  • Sebastian D'souza

    Contributing sermons since Jan 6, 2011
Sebastian's church

Church of the Open Door International
, California

About Sebastian
  • Education: MDiv, Alliance Theological Seminary
  • Experience: Missionary in Thailand for 3 years
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I would appreciate your feedback.
  • Family: Married with three children
  • Books that have had an impact: The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness
  • Hobbies: Tennis
  • What I want on my tombstone: Man of faith
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Newest Sermons

  • God Chooses To Bless The World Through Fathers

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2017

    We don't always appreciate the impact of fathers on the world. This message takes Abraham and the words spoken to him as a foundation for what it means to be a father. It's not just about providing for the household.

    On father's day I want to focus on the father of nations. In fact his name means Father of Nations. His name is Abraham. Abraham was just a regular man, but God called him, gave him a purpose, and rewarded him with a great inheritance. We can learn something about the importance of fathers from more

  • The Danger Of Unconfessed Sin

    Contributed on Jun 13, 2017

    We learn from King David's fall with Bathesheba that covering up sin can do more damage than the sin that we are trying to cover up. The best thing is that we come clean. allowing our past to do more damage to our future.

    We first moved into the house we live in 17 years ago. There is a huge pine tree outside which drops sap and pine needles everywhere. I still remember when it was about 10 feet tall. Lately I was thinking, if only I cut it down when it was still small. Now, it's a job that requires professional more