (p. 665) Series: Before Christ (B.C.) Title: “I Am Not Leaving You” “The memory of any stretch of years eventually resolves to a list of names, and one of the useful ways of recalling the past two millenniums is by listing the more

  • I Have Loved You

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    First in the Series "Before Christ (B.C) A look at Malachi, and what was going on in the heart of God before Immanuel.

    Adventure Christian Church of North Natomas Malachi 1 (p. 664) Series: Before Christ (B.C.) Title: “I Have Loved You” The prevalent system of denoting the years based on an erroneous 6th century calculation of the date of his birth… Before Christ (B.C.). Jesus actual birth is suggested more

  • Loving People One At A Time

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    Third in the series "God Has a Dream." God fulfils our dreams when we love people one at a time.

    Adventure Christian Church of North Natomas Genesis 42:41(p. 26) Series: “God Has A Dream” “Loving People One At A Time” “God has dreams for us, that we ourselves have not imagined” When we I let God love others through us… 1. We get to love those who love us. “the LORD…he more

  • Four Words Away From God's Dream

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Second in the series "God has a dream." Dreams are fulfilled when we realize that we cannot do it, but God can.

    Adventure Christian Church Genesis 42:41(p. 26) Four Words Away From God’s Dream God’s dreams are fulfilled through us when we realize… 1. We cannot do it. “I cannot do it” (v. 41) • Stage One: The LORD takes us into His workshop. For Joseph, it was 4745 days of prison…13 more

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