Sermon Illustrations

1 Kings 19:4b And he prayed that he might die, and said, "It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers!" NKJV

You Are Not Alone

It has been said that there are two things that are certainties in life: death and taxes. Actually, there are more but one that I would definitely add to that list is the blues. Sooner or later, you are going to hit a rough spot; it’s just a question of how hard it will hit, how long it will last and how you deal with it.

Sometimes we end up in a blue or depressed state from our own doing, sometimes it is because we have a propensity toward being depressed (medical or psychological reasons) or sometimes it just comes upon us like a spring storm without warning.

We have a sled riding slope at home that I mowed up all spring, summer and fall just to go sled riding this winter. I think it will be a fun ride. However, once you get to the bottom you then have to make the trip back up. And it is about 200 yards straight up. I have often thought about how much fun it would be to sled ride down it, and I am sure I will in the next few weeks, but the thought of having to lug that sled and my fat old body up that slope just isn’t appealing to me just yet! It is my choice at this time not to enjoy the fun because I know the climb to follow.

It is not an easy path, the Christian path. It is not an easy climb to make it to the top of the mountain, but it is rewarding to be close to God in our actions. However, if we are not careful, in a moment of weak self-centeredness we take the wrong path and end up at the bottom of the hill and have to struggle to get back. But God is faithful to help us do just that. He can and will pick us up when we fall.

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