Thomas's church

Unto The Hills Ministries
Jacksonville, Florida 32218

About Thomas
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I love good preaching. There is nothing I like to do more than listen to and read sermons. While I study a lot of different resources but my main source is the Bible. So there is one thing I want to say: I milk a lot of cows but I churn my own butter.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: There were so many but to pick one I would have to say it was Tom Malone at the 1995 Sword of the Lord Conference in Walkertown, NC. He preached on the text about the Rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16. I saw the suffering, felt the flames and knew from that day on God called me to preach the gospel.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Don't hold back. -Bro Walt, head deacon at Heavenly Heights Baptist Church.
  • Books that have had an impact: First, foremost, and above all others the Bible has impacted my life like no other book could have. Other good books that have had a positive influence on me are Tommy Tenny’s “God Chasers” and CH Spuregon’s “Lectures to My Students.” Books that made me go hmmm and think include Donald Miller’s “Blue Like Jazz” and Shane Claiborne’s “The Irresistible Revolution.”
  • What I want on my tombstone: Boy did he look good for 100...
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  • What Does It Mean To Be Saved?

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    I remember when I was taking the bus to work. A young lady walked up to me and asked me if I was saved. Saved from what? Not from people accosting me at the bus station asking me if I was saved! I did assure that God had saved me but what does the word sa

    Introduction What does it mean to be saved? I remember when I was living downtown and I was taking the bus to work. A young lady walked up to me and asked me if I was saved. Saved from what? Not from people accosting me at the bus station on the way to work asking me if I was saved! In reality I more

  • The Gift Of Purpose

    Contributed on Dec 9, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    After all the turkey of thanksgiving and in the rush of getting the gifts and “bargains” of “black Friday” and planning vacations and family get togethers, we can easily lose sight of what is important and the important thing is Jesus Christ.

    INTRODUCTION After all the turkey of thanksgiving and in the rush of getting the gifts and “bargains” of “black Friday” and planning vacations and family get togethers, we can easily lose sight of what is important and the important thing is Jesus Christ, without whom we more

  • Thanksgiving

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Thankfulness should be the hallmark of a Christian. The lack of thankfulness shows a heart in need of mending, instruction, and direction. Paul puts is simply like this: it is God’s will for you to be thankful. So let us examine what it is to be thankful.

    Introduction It is that time of year again. Now I don't believe in preaching to the season, but follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and this time the Spirit is leading me to preach on Thankfulness. Our concept of Thanksgiving comes from the thoughts of first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims more

  • The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    We will be studying a topic that some have twisted so much that many are so afraid to go out on a limb they dare not even climb a tree. This topic: The Baptism of The Holy Spirit. Let’s study just the facts on this controversial topic.

    Introduction OK, so last week we spoke of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Believer, but you noticed some things were missing. There was no mention of the gifts of the Spirit, no mention of the fruit of the Spirit, so what gives? Doesn’t God want us to have these? Of more

  • The Holy Spirit & The Believer

    Contributed on Oct 4, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    As we continue our Sgt. Joe Friday approach of "just the facts" look at the Holy Spirit, we examine what happens when a person is saved and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believer.

    Introduction Last week we saw how the Holy Spirit ministers to the non-believer in convicting them of their wrongs and drawing them to Jesus Christ the only hope of salvation, but what happens then? Does the Holy Spirit stop or does He go further? Emphatically yes! He stays with us and goes much more

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  • Baptized Cucumbers

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    BAPTIZED CUCUMBERS What is this (a cucumber), and what is this (a pickle?) No, it is a baptized Cucumber! A few thoughts on this: 1. When those cucumbers are put in that pickling jar and covered with the pickling juice and sealed, they do not get any more juice, they are heated and stored more

  • Accountability

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2010

    He wanted to get out from out of the sphere of his father’s influence. Think about it, every year we get flooded in Florida for about a week or so every year with a bunch of college students for a thing called “spring break” and these kids go out and get drunk, do drugs, get their groove on, and more

  • We Are Not Born Children Of God Contrary To What ...

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2010

    We are not born children of God contrary to what some teach. That is why I don't call everyone here brother; you may have a different Daddy than I do! (As Jesus said, You are of your father the devil. Cf. John 8:44 and walking in the more

  • Tolerate

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2010

    TOLERATE To tolerate means I can disagree with you while still respecting you. One person is a Republican, another Democrat. We put aside our differences and get along. One person is a (Florida) Gator, another a (FSU) Seminole. We put aside our differences and get more

  • God Does Not Condemn Man But Man Is Condemned ...

    Contributed on May 19, 2010

    God does not condemn man but man is condemned till he is saved. It is like when you download a program from the internet onto your computer. There is a little box that has to be checked that says: Accept Terms. If you do not check it off, you will never be able to download it because you have more