Sermon Illustrations

In 1986 we moved from Kalamazoo to Grand Rapids. Sometime later we wanted those slides and began to look for them. They were nowhere to be found. We looked in every box and closet in our house; we went back to Kalamazoo and looked in every closet in the parsonage and the church; we ran announcements in the bulletin of the church in Kalamazoo to see if anyone had seen them or knew of their whereabouts. Through no fault of their own, the slides were lost. (Maybe you’ve never lost your slides, but think about what you do when you can’t find the TV remote and it’s game time or show time…) The slides were totally unaware of their lostness and were, in fact, completely unable to know it. But they were totally lost nonetheless.

The reality is that there are a lot of people like that – people who never had any feeling about or knowledge of the truth and who, through no real fault of their own, are totally lost.

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