Steve Meenho's church

Evergreen Community Church
Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056

About Steve Meenho
  • Education: B.S. University of IL M. Div. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School D. Min. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • Family: Married with a child
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  • John's Story 3 (God's Love)

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2022

    John was one of the original Twelve Disciples of Jesus. He spent more than three years with Jesus. He realized why Jesus came. And He wrote the reason why Jesus came in his gospel. In John 3:16-17, he said that God sent Jesus into this world to love us. This is why we must celebrate His birth.

    John's Story 3 (God's Love) Christmas Story Part 3 John 3:16-17 Today, we will continue our Advent message series. During this series, we are thinking about the significance of the birth of Jesus that happened over 2,000 years ago. Today, we will think about the fact that Jesus came to more

  • Three Reasons To Thanks God

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2022

    The passage that we read today tells us about three changes that God brings into our lives. It says that we should thank God for these changes that He brings to our lives.

    Three Reasons to Thank God Give Thanks Part 2 John 3:1-15 Today, we are continuing our message series, Give Thanks. As we approach Thanksgiving, we want to prepare our hearts for gratitude toward God. God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God is always holy, just, more

  • Give Thanks To God

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2022

    If we withhold the expression of our gratitude, we create a gap in the relationship. And if it goes on for too long, it actually damages relationships. This is true for any relationship, including our relationship with God.

    Give Thanks to God Give Thanks Part 1 Luke 17:11-19 Today, we are starting a new message series, Give Thanks. As we approach Thanksgiving, we want to prepare our hearts for gratitude toward God. If you know anything about the history of Thanksgiving, you know that it began as a really small more

  • Lose Your Lonliness

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2022

    Loneliness is real. Loneliness is normal. Loneliness is pervasive. Even some very socially connected people can feel deep loneliness at times. Therefore, loneliness is a common problem. It is the painful awareness that we lack meaningful contact with others. So how should we handle our loneliness?

    Lose Your Loneliness Habits of Happiness Part 6 Luke 19:1-10 Steve Meenho Kang Happiness is a choice. If we want to be happy, we must choose to be happy. And today we will talk about the importance of losing our loneliness. We are living in the age of more

  • We Are Not In Control

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2021

    The Netflix drama “Squid Game” became the number one show on Netflix in all 83 countries where Netflix streams. But why is this drama so popular all over the world? One of the reasons is that it reflects the sentiments of the present age.

    We are not in Control! Squid Game Part 4 James 4:13-17 Steve Meenho Kang We are in part four of the sermon series, “Squid Game.” During the last three weeks, we examined some lessons that we can learn from the drama, “Squid Game.” Today, as we finish this series, we more

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