Sermon Illustrations


How would you rate your self as a Christian on a scale from 1 to 10? Better yet how would your family and friends rate you on the same scale? People see you and I on a different perspective than we do ourselves.

For the people who have Internet, I’m sure have encountered eBay at some point and time. It’s an auction place where you can buy and sell just about anything you can imagine and it's run by ordinary folks just like you and I. If you want to sell something, just put a picture and information on their web site, and a small fee gets whatever your selling in front of millions of people, and the same if you want to buy something. It’s from people just like you and I that want to sell and buy.

When a member of eBay buys or sells something each member has a feedback area in which is filled out when each deal is done. If the buyer or seller didn’t do what they were suppose to or lied about their product then its recorded under their name so everybody can see just how honest he or she really is. People try hard to satisfy whoever they are dealing with because of that feedback against their name from complete strangers. It’s amazing how hard people try to be nice to others and do the right thing when their own name is on the line.

Paul was encouraging the people of Philippi to do the right thing in their faith for Christ

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