Sermon Illustrations

A family counselor named Jill Manning says, “I can unequivocally tell you pornography, especially Internet pornography with its violent, demeaning, or highly explicit messages, is damaging, not only for youths, but for many adults as well. It has lasting affect on social and sexual attitude and development.”

Statistics in 2006 say there are over 4.2 million porn websites tapped by 68 million Internet searches each day. Over 68 million pornographic emails are sent every day. That does not even count the Chat Rooms and Instant Messages where inappropriate conversations are taking place between strangers. (CP80 Foundation 4/06)

A survey in 2004 showed that 1 out of 2 men admitted a problem with internet pornography. 40% of pastors admitted struggling with it. The same survey showed that women are the fastest growing consumers of it and that the median age of first exposure to porn is 11. ( 7/04)