Pentecost Sermon Kit

Sermon Illustrations

comedian shares how that when the airline lost his luggage, he goes to the counter where lost luggage is reported. Now how would you like that job? People come up to the counter and you say. How are you today, Let me guess, you are not happy? Or maybe you angry. Really really angry, Livid.

Anyway, the folks at the counter take your information and tell you they will do all they can to get your luggage to you ASAP and will contact you. Then they give you and small bag the size of a sandwich bag called, an ESSENTIALS kit. Then Brian goes on to say. So, this is an essential kit, I thought what I packed for the trip was my essential kit, but I stand corrected.

Let’s look at our lives? In these tough times folks are beginning to reevaluate. If you are laid off or suffer a cut in pay…you begin to ask, “Do I really need this?” Is Cable essential? Is the Internet Essential? The same could be said of Cell Phones, Extra Vehicles and Play Things. When the rubber hits the road and there is only so much cash, we remember that as long as we have food and shelter and transportation we have all that we need. Not all that we want but what we need. Not everything, but the main thing Then we understand What really is Essential to Life.

If times were as bad as they were in the Depression, you would find like they did that a little cornbread, milk and pinto beans might be all you need.

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